Author Topic: Flax Seed Oil + Fasted AM Cardio  (Read 33463 times)

Offline propitcher

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I have been lurking around these boards for about a year now. I have had a somewhat mild case of gynecomastia ever since I could remember. I have always been an athlete (football & baseball) but have suffered from the traumas of having this dillema. I am now 17 and a junior in high school. It has a affected me greatly. It dictates what t-shirts I am allowed to wear, how I feel about myself, taking my shirt off any front of others/loved ones, going to the pool or beach. Everyone wants to look good, and I just feel I dont by having gynecomastia. My parents know I am upset. They took me to see two doctors with our medical insurance (Kaiser). Both doctors basically ignored my concern/the problem and told me to wait till im like 23? and done with puberty to see if it goes away or not. That is six EFFING years of my life!!! Probably some of the most important!!!

A few months ago I dediced I wanted to lose weight and get down to a certain body fat percentage. Keep in mind I was 6'3 215lbs. That is nothing to be a shamed of when you are avidly working out at the gym and gaining muscle. But I had certain fatty areas around my body that I wanted to go.

I started dieting, cutting calories, doing morning cardio... etc. A good site for fitness info is - he has his own cool success story, but the forums there are very supportive and alot of people in the same bind of losing weight.  I was on and off   a diet/workout plan for about a month and managed to lose about 5lbs. Then the next month I decided to get serious - I went to and hired Christ as my trainer/fitness guru. He gave me a full workout routine and a key diet to fit it, maintaining muscle and losing weight/becoming cut at the same time.

This is only my second week on his program, but I am now down 197lbs after stopping creatine (-5 lbs or so water weight), and plain out burning fat! I am able to lift weights too for some muscle gain with his program too.

Anyways, I noticed something very peculiar... while losing a ton of fat off my stomach , and around my overall body, I was also losing fat off my chest. I still had the big pointy nippes, but the fat was coming down to a more concentrated area. Instead of fat being layered on my overall chest, now it is just down to the gynecomastia area behind my nipples.

Another strange thing.... the actual gynecomastia has been getting smaller, is becoming softer, and some of it disappearing. I tried to think, how could this be ? Only since I have been on this program has this been happening. Last night I was looking around these boards.... I noticed a thread pertaining to flax seed oil. I saw that someone was taking it to see if it would help their gynecomstia because they hear it would. I searched some on the internet and found that reports show that flax seed oil can help gynecomstia go away. Well you know what, the program I went on requires a certain amount of flax seed oil each day, because it is a heart healthy oil, helps to burn fat, but coincidentally also has an anti-estrogen. I believe this is the reason my gynecomstia is subsiding.... dont get me wrong, the gland is still there.... but its just starting to disappear. I take flax everyday and will keep doing so, to see if this completely resolves my gynecomstia. Without as much gland, and it so fatty.... I am doing fasted morning AM cardio, which is the best time to burn fat. I have already lost a considerable amount of fat off my chest, and I am going to keep doing so, as the fat will start to go, from where my gyno is.

These are basically just some thoughts, and my experience so far. If anyone would like to contribute and or ask questions. I will update from time to time with progress. Maybe surgery is not the only way to get rid of this problem :)


Offline propitcher

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It has been one day since my post yesterday. The gland is a tiny bit smaller, softer, and broken up a little more. I did my fasted am cardio this morning, it is key to fat loss... my family told me that have noticed a huge difference in my chest.

I am a kid who thought surgery can only get rid of it. If you have the will/motivation, get yourself in shape... start burning fat... and I am telling you flax see oil works! It has anti-estrogen. You will notice a difference !

Offline Boobs

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what is a fasted am cardio?

Offline propitcher

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It is better to do cardio when you have not eaten. So to do so in the morning before breakfast is the best! You will burn more fat, and less carbohydrates, because you have not eaten yet. Also, if you take some fat burners, like caffeine (green tea), taurine, or l-cartinine, it gets you in a better fat burning zone. A half hour later go on a walk for 45 min. Then when you come home have a fat/protein offering 20 min later. You will start to see good results if you can keep this up every morning. Then take flax seed oil during parts of your meals. Maybe like me, you will see the anti-estrogen at effect and watch your gyno get smaller and start to disappear... leaving only fat on your chest which you can now get rid of with the fasted am cardio.

Offline Boobs

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I run cross/country track so I'm pretty accustomed to hardcore cardio, but I just recently started taking flaxseed (not oil), about 3 tblspoons a day a week ago. Plus I'm taking zinc everyday. I am thinking about getting some turmeric too. I hope to see some results.

Offline propitcher

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Yesterday, I took 45g of flax seed oil, today I woke up and noticed another big change. Less of the gland is there. It is disappearing SO FAST!!!!

I am gonna go to my cardio, gonna lose more fat from around my body/chest.

This is really working.

Offline Boobs

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45g? good crap. I hope there's no way to overdose on it. lol.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2005, 07:54:55 AM by Boobs »

Offline propitcher

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it's 45 g throughout the day - I have a special diet with my meals planned out to the gram, it is my source of fat in 3 of my meals.... it comes out to 45 g when the day is done. 50 g a day is ideal when coming to getting rid of gynecomastia... mine is disappearing really fast.

Offline jc71

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Propitcher. I'm happy that it seems to be working for you.  I agree Surgery should only be considered a final option, not the first option.  Everyone is different and you're not the first to appear to have luck with this product, however the overwhelming majority who try this doesn't work at all and those are the ones who, after exhausting all of their resources, choose surgery.  I too have much better fat burning results when doing cardio in the am, most of my body just burns off the fat when doing it that way, but it does very little for my chest. I could gain and then loose 60 pounds and my chest will look the same although the rest of my body will look better.  :)  Hopefully you can avoid surgery, if not, it's the way to go if you want to get rid of gyne.  I'm having good success working with the people at  They have developed a fitness and nutrition program for me that i'm pretty happy with.  Continued success to you.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2005, 10:59:06 AM by jc71 »

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Offline GynoVict1m

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It was me who was experimenting with it.

I was taking 2000MG a day (WAY too much). and I knew it wasn't good for me, so i stopped.

Offline Boobs

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I started taking turmeric today as well as flax seed and zinc

Offline xJamesx

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can you take flax seed without doing exercise? or is it just like eating fat and not burning it off. cos i know its got fat in it. is it a different type of fat though?

Offline metsn2005

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what about flax seed cereal. my parents are vegetarian and they eat that sometimes I think. would that help?

Offline Boobs

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I eat flaxseed cereal + flaxseed added to it. I think eating just flaxseed cereal by itself wouldn't be too great since it doesn't have very much in it (unless it's like pure flaxseed).


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