Author Topic: Yes or No  (Read 3315 times)

Offline neuron

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I really need to know if i have gynecomastia...
I am very very frustrated, i can say i am ashamed  of myself, so that`s why i decided to take some measures.

And i need to know your opinion, if i need surgery or not.

Thanks !

« Last Edit: September 07, 2016, 12:51:25 PM by web_admin »

Offline Curiousone89

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We can't really tell if this is gyne or not based on SOLELY pictures. This is a doctor only thing, he will tell if you have gyne or not.

But from the pics you posted, I'd say you have a SUPER small case of puffy nipples, but other than that it's fine :/ don't see the big deal.

Offline postiey

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i would say no u dont have it!! why does it bother u, surely that doesnt show underneath t shirts etc! u look toned i wouldnt worry at alll

Offline user87

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yes you have it, and I am sure that you can see it when you wear a shirt and want to see it.
but a very very slight case

Offline postiey

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i have been to see two ps and they both said that all men have some slight breast tissue. how can u say that is gyno!  i personally dont think tha would show under a normal t shirt, maybe a super tight one. dont think u should worry about it personally for such a small case. up to u tho take it up with ur dr see what he says. most if not all people on this sight would be happy with ur chest.

Offline user87

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i have been to see two ps and they both said that all men have some slight breast tissue.

yeah everyone has a little bit of breast tissue or gland but normally this tiny bit doesn't show in someones breast contour. in this case you can definitely see the nipples protruding and this is NOT normal!

Offline postiey

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well i personally dont think he needs to worry! even tho he has a very small amount the surgeon will still charge the same high rates.
if i had a chest like that i wouldnt worry. if he wants to get it fixed that is fine.

cant really comment anymore! as i think it is up to the individual go and see a dr if ur that botherd then u will know for sure..

Offline bachchu

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Yes,this a case of Gyne.

Offline Revelation

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Very mild case,

If you hit the weights, it won't even be noticeable.

Offline user87

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Very mild case,

If you hit the weights, it won't even be noticeable.

If you hit the weights, it will be even more noticeable. (!)

Offline Revelation

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Very mild case,

If you hit the weights, it won't even be noticeable.

If you hit the weights, it will be even more noticeable. (!)

Not true, working out is always a win-win situation,

he has a very small gland in there, when he builds up his chest, especially his upper chest, the nipple will tend to slide downward
thus leaving him with a full chest

Offline user87

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Very mild case,

If you hit the weights, it won't even be noticeable.

If you hit the weights, it will be even more noticeable. (!)

Not true, working out is always a win-win situation,

he has a very small gland in there, when he builds up his chest, especially his upper chest, the nipple will tend to slide downward
thus leaving him with a full chest

in my case working out made it worse, cause the gland was pushed out by the muscles.
i think the doctors here on the forums said the same.

Offline Santos05

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dude, i was assuming that you have a "CASE OF GYNE" but thats not a big deal, i mean i wish my chest was like that before i got my gyne, now its perfect but its not that big of an issue for you, but it doesn't hurt to ask

Offline postiey

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i agree with user 87, weights will push the gland out further this is what happend to me and it definetely became more pronounced with heavy weights.

i have heard that building up the upper chest can make it look better. i spent a year trying this in my opinion it doesnt work. think drs on here have said the same.

even tho i have fell for the fat can turn into muscle theory myself, this is the biggest lie about weightlifting i have ever heard.
 i think its quite clear to me now and anyone who thinks they have a gland of fat present. building muscle will not make this disapear.

Offline moobsbrah

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def not


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