Author Topic: Is it possible to 'buy' a gyne surgeon to come to your area?  (Read 3341 times)

Offline john7heaven

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Hi I am housebound with Dysautonomia and have had gynecomastia since 13 years old or so.

I cannot travel anywhere as I have a wonky autonomic nervous system, and thus spend
my days almost exclusively indoors as I have problems standing, sitting upright and tolerating
any form of stress.  I've been like this half my life, (age 16) since I got a virus.
I am sensitive to medications and especially adrenaline as I get SVT (Supraventricular tachycardia)
and chest pain anyway with the condition, never mind with being pumped full of a hormone that
triggers it. I was wishing there is a way surgery can be done with little to no local anesthetic, and
'tumescent lipo' would definately be off the menu as of course is a general anesthetic.

When I go to the dentist I do take injections he just drills. It's painful but neccessary. I was hoping
as I am experienced in pain management (having no option  :P), I thought I could tolerate the
surgery, maybe if it was Laser Lipo (Vaser) and not with a scalpel or conventional Lipo.

I would acccept this even if the result was not very impressive compared to the excellent
results of Levick and friends. I cannot go to the gym or on holiday etc, so I'll never take
my shirt off anyway. I just want some of the chest off so it doesn't look quite so ridiculous.
I would also like to try an intimate relationship (shortness of breath or not), as I'm 34 and
still single after all this time. I think looking less 'booby' might help!

The cost of the ambulance  to travel from my location (Newcastle) down south to Birmingham or London is approx £1300 to get to see Levick/Karadis, + Hotel. Then repert for trip back, another £1300

Transport cost for the 600 mile round trip journey then is approximately £2600+

Then I'd have to go back to see the surgeon for at least one check up.
Another £2600+ That's nearly £5,200 in travel expenses alone before the cost of the OP.  :-\

I was wondering, if it's possible (for a fee) to pay a decent gynecomastia surgeon to come to
my local private hospital instead? If this is ever done? I was hoping a private hospital could maybe 'order' a quality surgeon? E.g not me, but the company who runs the hospital?

Maybe ironically it's much more, like £10,000 or something? I have no idea.

I apologise if this sounds a ridiculous idea, but the only other way to accomplish the surgery
is to do the trip there and back £2600 (+ cost of surgery) and never go see the surgeon
again for a check up - and just cross fingers it goes ok.  ;)

I am sure this is do-able on returning home, (I live close to an A&E for my illness) but it may annoy the surgeon if I do not return and also if there are mistakes, then I am up the proverbial creek without a paddle.

Thank you all for any ideas and sorry in advance if this is a ludicrous request, it is unfortunately, my reality.

Offline thetodd

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Sounds like youve got it real tough there mate! Just out of interest why would you need an ambulance to take you to and from the hospital? I cant see the surgeons travelings tbh that would be a days pay loss and these surgeons are multi millionaires and their working day is probally about 20k!. Sureley the NHS would be able to help you out with this situation?

and in all seriousness ... i think the private surgeons would run a mile with your illnesses! At the end of the day i know i would rather be in the A&E than a private hospital if anything went wrong. Its just a fancy hotel with overpaid surgeons!

I think the NHS is your only option mate, even if that means going private with your hospital!

also i havent got a CLUE about these but they do have a place in newcastle

« Last Edit: July 11, 2009, 07:03:47 PM by thetodd »
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline john7heaven

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Hiya, thanks for the reply and so soon.  ;)

In the past I showed a male doctor (private) had some tests done (testicular ultra sound), and
some blood work. All negative. He  said it was just a standard case and not cancer or anything
like that and that maybe I could have surgery. So he diagnosed me with Gyne and we left it like that.

Later on in my life two  (female) doctors I have literally shown one my bare chest and squeezed it even together like  girls boobs (slightly humiliating but there we go)  and she said something like 'you look like a big strong ruby player'. Which was of course absurd, even if I was healthy it's absurd! The other
woman said I look like her husband's friend and it's normal in guys who are 50, but I'm 34 and had it since a teenager. I laughed with her I don't know what to do.  I can't get mad it makes me ill.
People tend to walk on me because of this to be honest as it sets my heart off with even the slightest
stress. So I just looked annoyed, muttered and left.

I asked the latest doc (I move a lot!) if you can have surgery and she said no as it's cosmetic and not a medical matter. All polite, not nasty people just they don't understand to me (a man) it's serious.
It does hurt and on my left breast  ::) I can feel a lump like a tube shape that is sore if you press on it.
To be honest that pain goes on and off, so I think it's just glandular.

I did slightly shoot myself in the foot as my doctor knows I went to BUPA and had the private tests,
which she says proves it's only cosmetic and thus no need to do it. I wonder if there are NHS surgeons who do 'cosmetic' gynecomastia, I doubt it!

The ambulance thing is because I cannot control my nervous system anyway, especially when stressed, even to tiny amounts - hence I have never been able to work.  I can't use a bus as my balance has gone and I throw up.  I have to live a very quiet life and getting worked up (e.g. worry over an operation), can set my pulse off something crazy. Then I can't breathe as it goes so fast I de-compensate hence then you need oxygen - hence mr ambulance driver.......  I've had to do this for years the rare times I leave my town, maybe once a year or so. It's very expensive.

With Dysautonomia, your body screws up a lot so you can feel all sort of strange things including my worst one, feeling super super anxious and nervous (even over a car journey), or doing something you love doing that's not  at all anxiety provoking (kissing?!), phone ringing,  getting an essay finished for college, but your body percieves it as hardcore life and death. If you let it do it, then I can get convulsions and end up in all sorts of problems in A&E and end up on vallium or an IV drip if it's dehydration based. Again, infuriatingly not drinking enough makes me go super nervous/anxious/faint or get a dodgy heart rate. (I don't have a thirst response hardly, not like I used to so I forget to drink).

With my body, every normal system doesn't work in a  super exagerated response. So you can go all shaky and ice cold just from eating food as if someone was pointing a gun at you, not all the time, it randomly does it. If  I go to the bathroom my hair stands up on end (goosebumps), like a 'shock' feeling when releasing the bladder and my scalp goes super tight, or I just faint or fall over.

I'm a recluse I guess, never used to be I used to race mountain bikes and  be in the middle of the countyside with no phone, money or food. It's very a complicated condition, thanks for asking though. 

This is a good website if you're interested to just skim through.  and  this is more basic:  and a brochure here is explaining for people who want to know more (friends etc).

I hope to rid myself of this condition (gynecomastia), one day somehow. I have a hunch that Lazer Lipo (although no way as good as conventional lipo and excision) is probably the only thing to do a I'm sure it uses less anesthetic and lower levels of pain.

Thank you for the link, and all the best.  :)

Offline lookinup

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No offence but it sounds like you would have a hard time in the relationship thing anyway. If I were you I don't think I would worry about some gyno with everything else going on. I would just maybe find a nice woman and get to know her and if shes any kind worth having she won't worry about a little gyno.
Gyno surgery 26-JUNE-09

Offline thetodd

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There are hospitals who are "gyne friendley" but there are guidelines for the surgery, they really want you at a correct BMI weight. And i can see this is going to be nearly impossible for you to do with your condition. And youd need to travel there a lot for consulations etc :(. Laser lipo ... well maybe thats worth a try but i havent seen anyone from the UK boards having it done so i dont know how affective it is!

You should really push for surgery mate, i know this is a nightmare on your nervous system but maybe put it in writing and hand it the doctor? When i was pushing for NHS surgery i was basically saying that it was making me feel suicidal and there was no point in leaving the house to get hassled. Maybe you could incorporate your condition maybe saying that your pulse rate goes sky high if anyone comments on your gynecomastia and your worried that its going to push you over the edge?


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