Author Topic: Does this sound like Gynecomastia  (Read 2012 times)

Offline winston001

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Hi everyone.
For nearly three years this problem has been bugging me know, and im at a loss as what to do.
I started taking whey protein powder and creatine 3 years ago and gained quite abit of fat over the year as i was originally
a slim guy and my chest was defined but flat and so where my nipples.
2 years into taking this stuff and gaining weight i noticed I put alot of weight on my chest and my nipples looking abit puffy.
I went and saw a doctor and he checked to see if it was gynecomastia and told me it wasn't, i just had a developed chest that was muscle.
A year later I managed to drop the weight off my chest but i was still left with the puffy nipples, I managed to get a Ultra Sound scan
but was told by the doctor nothing unusual showed up.

I can't feel any lumps under my nipples it just feels like fat and when my nipples are errect you can't tell. It's not as bad as it was
2 years ago but my nipples still look puffy.
Do you think it may just be stubborn fat from bulking up with the whey powder to quick.

I'm not over weight and lift weights and exercise now and again, although i dont really do any strenouse exercise like running and other cardio.
I also do a desk job. Just dont get why this problem would have come along when i was 25 can only put it down to gaining weight
in a short amount of time. Im 28 now and its showing no sign of going i could start running but read if it is Gynecomastia it wont help so hard to
motivate myself.

Does it sound like Gynecomastia to you guys, and if its mild would the doctors just tell me its not to get rid of me.

If anyone can help i would appreciate it. Thanks.

Offline Paa_Paw

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It would seem that the breast area is the first place where fat is deposited and the last where it diminishes with changes in weight. So your condition is not cause for surprise.

Gynecomastia is a condition that is largely self defined. The problem here is that we cannot be completely objective about it.

You percieve a problem though or you would not be here. You might consult a cosmetic surgeon with experience in this area and see where it leads.

What have you got to lose?
Grandpa Dan

Offline headheldhigh01

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puffies are not normal.  they are annoying though since they're right on the border between having it and not having it.  i believe it can be helped, it is the least severe thing that can happen to you, but only you know what you can be at peace with and what you can't. 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?


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