Author Topic: Incomplete Profiles?  (Read 3637 times)

Offline chaps69

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How come guys on here don't complete their profiles?  It would be interesting to know how old people are & where in the world people are writing from.

Offline Jake

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Sometimes they just want to ask a quick question.  Sometimes they're just lazy.  Other times it could just be for anonymity.
Age: 19
Had gynecomastia since age 12.
Surgery performed on July 18, 2008 by
Dr. Jeffrey Wagner in Indianapolis, IN.
(Excision and Liposuction)

"The heart moves on while the mind remembers."

Offline Gyno-more

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Fixed it for ya.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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You have a good point dude....

It's just a part of the ability to remain anonymous on the Net.

Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline chaps69

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I understand people want to be annonomous (sp?) but we are all here with the same problems, I thought this site is supposed to be an information / support system.   

Offline pr0digy

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I guess because there's a chance (although a very, very small one) of somebody you know coming across this forum and finding out who you are.
Had gyno for the best part of 8 (awful) years
Surgery on Monday 20th July. Never felt so happy in my life!

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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It's also a case of wanting to have the 'upper hand' over others. "Hehe, I'm not going to tell them anything about me." Sort of thing...

Yeah, some people are like that...  Sad really!



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I guess because there's a chance (although a very, very small one) of somebody you know coming across this forum and finding out who you are.
Thats one of my reasons aswell.

& Anonymity.

Do you really want to tell people who you are ... this ain't a car forum were your sharing a passion. We are here bloody discussing a defect on our bodies, which quite frankly regardless of most people being okay with discussing it, is something that should be best kept anonymous.

But fair play to all the guys that show their faces in the pics and so forth.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2009, 01:43:39 AM by GynO_DuDe »

Offline chaps69

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Do you really want to tell people who you are ... this ain't a car forum were your sharing a passion. We are here bloody discussing a dirty little defect on our bodies, which quite frankly regardless of most people being okay with discussing it, is something that should be best kept anonymous.

Wow GynO_DuDe, you sound very angry.  Did you already have the surgery, was it a success?  If so, sounds like you still need to work through your feelings.  No where in your profile does it ask you for your name,  address or phone number.  You would have to live in a freakishly small town for anyone to figure out how "you" were.

I asked my doctor if he had heard of this site and he hadn't.  He wrote it down so he would be able to give the info to other guys with our "dirty little defect".  I reasearched Gyencomastia to death and not once came across this site. 

Offline chaps69

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To all:

I guess when I wrote my original post, my heart went out to to those who are/were where I was about 20 years ago.  I was alone in this thinking I was a freak of nature, I even moved to a bigger city thinking I would belong, that wasn't the case.  It goes back to being in jr high thinking I was the only guy in school having breasts, gawd, I'm a freak.  BUT IF I knew that there were other guys living in my town of 45K, that had been going through what I was...hey, maybe I'm not a freak after all.  Maybe then I can discount the thoughts of taking my life cause I'm a freak and maybe feeling that "I'm not normal" but I'll be OK.

I have been so more accepting of this whole curse since I've found this site, surgery June 22.  See "My Stories", that I have a sense of being impowered about this.  This site is a chat/info/self help board, there is little to no personal info to join and chat.  The die hard jock dudes aren't going to waist their time looking for chat boards for guys with bitch breasts to tease at school.  I have vented enough...but I think some guys on here need to know it's time to grow up and be a man.

Sorry if this offends anyone, that is not my goal.  I am so greatful for this site and feel for all the guys that have to go through this unwanted BS in thier lives.

I wish I could help someone with my one was there for me!!!!



Offline Grandpa Bambu

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You are right there dude....  Nobody is gonna know who you are by stating your age and 'general' location...  ;)


Offline chaps69

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Thanks Bambu,, I've worked on Brampton for 4 years...still don't know who you are.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Do you really want to tell people who you are ... this ain't a car forum were your sharing a passion. We are here bloody discussing a dirty little defect on our bodies, which quite frankly regardless of most people being okay with discussing it, is something that should be best kept anonymous.

Wow GynO_DuDe, you sound very angry.  Did you already have the surgery, was it a success?  If so, sounds like you still need to work through your feelings.  No where in your profile does it ask you for your name,  address or phone number.  You would have to live in a freakishly small town for anyone to figure out how "you" were.

I asked my doctor if he had heard of this site and he hadn't.  He wrote it down so he would be able to give the info to other guys with our "dirty little defect".  I reasearched Gyencomastia to death and not once came across this site.  

Sorry mate ... all im saying is ... don't expect people on this forum to give out detailed info about themselves (apologies if you were just expecting a 'town & age'). Fact of the matter is, were discussing a VERY embarassing topic ... some may not find it embarassing, but I sure do, and I sincerely hope none of my mates/family ever find out that I was a active member of a 'gynecomastia' forum (even though my intention is to help other sufferers).

To cut a long story short, its a touchy subject. I wasn't intentionally being rude, so apologies for the bitterness.

And yes ive had surgery & yes it was a success all thanks to the people on this forum or I would have never had the balls to go private and find a suitable surgeon.

Offline chaps69

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Good for you GynO_DuDe,

Glad to hear that yours was a sucessful one.  I hear what you are saying and I hope we all can help others on this site.  This is a curse that really affects us all to our cores, and your right it's very embarassing.

Cheers to everyone who has had the surgery or have used this site to feel somewhat normal.



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