Author Topic: 17 y/o...UPDATED PICS...tell me what you think  (Read 10812 times)

Offline Pferdestärken

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rob900, you said:
Why can't the persons on this forum advise surgery sparingly, only for those who really need it? Persons like you, who think you're somehow "enlightened", and know what's best for everyone, are doing a cruel disservice to young men who come to this forum and do NOT need surgery, yet you advise them that they DO need surgery, only having judged their case by YOUR OWN personal experience.
Wind your neck in, and show me where I advised surgery? Well? You are the one making snap diagnosis, so back off. Put up or shut up.
Pics | Op 3/6/05 Mr Paul Levick

Offline Pferdestärken

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When logic fails, insults are the recourse of a charlatan.

Anyone with even half a brain reading this thread will be perfectly aware of who the idiot is.  ::)

It's YOU I take issue with, which is probably perfectly clear to everyone except you. And if you take legitimate logical debate of your argument as persecution you can add paranoia to your list of failings.

My attempts at reasoned debate appear to be futile and one sided, so I may as well sink to a level you can understand. There is an expression in the part of the world I come from which is entirely apt at this point:

« Last Edit: June 13, 2005, 11:54:35 PM by phil.short »

Offline Pferdestärken

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Precis of thread, names changed to protect the innocent.

LookAtMe: Posts pics and asks for opinions.

Various: He gets some.

LookAtMe: Wants everyone to say how buffed he is.

Shyster: Makes diagnosis and recommends toning up.

LookAtMe: Hears what he wants and asks Shyster to say it again.

Shyster: Contradicts himself and says body fat is only a little to do with it. He then goes off on anti-surgery rant and invents ludicrous definition of gyne.

LookAtMe: Is blown away at being normal and misses the contradiction completely.

SmartArse: Points out the correct medical definition of gyne. Someone has to.

Shyster: In a classic paranoid conspiracy vein claims proof of all "they" have been saying, starts using terms like "one" to assume some undeserved intellectual superiority, then wrongfully accuses Smartarse of making an unqualified diagnosis.  For a second time makes an unqualified diagnosis, and abjectly fails to spot his own hipocrasy in doing so.

VoiceOfReason: Supports the correct definition of gyne.

Shyster: Repeats his paranoid conspiracy delusion.

VoiceOfReason: Disagrees.

SmartArse: Posts lots of qualified references from respected and independant bodies which clearly state the correct definition of gyne, and asks Shyster if he is qualified to make diagnosis.

Shyster: Spouts some ludicrous waffle about the "laws of logic" while again pompously referring to the first person as "one". He's obviously the Queen of England. His "one (sic) nevers needs to prove a negative" is possibly some confusion over Poppers classic assertion that "a scientific idea can never be proven true, because because no matter how many observations seem to agree with it, it may still be wrong. On the other hand, a single contrary experiment can prove a theory forever false." - which unfortunately actually is the reverse of what Shyster thinks. He yet again wrongly accuses Smartarse of diagnosis, and accuses "persons" (sic - that would be "people") like Smartarse of doing a disservice, makes his own diagnosis for a third time, yet again wrongly accuses Smartarse of making a diagnosis, and STARTS SHOUTING.

SmartArse: Acknowledges that Shyster has not defended his untenable position on the definition of gyne. He cautions the young against hasty surgery, and explains the supportive nature of this site - in defence against Shysters unjust accusations. He makes reference to Shysters related business interests (which you may notice is never picked up on by Shyster - I wonder why?).

LookAtMe: Wades in to Shysters defence, attempts sarcasm, and vitriolically attacks the forum from whom he sought opinions. He rather insensitively invents a new "medical term" to help out those gyne sufferers who have Klinefelters Syndrome - nice. He makes a ludicrous assertion that Smartarse thinks all women should look like Jordan. To finish he infers that all surgery results in scarring and disfigurement. All in all a sensitive, well thought out and well presented argument.

SmartArse: Points out some of the more obvious failings in LookAtMe's "reasoning".

LookAtMe: Repeats his ludicrous assertion, in the obvious view that if you say something often enough everyone will accept it is correct. Debating isn't one of his strong life skills. He then says he has a big knob. Another quality contribution!

SmartArse: Attempts to explain why logically LookAtMe's assertion is flawed. He explains again the difference between gyne and psuedogyne, then asks why LookAtMe sought advice from a forum for which he displays scant respect. He accuses Shyster of duplicity, and presents the evidence of this. He tries to smooth things over with LookAtMe, with whom he has (had?) no argument whatsoever, and whom he has merely tried to help.

SmartArse: Challenges Shyster.

Shyster: Takes up the challenge (not), and resorts to personal insult. He further displays his ignorance by misspelling "aggressive", and (in a rather pathetic attempt to use big words) uses "transparent" when he means "apparent". Just in case anyone has missed that fact that he is cranially challenged by this point, he then echoes the "axis of evil" mantra of the Brainless Bush to emphasise his ignorance by association.  

SmartArse: Realises the futility of arguing with an imbecile (or two) and openly disses Shyster.

Quality entertainment! Can't wait for the next episode!
« Last Edit: June 14, 2005, 05:27:33 AM by phil.short »

Offline llbean24

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when did i say i had a big knob?

Offline Pferdestärken

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And by the way I am here because I am curious, not because I am insecure.  My manhood is not altered by nipples that are slightly larger than some people's.
OK, I paraphrased you just a little there!  ;)

Offline Aestus

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Sweet Jesus give it a rest already.  Look llbean, it seems like you've already made your decision and I happen to agree.  Hold off on the surgery at the moment and continue to workout and watch your diet.  Yes you'll probably have puffy nipples but is it really the end of the world?  If you stay fit and take care of yourself, the puffy nipple thing really won't be that big of a deal to other people.  By all means though gentlemen, please continue this battle.

Offline llbean24

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im right here but i dont want to comment on my own nipples. lol.

Offline makemeheal

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I must say, this site has truly given me insights when it comes to gyne. Great suggestions given to me include:

1) wait
2) seek surgeon
3) ........... uhm... i think that's it....

Oh yea, get a load of this dude.
"Post your location and some of the guys here will give you a name of a doctor in your area."

AND the beautiful ad at the top of this page. Fast recovery.... 866-3ME-HEAL...

This whole "forum" is an advertisement for plastic surgeons. Take a look at who the sponsors of are. The status under each user's name is B.S. It indicates nothing. There is a senior member here and the only reason he is a senior member is because he posted a number of useless links, increasing his total postings which reflected upon his status. IF you want real advice, not irrelevant opinions, go to your physician; talk to a doctor.
Don't waste your time here.
Good day to you:D
« Last Edit: August 06, 2005, 05:14:09 PM by makemeheal »

Offline nothingworse

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Well put MakeMeHeal. Those are the best options on the board. I got advice from people here but, my doctors,endo, specialist reassured me. Now treatment will soon happen. Yes this is a huge advertisement forum. I am glad those surgeons are around because even though they want your money so many people would be glad to give that amount of money to be gyne free. Usually from a lot of people who got the surgery on here it is like they have started a new life. They are so happy and that $5,000 or so was nothing in comparision to the way they felt. The hapiness they recieved from this is priceless. Priceless compared to $5,000. To tell you the truth a surgeon helping me achieve the priceless feeling I could give a flying f**k if I am paying them $5,000. There is no comparision of the two. If you can live with your gyne you are one powerful person. But, I got to admit if you don't do something about it there will be times in which you did wish you did something about it. I remember the years and dozens of embarrasing moments from this and how that made you feel. Gyne is just a burden plain and simple and is a lot different that having a big nose and stuff like that unless your nose is severely huge. Losing bodyfat is a great thing to do if you have a lot of excess or need to lose a little. I went from a chubby 28% body-fat to a now 15% bodyfat and look and feel a lot better about myself. When I did that a lot of the taunting stopped I was an improved person but, guess what my gyne was still half there and is now a bit smaller. I have waited it out for 7 years and have explored all the options I could and it is surgery time in a few months. I agree with the others in this post that losing bodyfat can be a major help but, usually doesn't take it all the way even in Pseudo-Gyne cases. So wait and do it, don't think about it for years and regret. Don't regret, act, one day you will be happy you did!


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