Author Topic: Just had surgery in Las Vegas  (Read 3468 times)

Offline FreeinVegas

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Long time reader, first time poster here.

I'm 29 years old and have had signs of gyne since I was in grade 5 - 6.  I've been pretty slender my whole life, but always had the extra tissue, even when I graduated high school - I was 6-0, 140lbs. 

I'm pretty fortunate in that my gyne hasn't really made my social life suffer.  But, I'm in a place in life right now that I could easily afford the surgery and I was just tired of being reluctant to take my shirt off in public or wear shirts that are tight in any way.  So, I made the call and set it up.  I've been working out pretty seriously for almost a year now too (heavy lifting).  I've always been pretty active, but never worked toward putting on extra muscle tone.  While I was seeing definition in my chest, it seemed the muscle growth was making my breasts even more noticeable.  They were also beginning to get sensitive as my shirts were filling out more and they were rubbing.

My procedure was performed by Dr. Arthur Cambeiro in Las Vegas, NV (Henderson to be exact).  If anyone in the area is considering the procedure, his site is  He has a great reputation.

I went to my pre-op appt expecting him to tell me that we'd do the lipo and excision because I just felt that I didn't have much fat - that it was mostly breast tissue.  When he examined me, he said that he could do the excision, but felt I would get a good result with just the plain lipo and another type of lipo.  The name of it is escaping me now, but it involves a shaving device to remove the fibrous tissue in order to avoid making an incision around the areola.  He said that he could remove 60 - 80 percent of the tissue and he preferred to do this so that there is no risk of ending up with a concave spot on the chest.  If I'm not satisfied w/ the procedure, then he can go in and do the excision.

Needless to say, I was happy to know that I would just be getting lipo. 

So I went to the surgery center yesterday.  The staff were all great.  The surgery started around noon and I was done by 2pm.  Right now I'm wearing the dressings and a black binder vest.  After the surgery, I was pretty uncomfortable and my arms were throbbing (I guess from the anesthesia), but after I took some pain meds, the discomfort went away within 2 - 3 hrs.  I haven't needed the nausea medicine, so I've just been taking the pain meds and antibiotics.

I haven't removed the vest yet, but I can already tell a difference in my chest.  I've had a little bit of drainage from the lipo holes, but that's normal. 

I don't have any pics to post, but I wanted to share the experience if anyone in Vegas or surrounding areas is considering the procedure.  Obviously the recovery is not a lot of fun, but I feel fine not even 24 hours later and I'm so glad I did it.  The overall cost of the surgery was $5k.  It would be 6k if someone wanted the excision of tissue on top of the lipo.  So far, I highly recommend Dr. Cambeiro and his associates.  When I went to pre-register at the surgery center, the receptionist offered to me that Dr. Cambeiro does excellent work and people are always happy with their results.  I didn't even ask her about him, so that made me feel even better about deciding to work with him on this.

Offline bling

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Hey congrats man you will feel so different now

Offline FreeinVegas

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Just thought I'd do a little blogging here, since I don't have a real blog. :)

Had my surgery last Friday (5/1) - plain lipo and ultrasonic lipo, no excision.  The first 3 - 4 post-op hours were pretty painful and my arms were cramped up from the anesthesia.  After the hydrocodone's kicked in though, it was fine.  I was fortunate to never need the nausea meds and I quit taking the pain pills on Saturday night.  I removed the original dressings on Saturday evening also and replaced them myself.  Even took in a movie that night. 

Yesterday, I had my first follow up appt.  The PS said the procedure went great and my results were within normal limits so far.  I'm still really swollen and I have some pretty extensive bruising, especially around the incisions on my sides that were used for the ultrasonic tool.  Those side incisions are around 1/2" long while the incisions in the lower center of my chest are about 1/4" long each.  The front holes are almost healed already but the side ones are pretty tender still and draining just a little.

I was cleared to take showers and now I just have to tend to the bandaids on my surgical sites with neosporin.  It certainly makes the compression vest feel a lot better without bulky bandages under it.  My next appt. is on 5/27 and I'm to continue wearing this compression vest until then.  I was dreading that, but honestly, as I get better and the swelling goes down, it's getting to be more comfortable.  Or, maybe I'm just getting used to wearing it.

The PS said it's a normal part of healing, but I've been having these tingling and chills sensations in my chest.  I won't say it's often or uncomfortable, but it happens occasionally.  There's a little numbness around the areolas too that seems to be going away a little each day.

While my chest is certainly flatter right now, I can't really say that it looks better yet.  The remnants of the procedure and slight discomfort are still present and I'm trying to take it easy.   It's just a matter of waiting till my skin tightens up to see the real results. 
« Last Edit: May 07, 2009, 03:06:33 AM by FreeinVegas »

Offline dondante

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Hey man, first off, congrats on the surgery. I can't stress this enough, try to reserve judgment on your results for awhile. Relax and let you body body heal, I'm sure you will be fine.


Offline FreeinVegas

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Hey man, first off, congrats on the surgery. I can't stress this enough, try to reserve judgment on your results for awhile. Relax and let you body body heal, I'm sure you will be fine.


Thanks very much.  And don't get me wrong.  I didn't mean to come off as though I'm bummed or displeased so far.  I certainly know it take a long time for the body to heal after this, but every day is getting easier for sure.

Offline Needsomeadvice

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Do you feel a lingering burning sensation from the ultrasonic liposuction?

Many doctors seem to be split on the ultrasonic method.

Please let me know ok?



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