Author Topic: I Need Help- Please!!  (Read 2018 times)

Offline erez15

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Ok guys, so here's the deal.  (I need Advice)
I'm 15 years old and I have Gynecomastia for about a year now, not big thought.
the chest itself looks fine, but the nipples are puffy and stick out of the shirt.
the puffy area is very soft, and under that I can feel a round tissue.
I'm tall, in shape (always been), have alot of mussles and allmost no fat, I have allways been an athlete.

I haven't told anyone about this yet.

I'm at the end of 9'th grade, and soon going to hight school.
at the end of the year (in a month from now) the school have arranged us some "fun" activities.
at the evening there's the school's ending ceremony, I'm not in it but everybody has to be there.
Stright after the ceremony (about 11:00 at night) we all go to the pool.
in the pool's area there is a party with all the students and their parents, afterwards of-course the student's get into the pool.

Then, 2 days later, we all go to the Waterpark for all day (It can't get any worst :-[)
and then 2 days later we get our certificate and we end school.

now, I don't think I have to explain my motives why not to go.. :)
I'm realy ashamed with my situation.

Please guys! I don't know what to do!! I thought about pretending to be ill but I have never done nor wanted to do that.
My parents have allready paid for these things
and there's no way I let myself to become a joke.

Please!- I need your advice! what should I do??


Offline thetodd

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i think hes WAY you young to be considering surgery, hes still growing at his hormones are still raging

Your very lucky that youve recognised your gyne at such an early stage, get down to your doctor and ask if you can have a course of anti estrogen drugs to try and get rid of the gland. Im not sure how affective they are against puffy nipples etc put i presume its just a gland?

If your really worried about getting taken the mick out of on your end of year. Just dont go say your ill ... But i will warn you i done this for most of my childhood and i regret missing out on what were the best days of my life. If youve just got puffy nipples then forget it jump in your pool with your friends and have a good time!

If anyone does mention it (unlikley) then just shrug it off. It took me many years to have the confidence to do this but i did do it when i was 18+ and i had a moderate case of gyne, and a large amount of fat. And i just took the odd insult and let it go over my head

There will be kids in your grade having the same concerns as you about their body image, and prob some lads with gyne aswell. Go and see your doctor and see if theres anything they can do with medication (mention Tamoxifen/Cabergoline/Letzerole)

If that isnt an option save for surgery and have it in your late teens.

good luck!
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline Dave_8

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You can either say you have a headache and stay home so that your parents won't check your temp, or just go swimming. I dont know whats going through your head with the puffy nips and all but I see so much people around with puffy nips that no one ever cares, ever. My friend wears tank tops in class to piss off the teacher and his nips are puffed out! But no one cares because its just nipples. Now breast, which I fuckin have, sucks and is almost impossible to go out with just a shirt on, let alone swimming. So not that I'm tryin to bring you down or anything, what I'm trying to get at is that dont let puffy nips get in the way of a once in a life opportunity, and just go swimming. And if someone makes fun of you, just shrug it off and make fun of their flaws.
If you have gyne, dont expect not be laughed at.

Just like if you walk into a locker room, you're gonna see some hairy asses and dicks.

Unfortunately for me, both have occured in my life way too many times.

Offline Paa_Paw

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I doubt if your condition will even be noticed.

Within your age group slight enlargement of the nipple is very common.

If you go with the idea in mind that you will be a victim, it will prove to be a self fulfilling prophesy.

You do not have to volunteer to be a victim though. If some idiot teases, tease right back. If you do not make a good victim, the idiots will find someone else to harass.
Grandpa Dan

Offline headheldhigh01

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  • destined to stand on a beach shirtless
all those are factors, so it boils down to this.  you probably won't get an op before then.  you either decide you can shrug it off if someone says anything, or you're willing to skip it altogether, or you attend with an excuse for not going in.  

part of me would almost to get creative and get a plaster cast put on my wrist (as if it were broken) that i visibly couldn't go in the water with; you wouldn't hurt yourself for real, just got to find the doc who'd put one on for you  ;)  
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline erez15

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I realy thank you all for shearing things and trying to help me, your comments made me feel much much better!!

I think that this will be my plan, tell me what do you think and weather it will work:

I will come to the ceremony, and I will go to the party regulary.
before I will get into the water I will make sure I have a seat that's close to the pool and my towel is on the seat.
before taking of the shirt I will pinch my nipples with my hands under the shirt, this pinch can make it look dissapeared for about 30-60 seconds.
in this time, I will get into the water.
Then before getting out of the water I will pinch my nipples again, under the water, and in these 30-60 seconds I will "make a run" back to the seat, and I will put my towel back on before my nipple return bulged out again,

then, when I'll return home, I'll start to "get sick" and I'll drag it until the waterpark thing is over.
I'll do this because I can't be an entire day without a shirt in a water park, standing in lines and stuff....

SO, do you think I can "survive" these days with this plan?


Offline Paa_Paw

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I think you would do better by trying to ignore the condition.

In my experience, the more you try to hide something the more you make it obvious.

Offline Dave_8

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Erez, goodluck. It's great how you have everything planned out. It's so depressing how some guys with gyne have to spend hours just planning on ways to avoid situations involving your shirt off. I know I have. Well if you do decide to take your shirt off at the water park, then good for you, but if you decide to go with your plan, I also say good for you. Good luck.


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