Author Topic: No lump Gyno? (pics)  (Read 4962 times)

Offline Distressed4Life

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First let me say that I am a 26 yo and have had puffy nipples since I was 12-13. 

My nipples are puffy yet don't have any sort of lump or hard disc behind them at all like most people claim to have.  They have never hurt or itched ever.  I feel nothing underneath my nipple when I press down, totally soft

I have been lifting weights now for a little over a year and I bulked up a little too much (fat).  I have been cutting since last February and have gone from 263lbs to 220lbs to this day.  I plan on cutting another 30 lbs over the next 4 months.

I would like to have some opinions on whether or not this could be just fat or gland?  I have never had my body fat down too low so I don't know if it could go away or not.  Time will tell as like I said I'm dieting and having good success, but have noticed little to no difference after my 40lb loss the last 4 months.

Thanks to all for any opinions!

Offline nipplevision

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By the looks of it I'd say you do have gland tissue.
If you're 100% sure that there is no hard tissue behind the nipple you can get fixed with lipo only.
I don't think exercising only will get rid of it since you have more chest fat than other body fat. What I'm saying is that you're clearly sensitive to building up fat in the chest area.

You can always try to cut more but IMO it won't get rid of all the fat you might want.

I'm 235 pounds myself, been lifting for 5 years. I wasn't really fat but did have glands behind both nipples. This completely messed up the look of my chest.
Got those bastards cut out yesterday.

good luck

Offline Distressed4Life

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Thanks so much for your reply ;D

It's strange.  I feel around and feel no gland but the appearance of it definately looks like all the pictures I have seen online over the years.  I will continue to cut 30 lbs as I would like to get a flat stomach anyway, and see how my chest progesses.  I will post pics when I get to my goal for a comparison.

Congrats on your surgery!  You are a lucky man.  I too someday will probably have to get this done as this condition has mentally/emotionally screwed me up in my head.  I just cannot bring this up with anyone close to me, as I would feel embarrased for asking.  The comments I will get would be I look fine and don't need it and there is nothing wrong with me. Someday I will get the courage, I hope...I have put this off for too many years now.

Any other comments are much welcome!


Offline nipplevision

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Even though I feel like I've been hit by a train, I'm glad I had surgery done.
In a couple of weeks the pain will be gone and I'll be able to wear shirts that I could never wear before.
And you're right when you say that people don't understand this condition. The only person who knows about my surgery is my girlfriend.
Not even my parents know about it... That reminds me - I hope the drains can come out tomorrow because I'm having difficulties hiding them. Imagine your mom asking "hey what are those funny tubes coming from under your shirt?"

Just go for the surgery. Think of all the shit you've been through because of gyno. Think of the things you missed out on.
When I'm recovered, never will I be ashamed to take my shirt off again.

good luck

Offline Distressed4Life

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Thanks man enjoy your new life! 8)  I too someday will be in your shoes ;D. Hopefully in the not too long future!  I want to get my bodyfat down though first before I really jump into it and get it done.  I've commited myself to a healthy lifestyle after having problems with substance abuse in the past, which I can say was probably caused by my gyno in some way.  Spent a few months in recovery last year and am trying to get my life going again, financially as well.  So surgery may take some time.  I don't want to bother my parents for any more cash as they have forked over a ton for my recovery etc.

« Last Edit: July 09, 2009, 07:49:09 PM by Distressed4Life »

Offline tenncast

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Hi Distressed for life....

I looked almost exactly like you. I will have to find my pictures and i think you will agree. First, I understand what you are going thru. But now that I am "fixed" it is easy to put that part of my life into perspective. Looking back it was not that big of a deal to get corrected and after i did i felt free to tell many people about my plastic surgery...or surgeries.

I thought that i would take the easy way out and went to a doctor that later turned out to be a dermatologist to have lypo only. They said that with the new lypo it would get the gland didn't. I too did'nt have any hard lumps or discs or pain. It just felt like fat...The lypo only helped some but did not fix the pointy nips. Really there was no big improvement. and it cost me $4000!

Several years later I went to Dr. Bermant in Richmond. Told a few of my friends, headed out, used a nurse set up by the doctor and had it finally fixed. If anything the first surgery made it more difficult for Dr. Bermant to do his surgery.

It was over in a few days...and in a few months I felt like it never ever happen. 

My advice is use a good doctor, take a week off and tell folks you are going on vacation. I't just not going to be a big deal to get it fixed....I waited until I was should do it now so that you can walk down the beach with out a shirt and just feel confident you look like a regular guy.

Good luck and I will try to find my pictures.

Offline nipplevision

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Good luck with your new, healthy lifestyle.

As I was typing this reply, the home nurse arrived to check my wounds etc..
I had to take off my compression vest and some bandages were replaced.
I'm not joking but I almost fainted. She had to give me 2 glasses of Coke before I came to myself again.
Those drains are some nasty sh*t. I was sweating all over and looking like a corpse...

After 10 minutes on the bed I felt better again.


Offline Distressed4Life

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Hi Distressed for life....

I looked almost exactly like you. I will have to find my pictures and i think you will agree. First, I understand what you are going thru. But now that I am "fixed" it is easy to put that part of my life into perspective. Looking back it was not that big of a deal to get corrected and after i did i felt free to tell many people about my plastic surgery...or surgeries.

I thought that i would take the easy way out and went to a doctor that later turned out to be a dermatologist to have lypo only. They said that with the new lypo it would get the gland didn't. I too did'nt have any hard lumps or discs or pain. It just felt like fat...The lypo only helped some but did not fix the pointy nips. Really there was no big improvement. and it cost me $4000!

Several years later I went to Dr. Bermant in Richmond. Told a few of my friends, headed out, used a nurse set up by the doctor and had it finally fixed. If anything the first surgery made it more difficult for Dr. Bermant to do his surgery.

It was over in a few days...and in a few months I felt like it never ever happen. 

My advice is use a good doctor, take a week off and tell folks you are going on vacation. I't just not going to be a big deal to get it fixed....I waited until I was should do it now so that you can walk down the beach with out a shirt and just feel confident you look like a regular guy.

Good luck and I will try to find my pictures.

Thanks for sharing your story with me and for the words of encouragement!  I have a big problem with bringing this up with my family because I have always been told I look fine, even when I was 60 lbs overweight lol.  I was chubby growing up all my life and was told I wasn't fat by my mother lol.  I continued down an unhealthy road for years and didn't really care about my bodyweight too much, my moobs I did tho, I've tried every possible way to hide them. 

I would be very interested in seeing your pictures.  Did you have soft gland removed? 

Offline Distressed4Life

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Good luck with your new, healthy lifestyle.

As I was typing this reply, the home nurse arrived to check my wounds etc..
I had to take off my compression vest and some bandages were replaced.
I'm not joking but I almost fainted. She had to give me 2 glasses of Coke before I came to myself again.
Those drains are some nasty sh*t. I was sweating all over and looking like a corpse...

After 10 minutes on the bed I felt better again.


Good to hear your making out alright.  I know what it smells like to take off an old smelly bandaid off, I bet a huge bandaid could only smell/look worse lol... How long untill you are all done with the drains/bandages?

Offline nipplevision

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Good luck with your new, healthy lifestyle.

As I was typing this reply, the home nurse arrived to check my wounds etc..
I had to take off my compression vest and some bandages were replaced.
I'm not joking but I almost fainted. She had to give me 2 glasses of Coke before I came to myself again.
Those drains are some nasty sh*t. I was sweating all over and looking like a corpse...

After 10 minutes on the bed I felt better again.


Good to hear your making out alright.  I know what it smells like to take off an old smelly bandaid off, I bet a huge bandaid could only smell/look worse lol... How long untill you are all done with the drains/bandages?

Well the drains can come out when there is no more fluid to be collected. In 24hrs I had less than 25ccs on each side (which isn't much). My GP said that if I had less than 25ccs several days in a row, they could come out. Guess I'll go visit him on Monday. After they have been taken out it's just a matter of cleaning the bandages once a day. I'm looking forward to moving around again without these drains. It's incredible how limited I feel wearing them. Don't take your daily movements/life for granted because lots of people feel this pain (or more) every day.
The compression vest should stay on for 6 weeks I was told. It doesn't bother me too much for the moment. Maybe I can wear a tight t-shirt in a later stage instead of the vest.
Right now I'm feeling fine. Hope it will only get better!


Offline Distressed4Life

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I have decided to write down a list of all the negative things gyno has put me through, and when the time is right, I will share it with my parents (since they'll be paying for it, I hope).

Right now isn't a great time because my father is going for surgery soon (cancer related) and I think it would be in bad taste to bring something cosmetic like this up at this time.  I have lived with this for half my life, I can wait a few more months.  

I'm going to keep this list somewhere close where I won't forget it, like my wallet.  So I will always have it.  Than when the time is right I will present my dillema to them with this note. Sound like a good idea?

I hate putting things off but I know this isn't the best time.  I just don't want to get to winter and forget about this condition (well not forget, but it isn't as important to me than as in the summer).

Offline nipplevision

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I have decided to write down a list of all the negative things gyno has put me through, and when the time is right, I will share it with my parents (since they'll be paying for it, I hope).

Right now isn't a great time because my father is going for surgery soon (cancer related) and I think it would be in bad taste to bring something cosmetic like this up at this time.  I have lived with this for half my life, I can wait a few more months.  

I'm going to keep this list somewhere close where I won't forget it, like my wallet.  So I will always have it.  Than when the time is right I will present my dillema to them with this note. Sound like a good idea?

I hate putting things off but I know this isn't the best time.  I just don't want to get to winter and forget about this condition (well not forget, but it isn't as important to me than as in the summer).

I'm sorry about your dad's illness. Hope his surgery goes well.
This indeed puts the priorities elsewhere. But still, it's no reason to call off your gyno attack plan :-)
Writing down all the things that bother you about it is a good idea. Are you also sometimes pinching your nipples just to make them flat for a minute so nobody will notice? Probably the answer is yes. We 'gyno-sufferers' invent tons of methods/excuses to cover it up. Believe me, I've tried many of them.
You know what really scared me? Within one year, I'm planning to ask my girlfriend to marry me. Of course, before marriage there's a big party with your friends, where they can pretty much do with you what they want. Just the thought of them forcing me to take my shirt off frightens me to death. Then some guys take pictures of the event and post them on facebook for example, where everybody can see your 'condition'. Would suck right?

Give it some time and think about it. But do make the decision to go for it. I did several months ago and now I'm sitting here with patches on my nipples and tubes coming out the side of my body. Not the most comfortable feeling, but then again a very triumphant feeling :-)

good luck

Offline tenncast

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yes...i had gland removed....i will post my pics here but i could email them to you as well....let me know...


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