Author Topic: Post Op Excess Skin  (Read 2423 times)

Offline sfaquaboy

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So I had my 6 mos post operation doctor's visit last week. I had some minor lipo done on the lower portion of my pecs as there was too much fat which made them look like hanging breasts, the fat was removed. I workout quite a bit so my pecs were pretty large to begin with and although my chest now took on a more defined, lean  look, I now have some excess saggy skin which I can't seem to stop focusing on. My Dr. said  the only other oprtion would be cutting the excess skin which would leave scarring and I don't want that.

Has anyone experienced this and what did you do (if anything)? or is this just something I'd better get used to and learn to live with.



  • Guest
So I had my 6 mos post operation doctor's visit last week. I had some minor lipo done on the lower portion of my pecs as there was too much fat which made them look like hanging breasts, the fat was removed. I workout quite a bit so my pecs were pretty large to begin with and although my chest now took on a more defined, lean  look, I now have some excess saggy skin which I can't seem to stop focusing on. My Dr. said  the only other oprtion would be cutting the excess skin which would leave scarring and I don't want that.

Has anyone experienced this and what did you do (if anything)? or is this just something I'd better get used to and learn to live with.


These Standard Pictures for Male Chest Lift and Loose Skin of the Male Chest help demonstrate issues of ptosis (drooping) and excess skin of the male chest. 

Excess skin of the male chest can deform the contour.  Skin reduction scars can be a compromise that must be weighed in comparison to how bad the loose tissues and the appearance of Low Nipples on a Male Chest.  Make certain you look for examples of that specific doctor's skills, this operation, in the wrong hands can create a disaster such as this Large Areola Complication of Bad Male Mastopexy Surgery.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia of Male Chest Ptosis - Sagging and Male Mastopexy Chest Lift Sculpture


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