Author Topic: Countdown to Karidis.............  (Read 2979 times)

Offline JugsyMalone

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I thought it would never arrive, but I am on my last few days before my op with Dr. Karidis.  Happy as can be, but as nervous as hell.  All formalities are now sorted.  Journey there, courtesy of my sister.  Blood tests arrived and filed away, and my flexible friend has taken care of the costs.  I'll deal with paying after the event.  The least of my worries  :o

Hopefully I can consign the last few years to the past, and finally start to enjoy life.  Choose the clothes I want, go swimming, dig the garden in the summer without wearing an over-coat etc.  ;D  Just praying for a good result........

Offline postiey

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good luck to you, im sure all will go well keep us posted!

Offline JugsyMalone

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Well, I'm the other side of the tunnel now  ;D.  Arrived yesterday, with my ever supportive sister, a little earlier than my scheduled 8.30, and was promptly given my room.  And very nice it was too.  On suite bathroom, tv, and phone.  Had a couple of visits from the nurse who took my obs, and a bit of a questionairre.  Dr. Karidis arrived a little later and popped in to reassure me, mark my chest, and take a few "before" photos.  He was as charming and confident as ever. 

Then the waiting game started, which was the worst bit for me, as every noise outside my room had my heart leaping.  Yep, I am that cowardly  :o  Finally, a little before midday, I was taken down to the anaethetist's room.  A lovely Australian lady managed to soothe my nerves, followed by another lovely yorkshire lass.  Then the anaethetist himself came in and again was very pleasant.  A little pre-jab in the back of the hand, followed by the main stuff into my arm had me waving goodbye rather rapidly.

In what seemed like the blink of an eye I found myself waking up in my room, resplendent in my new compression garment, and copious amounts of wadding.  There was some pain, but it was nothing to really complain about, and I was soon given some pain-killers.  Had a few more visits, one from a lovely coloured girl (Chantelle?), who ran me through what I should/could expect, and how to deal with it.  Then Dr. Karidis returned and told me that he had been "very pleased" with the procedure.  And told me that he had removed about 800ml of fat, and I can't remember how much gland, as I was still a little drowsy.

A few more nurse visits, and a nice snooze (oh, and some most welcome food), and I was ready to leave.  I haven't seen my chest yet, as I'm to remove the wadding tonight for my first shower.  But even with the large quantity of padding and the vest I'm looking better than pre-op  :D.  Will keep you posted as the results begin to unfold.  I'm relatively pain free as I sit here typing and am about to start snaffling down the pineapple for my brekky  ;D

All the best, Jugsy Malone - Or should that be JugLESS MAlone

Offline postiey

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thanks for the the reply! im hoping to go with karidis soon. so please post ur pre op and post op pics.
well done again!!

Offline thetodd

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yea mate get some pics tonight, before the swelling kicks in

glad your all fixed up mate, youl get a letter though with  mls of fat and g's of gland

Good luck mate
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline postiey

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hey thetodd i know u had surgery awhile back now. how is everything healed ok are the incisions are noticeable?how u feeling about things now? do u just chuck any top on and not think about it. what about the scars around the aerola?

aslong as i could feel good in a t shirt id be more than happy but still thought id ask wether the incisions are noticeable after time

Offline thetodd

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Yeah i can pretty much chuck on any top, i dont wear any super skinny fit tops, because they just dont suit my frame (and you look a c.unt). Lyle and scott polo's All saints polo's yeah i wear them tight fit and i look great in them. Before i used to have to have all black but now its pretty much whatever i want

People have commented on my general stance, before i used to hunch over alot. Now i stand tall and ive had compliments on my body language so im happy about that. Ive had a few job interviews really and its just been great i havent had to hunch over, try on loads of shirts ive just been able to stand tall!

i can say hand on heart, its the best thing ive spent money on ever

Offline postiey

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thanks for the reply!
ye thats exactly the t shirts i was on about, i used to love wearing polo shirts,would be great to be able to wear them again without being conscious that people are noticing. that reply was what i was hoping for, i dont have a large case but just find it damages my confidence and miss feeling good in clothes .

ive come to far to go back now anyway, just waiting for the funds wich shouldnt be long then hopefully ill be on the otherside soon.
what about without a top on then are the scars noticeable? i guess they take years to fade completely anyway.

thanks again

Offline thetodd

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the scars are on the nipples, but my girlfriends never commented on them. Never noticed them and has no idea ive had any sort of cosmetic surgery

ive been swimming, and no-ones clocked them. Youd have to be like a few cm's away from me and know what your looking for. If anything the scars look natural lol

Offline postiey

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wow that sounds great! thanks for the reply, cant wait to get mine sorted. it is goin to take alot of  courage tho!
guess we all gotta step up sometime.

just hate the idea of bein asleep and the injections scare the crap outta me lol

Offline JugsyMalone

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Well, I've just been on the phone to Dr. Karidis, who contacted me with a "courtesy call" to see how I was doing.  That's the 3rd follow-up call that has come from office of Karidis.  They certainly don't just take your money and run.  Very impressed with their aftercare so far.

Just a quick update:

It's been 8 days now since surgery.  The pain, which was never anything to shout about anyhow, has receded a lot.  Although the "type" of pain has also changed.  Difficult to explain, but I now have a different sensation in my chest than a day or so back.  The bruises are getting considerably less too.  Although I still keep walking into things and bumping my chest.  That REALLY hurts  >:(.  Very pleased with the incisions thus far.  A tiny slit at the base of each nipple which is already difficult to spot, and some even tinier incisions near the armpits which are just like little scratches. 

I think there may be a little lack of symmetry though.  The left breast appears to have a little more fatty tissue than the right.  However, it's early days, and there is still degree of bruising and swelling so I'm hoping that it will right itself (no pun intended  :D).  Even so it is such a wonderful feeling to be able to lean forward and not feel my breasts swinging into view.  If now is as good as it gets, then I think I'll be happy.  Will try and post a picture tomorrow, but have no pre-op piccies unfortunately.


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