Author Topic: Medications causing or increasing gyne?  (Read 2238 times)

Offline hatemymoobs

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I've been taking Xanax for almost 3.5 years now.
Even back then I was slightly concerned about my moobs. Not as much as now, and they seem to have gotten larger- perhaps from some weight gain, though.

In addition to Xanax I'm an alcoholic. For long stretches of times over 3-4 years I drank a lot. Every night, 1-6 drinks- with periods of time where I'd try cutting down.
Last July I made a breakthrough in my addiction and have managed to cut it out, almost completely. I only drink alcohol on occasion and don't allow it in the house to avoid it getting out of control again.

Other than that- since quitting drinking I've had problems sleeping, since last July, quite frequently (almost every night) I take one benadryl before bed to help sleep. I also have heartburn problems, so there have been times where I'd take Tagamet every night, for a few weeks here and there as needed.

So those are the medicines/ drugs I've been exposed to / taken frequently.
When I was younger I was on misc anti-depressants here and there, and I smoked pot a lot when I was 15-17. Not sure if any of this could have contributed- but would like some feedback, based on my medical history if anything stands out as possible cause or contributors to my gyne.  

Would love to hear all feedback, but please state your source if chipping in with info.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2011, 01:49:53 PM by hatemymoobs »

Offline jojo82

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All of the drugs you listed have gynecomastia listed as a possible side effect, with tagamet being especially problematic. Cimetidine, marketed as tagamet, operates by inhibiting certain enzymes. The drug also interferes with estrogen metabolism, increasing estrogen levels. Alcohol is also very problematic if abused. It lowers testosterone levels and causes liver damage, which can lower testosterone levels even further.

It sounds like you've covered all your bases when it comes to taking drugs that cause gynecomastia. It's entirely possible that your condition has been worsened by the drugs you've taken; I'd say it's even probable.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Doctor Bermant has a list of drugs that have Gynecomastia as a possible side effect, Check his site for it.

Alcohol is a double whammy. First, alcohol is toxic to the testes and this has rather obvious implications. Second, Alcohol is toxic to the liver which is were our normally occuring Estrogen is eliminated. The result of this combination is that the testosterone goes low while the estrogen goes high. The problem seems to effect both the regular drinker and the binge drinker.

Alcohol is not all that bad per se, it is bad when consumed to the point of intoxication. I doubt that an occasional glass of wine or beer with dinner would not be an issue but a week-end binge might be bad news.
Grandpa Dan

Offline hatemymoobs

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Thanks for your feedback. I go in every year for a physical which includes blood work. I don't know what my doctor checks, but I do know liver function and cholesterol are two things. All my blood tests have always come back perfect, as well as my overall physical (reflexes, bmi, and whatever else he checks).

I doubt he checks hormone levels as I'd imagine some symptoms would have to be present to even warrant a reason to check them.
When I finally worked up the courage to ask my doc about my chest, he felt them a bit and told me it's just some fat and he didn't feel any hard tissue, which he explained is what gynecomastia is made up of.

I've never read benadryl can contribute to gyne. I've read Tagemet does (recently and haven't taken it since) but also read that it has no real proof and lacks true studies to back that theory up. Never read Xanax causing it, but read Klonopin (an almost identical drug) can cause it.

Is there a blood test to see which if any medicines I take are truly causing a hormone imbalance or do I just get my levels tested and start doing trial by error? I can easily control my alcohol, which I've been doing really well for several months- the longest I've ever had control. The Tagamet I can find a substitute when needed, but as I am trying to eat healthier and cut alcohol I need it less frequent anyway. The Xanax I'm going to have a hard time giving up. It has really helped to keep me feeling balanced and mellow (not sedated, just relaxed and not so up tight and anxious)

Any other feedback appreciated. Also, please if possible let me know the source of where you got your information so I can reference it and read more if applicable. Thx


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