Author Topic: Newbie With Major Issues  (Read 3695 times)

Offline razor

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I have had large breasts my entire life. I had lost about 80LBS once and they were smaller but still there. Presently I am 5/11 240lbs. I am on a massive low carb diet and I am down 4lbs already. However what should I do about my breasts. I NEVER take my shirt off anymore and always watch the cloths I wear, I hate them :( :(
« Last Edit: June 07, 2005, 12:34:02 PM by razor »

Offline NoMoreBoobies

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If they are still there even when you lose weight, then it is probably tissue and it needs to be removed by surgery

Offline razor

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I must say they do get smaller when I loose weight, however not like a normal man. This you think I could just get liposuction in my breast area ???

Offline usernameX

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No, you will need the gland itself to be removed along with whatever fat is left in the chest. Losing weight definitly helps hide gyno but it wont go away without surgery.
Had surgery with Dr. J.C. Fielding on August 2nd.

Offline usernameX

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Honestly, it looks like you might need a reduction to take away some of the tissue.

Isnt that what the surgery is all about? ???

Offline Blarneystoner

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you really need the surgery
Please, Jesus, make my gyne go away!

Offline Spleen

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Endo first, good advice.  Work on losing body fat.  Low-carb diets can be very effective, but they're hard to sustain.  You should exercise too.  Even if you lose weight and have surgery you may be dealing with a lot of loose skin given the size & shape of your chest.  That can be really tough to resolve.  Work on the diet & exercise thing first & go from there.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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You gotta loose about 70 lbs. or so first, then go from there. It will be tough, but you can do it! Get regular exercise and eat a sensible diet. Don't cut too many carbs there Dude. Carbs are the body's fuel. You need a correctly proportioned combination of protein, carbs, fruits, veggies and water. Stay away from, or limit your consumption of: sugar, white bread, candy, alcohol, pop, potato chips.... I'm sure you know what is 'good' and what is 'bad' for you, as we all do.

As mentioned, you may want to see an Endocrinologist first to see if there is an underlaying hormonal problem. Then set up a consultation with a Plastic Surgeon that is experienced with Gyne removal. Make sure that you do your home work on the PS that you choose.


Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline Paa_Paw

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Some of the guys here will debate the issue of fat vs gland.  In almost all cases, it is both so the point is moot.

Age can be an issue because it effects how elastic your skin is.  If the skin in the breast area is stretched to a great extent, you will wind up with flat but pendulous breasts after major weight loss so it may be necessary to have the skin reduced whether or not any other action is needed.

A prior answer suggested a visit to an Endocrinologist. This is wise for several reasons.

I take exception to your comment about how your breasts are not like a normal man.  You see I am a member of a family in which all the men have fully formed breasts.  For us, it is normal.  
Grandpa Dan

Offline razor

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They are not hard anywhere, they are very,very soft all over. Even when I was 165 I kinda had a big chest people use to think I lifted.. I think you guys are on track, I need to loose about 50lbs and see how they look. I am on a low carb diet now and it has been 2 weeks, it seems I have lost about 4lbs. Not easy at all, work is long so exercise is very hard right now.

Do you guys think by the pictures that the bulk is fat ???

Offline usernameX

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Well I have a very big cousin hes abot 320 or something. He has a chest that saggs down because of the fat. But yours are more shaped like gyno so yeah I would say there is gyno under the fat.

Offline Spleen

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work is long so exercise is very hard right now.

You don't need to go with the full-out gym membership thing.  Start your day with 50 pushups and 100 sit ups.  Do as many as you can in a row until you hit that number.  Come home from work, bang out another 50/100.  It'll take you 10 minutes at a time and even that little bit will start helping you build muscle and lose weight.  Like the diet you have to decide to do it, and stick with it.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2005, 12:49:32 PM by Spleen »

Offline usernameX

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 50?!?! Are you serious! LOL Wow, thats a little too much for anyone to start off with.

Offline Spleen

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Like I said, not all in a row.  Do ten, do some crunches, do ten more, etc.

Offline usernameX

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Hahaha I know spleen im just pulling your leg ;)


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