Author Topic: Karidis pics - almost 1 year on!!  (Read 23627 times)

Offline niguy13

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« Last Edit: October 09, 2010, 12:28:41 PM by niguy13 »

Offline kingboob

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niguy -  is that a happy or unhappy icon?   Bit hard to tell.........   pictures show a big change from before/now, although not as flat as the 7-day pictures you posted the boob shape is completely gone imo.  I try to explain to everyone on here that a bit of tethering/puckering or whatever you want to call it appears to be really common post op and in time it generally improves........  unfortunately 100% perfection isn't ever possible  and that is what  concerns me a bit when  reading posts from other members hyping up expectations pre-op.

I hope you are happy because for 5 weeks out it looks like a pretty nice result so far..... be patient. :-)
« Last Edit: December 28, 2009, 02:31:03 AM by kingboob »

Offline phantom51red

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Hey niguy exellent pics,looks like you been in the gym ,big difference from last pics ,you should be well chuffed ! :)

Offline thetodd

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Scar tissue is what messes up the shape a bit, didnt really worry about it at the time of the surgery but it pisses me off now but vigarous massaging is helping me shift mine

Im thinking about maybe looking into the Keloid injection treatments, anyone got any experience with keloid treatments?
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline niguy13

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@ phantom51red > thanks, i checked out your latest pics too - your results look terrific!

@ Kingboob > haha - no it was just a random icon i clicked on to let me post pics as it wont let ya post a blank message.

Day 34 Post-op

Well so far i'm really pleased with my results... Theres still quite a bit of scar tissue there, its difficult to see clearly from the pics ive taken and theres a square shaped indentation over/around my right nipple. In fact, it would be fair to say the areas directly under and immediately around both nipples is soft, tender to touch and a little bit concave compared to the overall chest. However i can still feel the hard donut-like shape of the scar tissue around the nipples. I could be wrong and i think i've said this before but i think the logic behind this is that directly under the nipple is where he removed the gland with excision and the donut like scar tissue is where hes obviously used lipo. Therefore he would have had to break up the fat around that area and that would have been more aggressive that cutting the gland away. If anyone wants to shoot me down on that one.. go right ahead... its just my theory haha!

On a move positive note the scars have healed fine, a little creasing goes on and comes and goes on a daily basis so i'm not making any final judgements yet... although i would say i'm much happier now than i was day 20 for example. I'm just letting my body run its course and theres always the tenderness of the nipple area to remind me that my body is still healing everyday. I'm still massaging that area and will continue to do so for the next couple of months probably

If things stay the way they are now then i have to declare myself as reasonably happy with the results. As Kingboob said a couple of posts back 100% perfection is probably never achievable... whether thats because of the actual results or the mental image you have in your head of the perfect chest you expect to see post-op. I feel very lucky though that my chest could stay the way it is and i could walk away happy from this part of my life feeling like i've bettered myself by getting the op done.... thats what it boils down to i guess.. if you can get a result that betters the person you are then you HAVE to consider that a success. I know that my surgery has benefited me.. i'm more confident, can wear and now actually shop for fitted clothes...i feel liberated working out now because i know that i can achieve a normal looking body at the end and i've even been to the swimmers with my children and opened my front door without a top on without fear of people stirring or me worrying if they've caught a glimpse of my chest..

Well i think you can tell that i'm quite pleased as things stand so i wont ramble on...

I'll probably leave until month 2-3 to update again as i've pretty much summed it up in this post. I'll be knocking around the boards so if anyone needs any advice or have any questions about Karidis or my healing process then feel free to drop me a personal message or post on this thread and i'll try my best to give you an answer.

If anything changes drastically with my chest i'll be back with some pics otherwise hope everyone has a good new year and enjoys a gyno-free new year or gets the damn op done and joins us in our new-found happiness...  ;D

Offline regularguy

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nice latest pix niguy13! i reckon the pix were taken after a workout.  ;)

great recovery so far. i'm so looking forward to have a chest like yours and walk around with a fitted white t-shirt this summer. it'll only get better from here for sure. take it easy, lower your expectations and in 2-3 months your body might just give you a pleasant surprise.  ;D

Offline regularguy

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hi guys

i finally went for my op with Dr. Karidis last saturday and this is my 2nd day post op. so far so good. my situation is very similar with niguy. i have minimal pain till now and hope to keep it that way. the compression is beginning to feel a little annoying though it's not really uncomfortable. thanks so much for all the information niguy and everybody in this forum! hope to have my recovery log here.


Offline postiey

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hey regurlarguy nice to hear from u im due soon!! could u post some pics if u get the chance.

hope u  recover well

Offline niguy13

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Hi guys-

havent been on here in quite some time, glad to hear a lot of you have had the op and are recovering well... for anyone new to the boards thinking about getting it done hope my story has helped and that soon you'll be enjoying the same post-gyno life that i have been enjoying for almost the last year!

Heres some pics taken within the last few weeks!

Comments welcomed!

Offline niguy13

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Offline niguy13

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Offline Nomoregyne

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Looks fantastic mate, bet your well chuffed. Looks like youve leaned out a bit as well!

Congrats and keep enjoying a gyne free life!

Offline regularguy

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looks good niguy! i'm 7 months post op and i'm almost fully recovered. i still feel a little sore at my nipples where the incisions are but it's not a problem at all. it's getting better slowly by the day.

as you mentioned and for those who are still hesitating, go get your moobs removed by a good doctor. it'll most likely be one of the best decisions and investments you'd have ever made which is pretty life changing. (at least for me). :-)

since i got my gyne removed i've lifted heavier weights and my physique got better. pretty miraculous. i reckon it's partially psychological. i feel more confident without being conscious of my breasts and i don't hunch anymore. i reckon my form got better when i stand straighter while in the gym thus the improvement.




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