Author Topic: Are there pills?  (Read 2034 times)

Offline AScottC

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Hello, I have had gynecosmastia most of my life and I'm 16. If they have pills that "dissolve" excess body fat, do those pills target the breasts as well? Or are there pills that would help gynecomastia? I'm sure this question has been asked before but I could not find it under searching.


Offline i_dont_know

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It depends what you've got. Sometimes people mistake fat for gynecomastia and they're simply out of shape or overweight. Fat can be lost and dissolved by dieting and exercising. However, if you have firm glandular tissue underneath the nipples, it can become a permanent fixture and will not resolve from taking any pill.

Since you are only 16, though.. there is still a chance that the glandular tissue will go away on its own once your hormone levels balance themselves back out.

If not, the only way to remove it effectively is through surgery.

Offline Paa_Paw

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There are many kinds of pills and capsules sold that claim to get rid of Gynecomastia.

They do not work.

If it was that easy, we would not be here.
Grandpa Dan

Offline losernumber1

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