Author Topic: N.H.S- not happy at all  (Read 8792 times)

Offline D24

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Hi, first off i'd like to stress that i know a lot of people have been agreed surgery on the NHS and i'm not trying to put anyone off here, it's just my personal experiance. I had surgery for my gynecomastia last thursday. Lipo only was carried out and i don't look any different, i still have puffy nipples and now feel so down that iv'e gone through all the waiting and sitting in the day case unit for hours waiting to be called into theatre.The elation i had that the torment of having the condition was going to be over is now diminished. I have an appointment to see my GP tomorrow to discuss my concerns. i'll get sum pictures up ASAP but i can't bring myself to look at my chest right now i feel that dissapointed.

Offline kingboob

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The standard response most people make in situations like this is to wait and see........... give it time for the swelling to go down etc etc.   Having said that you have had not had the gland removed (usually they cut it out as lipo  alone doesn't do the job)................ so I would imagine your chest will look less flabby but any puffy nipples or gland tissue will remain.   The final results will take a couple of months to show up.

This is the NHS for you unfortunately -  I think men get a rough deal when it comes to 'cosmetic' issues like this, women get breast reductions and reconstructions done properly, why can't men?

I had day surgery for a different issue (not going into details here) recently and the experience left a lot to be desired, plus the surgery was a botch due to a screw up on the surgeons part (how difficult is it to read someones notes before operating?). 

The day surgery unit was pretty terrible with the feeling that none of the doctors actually gave a toss about what they were doing....................  A mixed sex ward and no effort was being made to protect patients dignity or privacy at all. One lady was asked by a doctor to 'speak up'  about her 'bladder issues' and the doctor was so loud he basically announced it to the whole ward, I wasn't trying to listen in but with only a curtain between beds and a shouting, deaf doctor you can't help it.   

So I can sympathize with the way you are feeling right now, I would also say your chances of getting a revision on the NHS are slim unless you are willing to kick up a massive fuss - and then you will probably get tagged as a trouble maker or someone with mental issues.

If you are really unhappy once everything has healed you should write a letter of complaint and ask to see a second surgeon for a second opinion - I'm not sure if you are legally entitled but a decent GP would not refuse to send you for one.

« Last Edit: August 11, 2009, 12:05:49 PM by kingboob »

Offline bluemoon

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Must admit that I've given up hope of getting the surgery done on the NHS and everything I've read on this site has completely deterred me anyway. After a year of hospital and GP appointments I've finally been referred to a PS. Got a call from the GP surgery the other day stating that they want me to come in to discuss a letter that they've received from the hospital - God knows what that is all about!!! In the meantime I've organised my own consultation with a private surgeon and am due to go next week.

Offline creative

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@D24, i'm sorry to hear off your experience. I myself am also awaiting surgery on the NHS but have done a bit of background reading on the surgeon i will be getting (or at least i think i will be :S) and he seems pretty good for the job. Nevertheless, this type of experience does cast quite a bit of doubt! In my first consultation, the surgeon said that gland removal will be required as well as lipo. So i'm hoping that will be done!

The common theme i'm picking up here is that most people who've had problems with the NHS are the ones that did not get gland removal and i cannot understand why. It seems as though the problem is poorly understood by these surgeons. What a shame it is we live in such a highly-taxed society and yet the public services are deeply underfunded. *cough* Brown bailing out the banks..*cough*
« Last Edit: August 11, 2009, 08:05:24 PM by creative »

Offline D24

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Thanks guys for the replies. It's true what you say tho, i too got that feeling of 'in-out no questions please'. it was as if everything was a hassle for them. i awoke from surgery and within 5 minutes the aftercare nurse was telling me when i could take the pain killers they were going to give me. Baring in mind i'm practically as high as a kite at this point from the anaesthetic and drugs etc, i had the sense somehow to say can you write it down for me please, guess wasn't wrote down. When i asked questions after the op i was always answered with a sigh and a bit of sarcasm. Seriously i'm not surprised in the slightest that the NHS get such a bad name. i went to see my gp this morning and she said the results wouldn't be apparent for a while as i'm only 6 days post-op but i just can't see how the puffines of my nipples will dissapear with lipo only. I was reasured before surgery that the guy doing my op was the head plastic surgeon and he has a lot of experiance in gyne surgery. only time will tell i suppose, just this was supposed to be an end to the problem.

Offline creative

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Yes, i too get the impression that we are somewhat of a burden for them. On the plus side, as long as they don't botch it, there's always the option of getting revision surgery privately. The only concern with this, however, is once scars have been created, it's very difficult to follow up i.e. get the job done correctly the first time!

I notice from your previous posts that you were told you were going to have lipo only? Did you mention excision or did they just try and fob you off? Maybe if you pushed for excision things might've been different? However, this is in no way your fault as you are the patient after all! It does seem though that we know more than them at this rate :S

Out of interest, where did you get the op done?

Offline D24

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Yes, i too get the impression that we are somewhat of a burden for them. On the plus side, as long as they don't botch it, there's always the option of getting revision surgery privately. The only concern with this, however, is once scars have been created, it's very difficult to follow up i.e. get the job done correctly the first time!

I notice from your previous posts that you were told you were going to have lipo only? Did you mention excision or did they just try and fob you off? Maybe if you pushed for excision things might've been different? However, this is in no way your fault as you are the patient after all! It does seem though that we know more than them at this rate :S

Out of interest, where did you get the op done?

yeah i did question the lipo only and was told i don't need it, it's not neccessary and he'll be able to make a nice neat job of it. It was Sunderland royal hospital. I had no struggle in being given concent for the surgery which i was surprised about. I agree there's always revision, i have an appointment in 6 weeks with the surgeon to see how im healing or whatever they check for. however, it means all the hassle again and prolonged feeling of having the problem. i was hoping to get back in the gym ASAP and start my new life moving forward and being rid of the condition.

Offline creative

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I fully understand how disheartening it must be to think after all the waiting, worrying and pain from healing you've still not got rid of that life-long problem. I'm certainly no expert on this but i think waiting until for at least a few weeks might be worthwhile. Although like you say, i doubt very much lipo alone gets rid of the puffyness? Was any skin removed during the process or was it straightforward lipo?

I've also read that sometimes, you can be better off having the lipo first, allowing the body to heal and then having the excision later because the surgeon will then know exactly how much to remove. If your gyno is quite severe, this is seems like a good option. So things could still work out for the best, albeit it'll be two healing processes. I was advised of this route in my consultation too and to be honest if it gives a better result, i'd snap it up. Given this, i'd say keep looking on the positives and you can get the excision done privately :)

Nevertheless, you should still chase them up about this and let it be known how you feel. Whether you want revision surgery by them again is another matter - do you still have any confidence left in them?

Offline D24

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Thanks creative i appreciate your replies, they've given me a bit of a wider perspective if you like. There was no skin removed just 'straight forward' lipo.It was/is pretty bad case in my eyes, knowhere near as bad as others tho. To be honest i'm not sure if i'd have faith in using the NHS again, on the other hand i don't think i could afford to go private. I recieve private healthcare thru work but i'm not sure if it would be seen as more of a cosmetic thing and no geniuine need for it. I'm hoping that i'll gradually see results, even if i could find out how much was removed at least id have a quantitive idea of the mass taken out.

Offline creative

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Hi D24,

Is there any update to your situation? :)

Offline D24

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Hi Creative.

Update is the same i'm affraid. The bruising on my chest is virtually gone but i can still feel a lot of fatty tissue around my nipples and i look the same as pre-op. I'm approaching 3 weeks post op now and i'm still struggling to come to terms with the feeling that i was so happy that i was going to be an end to my gyne and all those things i'd envisioned myself doing are now gone. I have my follow up assessmet in around 3 weeks with the plastic surgeon and i'm hoping they can rectify it. I don't mind going through surgery again as long as it will be taken away but i have a lot of doubt the NHS will approve a revision. Here's a link to some pics.

Offline D24

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Just thought I'd give an update, well I'm 6 weeks post op tomorrow and can't wait to remove the compression garment. I've got a lot of gland that I can feel as lipo only was done. I have a hard area around my right nipple. I've recieved my appointment to see the surgeon at the end of this month so I'm hoping that when he sees/feels the gland still there that they well correct this.

Offline creative

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Hi D24,

Thanks for the update. I know it must be frustrating to still have some gland left and perhaps have to go through this whole ordeal again, but hopefully they'll be able to correct it for you! Good luck with your consultation.

Offline D24

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Well i have my follow up in two days and i'm feeling worried and excited at the same time. Excited that the surgeon will see and feel the large amount of gland i have and worried that they may refuse to take it out as i can't afford to go private.

Offline kingboob

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Well i have my follow up in two days and i'm feeling worried and excited at the same time. Excited that the surgeon will see and feel the large amount of gland i have and worried that they may refuse to take it out as i can't afford to go private.

I don't want to put a downer on things - but please go in expecting the worse and be happy if they agree more can be done.

As I mentioned in an earlier post in this topic; I am having a similar issue with the NHS at the moment. I have seen two doctors, one who agrees there is an issue and  the other (the more 'senior' consultant) who doesn't agree there is a problem.......... I wrote a letter and received a fob-off reply telling me I could be seen in the outpatient clinic again but there is nothing he would either want or be able to do (IE: come see me again  but it is waste of my time), or I could have a 3rd opinion with a 'colleague' who would no doubt agree with the consultant, because working at the same hospital means they must all cover each others backs.

So I have written back with a slightly more firm letter this time, pointing out the clear mistake that is even lodged in my medical records!  I'm now waiting to see what response I get.

 Apart from having a general rant at the NHS; my point is this is an issue where a clear & visible mistake was made, yet I'm still having to fight to get a resolution, so God knows how difficult it would be to get them to agree that gynecomastia surgery needs a revision, as the results are SO subjective, making for an easy fob-off.

I really wish you the best of luck...... I can fully understand your frustration, if the NHS is going to offer 'cosmetic' operations (usually on mental health grounds) then there is surely some kind of obligation to do the job properly......... otherwise people are just going through the risk of surgery without fixing the problem.

« Last Edit: September 29, 2009, 06:51:05 AM by kingboob »


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