Author Topic: Effects of gynecosmatia  (Read 3576 times)

Offline champchamp

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I was diagnosed with gynecosmatia just one month ago. It started with me going to the gym then i started drink milk trying desperately to gain weight before i found pain under my right nipple. I was referred to a specialist and they told me theres some lump under the nipple and its called gynecosmatia. I did not want an operation as i was scared of the pain and it din look bad. Can anyone tell me if operation is a must? How to get rid of the excess fats due to gynecosmatia? Does hormone gets balanced after sometime? Is there a need for hormone pills?

However, few weeks after i realised my body frame became relatively smaller. I've been losing muscles at arms area etc. And the areas at the sides of my belly slimmed down together with both sides of my chest. Then i realised i got problems fitting on my usual tee shirts as my chest becomes smaller, waistline too. I just look like some freak wearing a extra big tee shirt. Anyone encountered this too when you have gynecosmatia? thanks! By the way, i have a sunken chest and i saw some exercises to improve chest appearance on the net so i went to follow it. Not sure if this actually chips in to what my body has become now. Sigh.

Thats not the worst. i realised theres like a white spot somewhere near my right nipple nearer to the armpit. Its something like the "3rd" nipple and its painful when i press it down. Anyone has similar experiences? can feel free to share with me cos im actually quite scared its a lump or something.

People, i really need advices from you all. Thanks a million!!! (im 21 yo male) :'(

Offline goingoingonegyno

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Sounds similar to the way that I, and probably many other people here, discovered their gynecomastia. It starts with a small lump - you freak out thinking its breast cancer or something - and the lump never goes away. That's right, the lump never goes away. I held out hope for 6 years hoping that I would just wake up one morning and everything would be okay, but the reality of the situation is that is almost certainly not going to happen. I'm no doctor/surgeon/etc. but surgery is the only option in getting rid of your gynecomastia. Do you have any excess breast tissue (ie. sagging) or puffy nipples? If you just have a lump behind the nipple I would be more worried, however, if there is excess tissue there it is being pushed out by an enlarged gland, which can be surgically repaired.

Offline headheldhigh01

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welcome, wish you didn't have to be here ;) 

did i understand you right, did you say you were drinking milk heavily at the time? 

if you have had it for a while a year or two, the odds get slimmer of it going away, especially if the mass has grown significantly, so an operation would probably be your only choice, assuming that like most of us you want to get rid of this. 

i didn't have a severe adjustment of other areas when the gyne appeared, but i did remember wondering, when i mistakenly thought it was cancer, whether it was drawing at or eating some of the adjacent muscle etc., so i still kind of wonder how well i can rebuild a normal figure once it's gone. 

when you first discover gyne you're naturally paranoid, so don't panic about that other spot yet.  except for the fact it can destroy lives, it's medically mostly benign.  see what a doc says about it, though i assume he didn't say anything last time. 

* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline postiey

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interesting post - i to have felt the way u described and only recently have been diagnosed withit by a doctor, but have always been paranoid about the size of my chest and puffy nipples; probably more than five years and didnt realise anyone felt the same way thats why i think this site is a big help.

i also remember probably the time i started noticing it more was when i started training thinking i could get rid of it, whilst like u was drinking alot of milk
this being around two pints a day and eating atleast two burgers a day.

i cant really link it to these foods but i certaintly wont be eating alot of these foods, was also eating mcdonalds a fair bit.

also have seen a post on here the other day saying that a person had noticed alot of guys with gynecomastia more than usual. i think this could be to do with the crap that are injected into animals then we eat it.

i know my diet sounds that i would be really over weight but not the case at all infact i am just big built not much fat on stomach or any other areas but im not thin at all.

obviously my diet is good now but gyno still remains think surgery is the only option!!!


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