Thanks guys yeah, Im not sure if anyone notices them. One girl did notice them once, a good friend of mine actually, jokingly grabbed them and said you have bigger breasts than me, really screwed mt up for abit. I feel people dont notice it as a dress to hide it (shirts with the top 2 buttons undone works a treat) and the case is mild compared to what I've seen, the nipple doesn't actually stick out much really but the tissue is all over kinda.
I think the case isn't helped as I have really skinny shoulders, so I will hit the gym this summer and see if their apperence in relation to my body gets better, if not I guess I'll have to tell my parents. Although I really don't want anyone else to know, brothers, cousins etc. I really feel it holds me back though I cannot even think of starting a relationship with a girl knowing I will have to show them. I really feel it affects me loads.
One more question: What is the scarring like? Is it unoticable once the healing is done? Or will there always be a mark? I have really pale skin, would this affect the appearance?