Author Topic: Why are so many people left with gynecomastia after surgery?  (Read 4614 times)

Offline needtofixg

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I was wondering why so many men are left with gynecomastia after surgery even from experienced surgeons ?

When you look at some of the before and after pictures, sometimes it looks like a 10-40% reduction in the gynecomastia but it clearly still remains.

Is it difficult for a doctor to tell how much gynecomastia is left during surgery because.

1. You are not standing up so the fat is not handing down and sticking out but rather being compressed against your chest due to gravity and your position of laying down on the table.

2. Perhaps Lipo is difficult if from a remote location

3. Perhaps if using the older type of lipoduction instead of Smart lipo mx or power assisted lipo, etc.. It may be a lot of physical work for the doctor to remote the fat?

I am just throwing out ideas here but hopefully someone might be able to explain why some guys are left with so much gyno after surgery.



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I was wondering why so many men are left with gynecomastia after surgery even from experienced surgeons ?

When you look at some of the before and after pictures, sometimes it looks like a 10-40% reduction in the gynecomastia but it clearly still remains.

Is it difficult for a doctor to tell how much gynecomastia is left during surgery because.

1. You are not standing up so the fat is not handing down and sticking out but rather being compressed against your chest due to gravity and your position of laying down on the table.

2. Perhaps Lipo is difficult if from a remote location

3. Perhaps if using the older type of lipoduction instead of Smart lipo mx or power assisted lipo, etc.. It may be a lot of physical work for the doctor to remote the fat?

I am just throwing out ideas here but hopefully someone might be able to explain why some guys are left with so much gyno after surgery.


Actually it is quite rare for one of my patients to complain that they have residual gynecomastia.  However, Plastic Surgery is not an alternative to losing weight.  An overweight or obese individual will still have the contours of being overweight.

Liposuction from a remote location is actually less work but involves a second incision on each side if gland needs to be removed.  The maintained vacuum improves and quickens fat removal.  Performing liposuction from the same incision as gland removal takes additional skill, technique, and time.  Remote incision can also result in injury to tissues not needing sculpture in getting to where contouring is needed.

This surgery is an art form.  That is why picking your surgical sculptor is so critical.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia

Offline MyName

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My gyne started to return after about a year. Along with a void or indentation where the doc lipo'd me to the left of my left nip and barely visible on the right.. Shortly after my surgery when i went in for a follow-up visit my doc noticed that there was still more tissue under the left nip than should have been. He gave me a few shots in the nipple (can't remember the name of the stuff) and said this would break down the buildup of grandular tissue. It did temporarily, but overall I am not happy with the results.

Offline marffeus

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My gyne started to return after about a year. Along with a void or indentation where the doc lipo'd me to the left of my left nip and barely visible on the right.. Shortly after my surgery when i went in for a follow-up visit my doc noticed that there was still more tissue under the left nip than should have been. He gave me a few shots in the nipple (can't remember the name of the stuff) and said this would break down the buildup of grandular tissue. It did temporarily, but overall I am not happy with the results.

Who was your surgeon?

Offline MyName

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He is located in upscale Manhattan neighborhood. I don't want to let you know his name...I am sure he must have good results with others, just not me.

Offline mrpower33

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My advice, make sure you go with an experienced surgeon and don't sweat about the money.  There are probably only a handful of surgeon's out there that can ensure a good result when it comes to gyne surgery.  Why gamble with your body? 

Offline Paa_Paw

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Modern surgical techniques are quite effective and few people have problems. Those who have had successful outcomes (with only a few notable exceptions) lose interest in a site like this and we do not hear from them. The relatively small number of people who are less than thrilled with the outcome of their surgery are here and they can be rather vocal with good cause.

Even further, we are all individuals and we all heal a bit differently.

Lastly, a cautious surgeon may sometimes not remove all the tissue you might want. This may result in a second procedure to refine things a bit. This is obviously preferable to removing too much and risk causing a crater deformity.

The swelling after surgery may take some time to diminish. It is not unusual to hear from someone, who is not happy with the result of their surgery, who were well pleased after waiting a few months for everything to normalize.

As previously noted, this is not a place where you want to save a few coins by using a surgeon with lesser qualifications.
Grandpa Dan

Offline kingboob

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I think many surgeons are quite rightly cautious.  Removing too much and ending up with huge craters and skin tethered to muscle / scar tissue is not good.    Doctors may also be concerned about removing too much fat from an overweight patient and making them look out of proportion.

Also, from what I have seen & read on the internet, many docs seem to think liposuction can remove gland tissue.... but most experienced gynecomastia surgeons seem to agree that the gland has to be cut out or chopped up & sucked out using more advanced techniques.

Finally I think some people (after years of living with breasts) literally want a chest as flat as a board, which is just as unnatural as having boobs!   

I think choosing the right doctor and  having good communication is the key to success.

Offline Spleen

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Honesty I think many of the guys who participate on this forum have bigger issues than gynecomastia.  Some people will never be satisfied with the results of surgery and will swear they have gyne, it came back, etc.  Most of it, I think, is unrealistic expectations.

Offline mrpower33

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