Author Topic: where do i go now  (Read 1949 times)

Offline wickedturbo

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i just was tested and im negitive for hepititis c so i would like to get more tests done to see why i have this gland build up on my left pec but dont know what kind of test who to see ect.

i feel tiny gland on my right pec but its very large hard gland build up on my left pec

is there nothing to help this gland tissue but surgery?

Offline wickedturbo

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Offline Paa_Paw

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You mention the presence of enlargement only on the left side. It is not at all unusual to have enlargement on one side only or one side considerably larger than the other.

The problem is your wanting a test to find out why it is there. It is possible that you may never know and it is highly possible that there is nothing at all wrong with you at this time.

One of the most common explanations used for Gynecomastia is the word "Idiopathic." I've heard the word defined as "A medical word that means your guess is as good as mine".

There may have been an event in your past that caused your hormones to be out of balance for a while. Even though the event is no longer there, the effect remains.

All this presumes that your condition has not changed in some time. If your breast enlargement is very recent or even  ongoing, you may need to see an Endocrinologist to find out what is going on.
Grandpa Dan

Offline wickedturbo

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what is an Endocrinologist what should i expect at visit and what do i say when making the appointment


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Endocrinologist is a specialist in hormones.  You'll have blood pulled, they'll call you back with results, depending on the results you might be given testosterone supplements if you have low levels.  I have low testosterone and my next appointment with the endo is May 4th.

Offline wickedturbo

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thanks for that information
what should i say when making the appointment

Offline Paa_Paw

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First, get over the idea that you might surprise or embarrass anyone. Then simply state right out that you want to have your hormones checked because of Gynecomastia. The more open you are from the very beginning, the better will be your treatment.

Offline wickedturbo

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thanks paa paw


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