Author Topic: Will increasing my testosterone help with my Gyno?  (Read 26353 times)

Offline BadCaseGyno

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In nearly all cases I would think no, but I'm only 16 and have had it for 1 and a half years. To increase my chances of it going away on its own, should I increase my natural testosterone intake, from foods and activities and such? I don't want to take a T shot because the Doc says it will cut into my height. Is this worth a try?

Offline Exit

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I can't really give you an answer on that one, but right now I'm increasing my intake of zinc through supplements and broccoli.  Supposedly:
Zinc is absolutely necessary to maintain and increase testosterone, and unfortunately many of us are deficient. Zinc also inhibits something called the aromatase enzyme, which converts testosterone to estrogen. All in all, zinc is a very powerful element. It's even better to take ZMA, which is zinc combined with magnesium. You can find ZMA at most health food stores.

I'm not sure if this will work, but right now I'm giving it a try.  I'll post my results if my experiment with zinc amounts to anything.

Offline headheldhigh01

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aromatization's the problem, if you get too much t, it will aromatize to e without an inhibitor, and make it worse.  but it's more complex than even just t and e, and even a high ratio will not reverse the gyne effects of a bad ratio before.  
« Last Edit: July 20, 2009, 01:14:29 AM by headheldhigh01 »
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline haisook

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Keep your body fat to the minimum. More fat means more estrogen. A lot of estrogen in your body makes your body think you're a 'female' and so the breast glands grow.

Also, increasing your muscle mass (by exercising or working out) increases your testosterone, and makes your body think you're actually a 'male'.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2009, 04:44:19 AM by haisook »
I'm a medical student with gynecomastia. Yeah, medical professionals get it too.

Offline pat

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From my experience to increase your testosterone will increase the chances for Gyno.  I was on TRT for about 4yrs and in that time I grew sound very attractive female breasts to the size of B 42 . So, I would be very careful about increasing your testosterone

Offline Paa_Paw

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If you have a shortage of Testosterone, taking the hormone may help. If your Testosterone level is normal, taking the hormone could very well make your condition a lot worse.

Hormone treatment should be done only under the direction of an Endocrinologist. This is not a do-it-yourself job.
Grandpa Dan

Offline joltera

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Yeah you should def go to your doctor and have some blood test done. When I first discovered what my boobs actually were a few monthes ago. (im 20..i was in the dark for awhile.) I thought it could have been from a testosterone imbalance. I went to the doc and got the test back and I'm perfectly fine. getting surgery in about a month tho...6500...but god all I can think about is how amazing next summer is going to be. i'll be 21 and at the beach for the majority of the time. =)
f*ck gyne

Offline Jalko

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I got my hormone levels tested, BIG SURPRISE, lol

My testosterone is above the max-range, and my estrogens/prolacins are in the low levels... yet my nipples/gland are getting worse. Its not always hormonal.


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