Hi I am housebound with Dysautonomia and have had gynecomastia since 13 years old or so.
I cannot travel anywhere as I have a wonky autonomic nervous system, and thus spend
my days almost exclusively indoors as I have problems standing, sitting upright and tolerating
any form of stress. I've been like this half my life, (age 16) since I got a virus.
I am sensitive to medications and especially adrenaline as I get SVT (Supraventricular tachycardia)
and chest pain anyway with the condition, never mind with being pumped full of a hormone that
triggers it. I was wishing there is a way surgery can be done with little to no local anesthetic, and
'tumescent lipo' would definately be off the menu as of course is a general anesthetic.
When I go to the dentist I do take injections he just drills. It's painful but neccessary. I was hoping
as I am experienced in pain management (having no option

), I thought I could tolerate the
surgery, maybe if it was Laser Lipo (Vaser) and not with a scalpel or conventional Lipo.
I would acccept this even if the result was not very impressive compared to the excellent
results of Levick and friends. I cannot go to the gym or on holiday etc, so I'll never take
my shirt off anyway. I just want some of the chest off so it doesn't look quite so ridiculous.
I would also like to try an intimate relationship (shortness of breath or not), as I'm 34 and
still single after all this time. I think looking less 'booby' might help!
The cost of the ambulance to travel from my location (Newcastle) down south to Birmingham or London is approx £1300 to get to see Levick/Karadis, + Hotel. Then repert for trip back, another £1300
Transport cost for the 600 mile round trip journey then is approximately £2600+
Then I'd have to go back to see the surgeon for at least one check up.
Another £2600+ That's nearly £5,200 in travel expenses alone before the cost of the OP.

I was wondering, if it's possible (for a fee) to pay a decent gynecomastia surgeon to come to
my local private hospital instead? If this is ever done? I was hoping a private hospital could maybe 'order' a quality surgeon? E.g not me, but the company who runs the hospital?
Maybe ironically it's much more, like £10,000 or something? I have no idea.
I apologise if this sounds a ridiculous idea, but the only other way to accomplish the surgery
is to do the trip there and back £2600 (+ cost of surgery) and never go see the surgeon
again for a check up - and just cross fingers it goes ok.

I am sure this is do-able on returning home, (I live close to an A&E for my illness) but it may annoy the surgeon if I do not return and also if there are mistakes, then I am up the proverbial creek without a paddle.
Thank you all for any ideas and sorry in advance if this is a ludicrous request, it is unfortunately, my reality.