Author Topic: hormone level  (Read 1518 times)

Offline underfire

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hi ...i'm 21 years old and i think i have gynecomastia..went to a doctor and asked me to do a testosterone and prolactin level test.
i got 7.06 ng/ml for testosterone.
       11.94 ng/ml for prolactin.

is that considered normal ...i think the prolactin might be slightly elevated..i'd like a doctors opnion on that.

Offline Paa_Paw

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The usual normal level of prolactin is anything less than 20ng/ml. Your particular lab may have results that average more or less than that so you would want their reference levels.

Prolactin level varies greatly over the course of a day, so the timing of the test could have a significant impact upon the result.

Problems usually result in levels that are far from borderline or "slightly elevated." A prolactinoma could raise the level well into the hundreds for example.

It should always be remembered that none of the hormones work alone. One analogy I like is to compare a solo instrumental performance to a full orchestra. The hormones work together in concert. The individual values are less important than how they relate to one another.

Interpreting the results of hormonal tests can be a very complex matter, best left to an Endocrinologist.

Do not put too much stock in what I have said or what you may get from anyone else. this is an area where you will need to trust your Doctor.
Grandpa Dan


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