Author Topic: Body mimics symtoms of KS  (Read 2856 times)

Offline gtg

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Hi all,

I am a male,21 and suffering from gynocomastia since puberty.I have body fat distribution like female.As you can see in the photo,i have hourglass shape body :(After reading about Klinefelter syndrome,i thought i might be effected with it.So,i went for blood hormone test.The test showed i have low testoterone for my age but,lh,fsh and estradiol are normal.Then i went for blood karyotype,it showed me that i am normal XY male.Now my question is,why i have this disfigured body.I lost and gain a lot of weight during my life through starvation and, by eating clean and exercising.Now,i am 73 kg,5'10'' inch which is quite acceptable weight for my height.I don't mind the breasts but the wide waist is killing me.How can i lose it.How bad is my gyno.I am sorry for my bad english. Undecided

Here is my latest blood test report

Total testosterone-235.6ng/dl (241-827)

Free testosterone-9.3pg/ml (5.5-42)

LH-4.15mlU/ml (1.5-9.3)

FSH-3.18mlU/ml (1.4-18.1)

Estradiol-7.0 (11.6-41.2)

LH/FSH ratio-1.418 (0.0-5.0)

My pics


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Just lose weight naturally ... Youve got a belly & lovehandles ... WOW? who cares, loads of guys are like that. Nothing the gym can't fix.

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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You do not have a female type body.  Rather you have collected excess fat in the typical male distribution -- on the chest, abdomen and love handles.  Losing weight will help -- it is a good first step.  But do not be surprised if you only see some little changes in those troublesome areas.  Unfortunately, your body doesn't listen to your mind and target just the areas you wish to lose.  The weight gained in those troublesome areas is often the last to be lost.

Surgery for gyne and lipo of the abdomen and hip rolls can be of help (I call this combined procedure a Torsoplasty) but it is best done when you are at your best and most comfortable weight.  You can read about Torsoplasty and see some examples (in the photo gallery) on my website,

Best of luck!

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline Paa_Paw

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I agree with what has previously been said.

I see no sign of KS at all, nor do I see any hint of female fat distribution.

You look quite normal though a bit overweight. (In my family, Gynecomastia is Normal too.)
Grandpa Dan


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I agree with comments about your Male Body Fat Distribution

Klinefelter's Syndrome involves much more and can come in many different body shapes.

Weight Loss Before Gynecomastia Surgery can make a major impact on the fat.  Additionally, patients tell me that they just feel better getting that extra weight off of their bodies!

No Surgery Body Shaping Garments are a temporizing contouring solution why losing weight that many patients have told me helped emotionally why they were working on their global fat issues.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction

Offline gtg

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Will combining weight training with cardio help me to lose wait around my waist.

Offline tunapuff

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combine the weights + cardio + a strict diet and you should be good to go.

Offline gtg

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This was me in july 08 last year.i have lost 13 kg since then


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You don't look bad at all, and I personally am always against plastic surgery except in the case of gyne, if you can run it out, do it.  A great way to lose weight in that area is use ALOT of jump rope.  it kills your abs if you do enough plus its great cardio.  Also if you don't want the love handles or the tummy start doing crunches and side crunches. Lay on your side and try to raise your upper body off the ground using only your ab muscles.  Plus pack on some muscle in every area.  Your body works harder to maintain the muscle and you'll likely lose weight just by having muscle.


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