Author Topic: 4 days post Op - comments and pics  (Read 10769 times)

Offline maybemaybe

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I don't think others would notice it unless I pointed it out. I've shown a few friends and they agreed when I did point it out (no pun intended!)

@postiey - yes is does feel weird to touch. You can't tell with a tshift on but the raised area rubs on clothes so now there's a bald bit! lol I find it's not as prominent when I actually leave it alone rather than massaging it daily. If i lift my arm there is disfiguration compared to the left side and you can see clearly where all the bumps are.

@niguy13 - On the morning we didn't chat much, he marked me up and i checked the marks and it covered the bulbous side bits too so was happy. We'd also chatted about this in the first consul so assumed everything would be fine. When i said I had expected more of that area to be sucked out at the follow up he said he definately did but think I offended him by saying it! Created an odd atmosphere after that and felt i was being hurried along to leave.

One other strange comment, he asked if i'd been going to the gym, which I had, lost 6kgs to which he replied 'yea you still have a way to go'. It came across as if if id lost the weight I wouldn't have the bulbous side boob problem still, but couldn't help feeling I'd paid money to get rid of it and it hadn;t quite delieverd. Was an odd comment to someone who is obv a bit sensitive to their appearance. Yes he'd do a revision for free, but I can't afford the extra hosp fee for it. Dunno, may it's just me but didn't quite click with him.

He didn't explain about the internal scarring in the first consol and how common it was. I didn't know about it till reading about it on here afterward. Honestly it may have put me off as I feel I've lost the chance to ever have a decent looking chest now that it's formed.

Was it all worth it? yes and no. My chest still doesn't look normal and nipples look weird as they fold over a bit where the incision was. But I guess it has given more confidence to at least go to the gym.

Guess the moral of the story is the example pictures that you see in the consul are for the perfect operation and perfect recovery. It doesn't always work out like that.

Hopefully with gym and time it will sort itself out. oh and will put some pics on!! I wonder if he ever reads these boards!?

Offline postiey

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hey divison j thanks for posting all that info. i can telll that u have wrote exactly what u think and the whole truth about ur experience wich obviously helps othere members a great deal on this board.

it is a big decision to make and i to, like many others want to have the best result after surgery, so ur post has made me think a great deal about having the surgery.

as u say u cant see it through a t shirt wich i think can only be a great thing living in the uk, as we dont really need to go bare chest that often. for me i feel like my nipples are prominent through a t shirt so thats a issue for me. do u feel more comfortable now walkin around in a tshirt or shirt etc?

hope things get better in time with u mate, would be good to see pics when u get a chance


Offline maybemaybe

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opps for got to post pics, apols, took the other day. 2.5 months in

the scar tissue (the lumps) under the right nipple has gone down a lot, just seemed to go one week. the only thing that changed was i started drinking protein shake with creatine in :-s no idea if that had anythgin to do with it.

Some days cannot feel the lumps at all so well pleased. Hitting the gym hard (not that u can tell yet!) but takes time. The cut under the nipples have healed fine too, the nipple no longer fold at the bottom where the cut was. There is a new lump right under the right nipple but you cant see it only feel it. I'm guessing this will go in time too.

It used be quite tight when i lifted my arms up and felt like a stringy band. thats gone too. I've been swimming all to help stretch things. Still not exactly even but only enough for me to notice.

So yea, time's a healer :-) Pics below.

Offline postiey

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u seem alot happier now then? ur pics look good, would u say it was worth it now then?

Offline maybemaybe

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I was chatting about this very thing yday with a mate of mine - was it worth it? While I didn't quickly jump to yes due to the worry and uncertainty that comes with operations, I coulnd't say no. 

It turned out I had v little actual breast tissue so I could have just gone to the gym and reduce them that way by reducing body fat. But of course that is hindsight, AND if I hadn't have gone through with the operation I doubt I would have had the confidence to go to the gym and embark on getting really fit.

 If I had read from someone on here giving advice to go the gym route first would I have seriously listened? prob not.

So yes I'm pleased I got it done :-) I actually have pecs not boobs now :-)

Offline postiey

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i think ur before and after photos are quite amazing. a big big difference!

its quite funny really how most people on here after the op come out with pecs as they have obviously trained but gyne ruins the look of it

Offline decimal

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dvisionj, I think your chest looks great in ur latest pics. Congrats!!

The best part about ur case, is that post-surgery you seemed to have had issues very similar to mine, and now looking at ur results 3 months post-op, I am positively hopeful!  ;D

Two weeks down, 10 more to go!!!!!!!

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