Author Topic: A Woman's Garment (Deuteronomy 22:5)  (Read 8188 times)

Offline Tiffany

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  I imagine that there are Christians out there that have gyne and that accept it for whatever reason. I imagine as  well that some are afraid of wearing a bra as it has always been considered a woman's garment.
  When I attended a Pentecostal Church I was one that was very self righteous with their "clothesline doctrine" until I saw things in a deeper light.
  The Lord's thought are not our thoughts and his ways are not our ways as Isaiah said. What we esteem to be something is not neccessarily how he sees it.
  The word says in Psalm 133 that the anointing oil went down to Aaron's skirt and in Ruth Boaz covered Ruth with his skirt.
  When Jesus washed the feet of his disciples he first removed his garment and wrapped a towel around himself. All women know what a wrap-skirt is.
  David said before he was afflicted he went astray. He also said the Lord in faithfulness afflicted him.
  In like manner I was self righteous with the clothesline doctrine before being afflicted. That affliction allowed me to see that man's doctrine was wrong in this area and that I would rather have Jesus as my righteousness and be saved by his work on the cross than going to hell dressed as a man.
  Through too many scriptures to list here the truth is that the woman's garment is her veil, which is a type and shadow of the covering of the Spirit of God on the woman, or church. That type and shadow of her having the man, or Lord as her head.
  In like manner that which "pertaineth unto the man" is the "breastplate of righteousness" that her Husband, the High Priest forever after the order of Melchizedec wears to make intercession for her sins before God.
  Bras were designed to hold breasts. It is nothing but another garment. Just as the same bolt of denim makes a skirt, so also it makes a jeans skirt.
  Anyone that has ever sweated while worshipping in a hot church is in danger of transgressing the law. They are just as guilty as those who eat catfish or wear a garment that is made of more than one type of fiber.
  The law was a schoolteacher to show us that which pleases God and man can not attain without faith in his Son. It was to point out mercy and truth and not to condemn or make one holier-than-thou.
  I just felt that if some struggle with the garment issue and their faith they should know this.
  May God bless,
It's too easy to get on a "woe is me" kick.
Life is too good in other ways.
If I can't poke fun of myself I sure would be pathetic.


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Wow thanks that was enlightening!  I never thought of it that way before, thanks again!


Offline radic

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With all due respect.......

I find many religious folk can dredge the scriptures for any evidence of "sin", or lack of sin.  I tend to view scripture as historical reference, whose meaning has been lost to time.  There was no such thing as a "bra" in the era of the old testament.  Any reference to justify or condemn the wearing of such is grasping back into the mist of time for straws.

If it makes you feel more supported (pun intended) in your bra, that's cool. 

Me thinks one need look no farther than their own comfort for justification.

A heathen non-believing viewpoint to be sure, offered up for the sake of discussion, not condemnation.


Offline Tiffany

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  Thank you. I do believe that there are some out there that either have this issue haunt them or have a spouse that may believe some teachings within certain churches. This may cause the spouse to hinder more than help their mate in their hour of need.

  While it is true that bras were not an issue in Biblical times of old the concepts of what is male or female clothing still exists today. And sadly many churches still have the "clothesline doctrines" of what is male and what is female. Sadly, some use these precepts to tell some that they aren't saved, or that they are "going to hell" for going against the law of God.
  Therefore I have shown the spiritual sense so that should any be of a denomination where male/female attire is an issue maybe they can be comforted some.
  Thank you for the input.
  I do hope it helps someone.
  May God bless,

Offline Bman41

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Here is something also to look at:

This is from a Rabbi who studied the original context in the Torah.

The source link is:

Offline johnny125

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A bra is a garment that serves a function, and I don't think there is anything wrong with wearing one. I used to wear a bra for my gyne and found it quite comfortable.

The Bible is talking about a fetish that some people take to extremes and can disrupt your life. Putting on pretty clothes, posing in front of a mirror and making love to oneself is no substitute for a real love relationship with another person.

With all the hormones they are putting in our food and more and more men developing breasts, someday bras may become a socially acceptable garment for men.

Offline gotgyne

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With all the hormones they are putting in our food and more and more men developing breasts, someday bras may become a socially acceptable garment for men.


A bra is just an article of clothing for people with breasts.

Offline wannabemassive

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I wasn't put here to be plaged buy the devil and turned into a woman by getting gynecomastia,

God found me a Doctor who saved me from the devil,

Now i can focus on my work and save people from the devil,

rehbilitate them and promote the good that comes from others.

Offline Anon E Mouse

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I wasn't put here to be plaged buy the devil and turned into a woman by getting gynecomastia,

God found me a Doctor who saved me from the devil,

Now i can focus on my work and save people from the devil,

rehbilitate them and promote the good that comes from others.

Utter nonsense!  >:(

Offline legalman

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this thread is ridiculous.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Actually I think this post is good, well written, and completely apropriate.

As a matter of fact several people, over the last few years, have been raked over the coals using the same piece of scripture simply for suggesting that some form of breast support garment might be worn by some men.

Having grown up in a different time, I can recall when a girl was sent home from school to change into apropriate clothing. She was wearing slacks and the dress code allowed the girls to wear pants only in frosty weather.

The whole idea of what constitutes male or female clothing gets a bit crazy very quickly. Yet, if most of us looked back in our family history a couple of hundred years we'd find most of the men wearing some sort of skirted garment unless they were horsemen or lived in very cold climes.

Grandpa Dan

Offline Anon E Mouse

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Actually I think this post is good, well written, and completely apropriate.

As a matter of fact several people, over the last few years, have been raked over the coals using the same piece of scripture simply for suggesting that some form of breast support garment might be worn by some men.

Having grown up in a different time, I can recall when a girl was sent home from school to change into apropriate clothing. She was wearing slacks and the dress code allowed the girls to wear pants only in frosty weather.

The whole idea of what constitutes male or female clothing gets a bit crazy very quickly. Yet, if most of us looked back in our family history a couple of hundred years we'd find most of the men wearing some sort of skirted garment unless they were horsemen or lived in very cold climes.

I think the subject matter is entirely appropriate. My comment was in direct response to the nut-case I quoted. People who may struggle with how God views them wearing a bra need to understand that it's man who looks at the outward appearance (just some guy wearing a bra), but God looks at the heart (the underlying motivation for wearing it).



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