Author Topic: New To Gynecomastia  (Read 1487 times)

Offline GYM18

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Im 18 and i have had gynecomastia for a while. its strange but i dont exactly remember when i got it because i guess i just never noticed....until about a year ago. at first i thought it would just go away and put it off, I only have the puffy nipples and a little fat behind them so its not that bad I think, but its just so annoying now. i work out, swim, and i do martial arts regularly,and im about 70 kilos so its definetely not because im overweight, or anything. its just so frustrating sometimes when i get done with excercising and look at myself in the mirror to always see that area of my body as...different. i have a lean physique and im pretty muscular and to have these two fatty,puffy nipples, is just so frustrating because its so obvious that they just dont belong. i get more and more anxious everytime I have to take my shirt off when im not running or swiming because for some reason when i sweat and excercise the puffiness goes away.
     I finally got myself today to research it on the internet because im so tired of it. i have a new girlfriend and whenever she says you have such a good body, why do you think your ugly and fat?, i always think....yeah just wait till i take my shirt off, that will make you change your mind. I have huge respect for other men living with this, sometimes for me it feels like a real curse... Im planning on talking to my mom about it tonight then hopefully going to a doctors sometime in the near future. But from what ive seen on the internet so far it looks like its going to be a while before i can get enough money to do anything about this. I live in Hungary, and from what ive seen on the internet, it would cost about 410,000 HUF which is about 2010 US dollars for surgery. I would appreciate any responses from anyone or advice on how to cope with this. Is there any possibility that this could go away on its own?

Offline Paa_Paw

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It is possible that you have had it for some time and that you are only recently aware of it. But it is also remotely possible that it has developed recently.

If it has been in stable condition for a couple of years, the only way to get rid of it is surgery. But if it of recent onset and you are otherwise healthy there is at least a chance that it will resolve without treatment so you would be best to wait a year or so and see what happens.

Meanwhile a trip to the Dr. for an overall check-up would be a good idea. Gynecomastia is usually quite harmless, but in rare cases it could be a symptom of serious problems.
Grandpa Dan


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