Author Topic: surgery complete!  (Read 10286 times)

Offline D24

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Hi, for those who have followed my posts here are some pics after my excison yesterday.
For those who havn't read my posts : I had lipo only performed by the NHS and didn't solve my gyneacomstia so had to have excision done privately.

So far i'm very happy, it hasn't really sunk in yet to be honest, doesn't seem real somehow. I stayed overnight at the hospital and hardleys slept but when i did i had some wierd dreams like dreaming i woke up and had huge boobs like that of a woman like full on breasts and dreampt that when i awake i have to give myself stitches to close the cuts. Bit wierd eh?

Before: (after lipo only on NHS)

« Last Edit: October 30, 2009, 12:11:53 PM by D24 »

Offline londonlad

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Congrats D24!  Looks like a really massive difference to me.  Good luck with the recovery.

Offline postiey

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brilliant results! who did u go with privately if u dont mind me asking. i can see u didnt have much but it is still a pain having g

Offline D24

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Thanks londonlad, yeah I'm really happy. I was scared to look in the mirror this morning after the drains came out. I know it sounds daft but I think after the first part where I had lipo only and was left dissapointed I was just hoping that I wouldn't be again.

Hi postiey, it was mr David Browell at Washington spire hospital (in the north east). I did some reading about mr Browell before hand and he's had a lot of experiance with it, he told me he does around 5-6 gyneacomastia ops a week and has done for around 15 years now so I was very confident in his work.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2009, 08:27:10 PM by D24 »

Offline postiey

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thanks for the reply he has done a great job but a bit far for me! one thing tho why did he have to use drains beings ur case is small? im asking cause i have a small case and my ps didnt mention any drains.

ps i bet it is well nerve racking taking off the bandages but glad it worked out for u!
thanks postie

Offline D24

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I was told that the use of drains depends on the surgeons personal preferences and also if there's a lot of bleeding during surgery so some need them whereas others may not need them.

Offline postiey

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oh ok just assumed they were for larger cases but that makes sense. i suppose it doesnt really matter aslong as the end result is good.

thanks again

Offline D24

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I agree postiey if it makes you heal quicker then it's a bonus. It's not pleasant having them removed because there's about a good 3 inches of tube in your chest.

Offline thetodd

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Nice result! you got that sorted out quick bloody hell!

Keep on top of massaging and stuff at week 3, i didnt and ive now got a load of scar tissue on my RH side which is going to take an age to shift :(

But yeah deffo no gyne anymore :)
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline D24

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Cheers thetodd, I'll ask my surgeon about massaging at my follow up with him on the 6th of November. I'm also eager to know when I can return to the gym. I'm hoping I don't have to wait 7 weeks like when I had the lipo only. But then again as long as I don't have gyno I really don't mind that's the most important part to me that I'm gyno free.

Offline D24

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Hi, just thought I'd give an update. Had a bit of a scare yesterday evening, i changed the dressings and noticed a bit of yellow gunky stuff on my right cut so rang the surgeon and he asked me to call into the hospital where he saw me immediately. He said everything looks OK with no infection but would like me to take antibiotics for five days just to be on the safe side. I think I've hit the swelling stage or at least that's what i hope it is as my chest looks bigger than after surgery. He did say sometimes after gyno surgery you can have a fluid build up so when i see him this Friday for my followup he may need to drain any fluid that's there (can't wait for that  ::) ). I don't have to wear a compression garment, the surgeon came to my room after surgery and said the garment is used more for lipo than excision only so i didn't need one, plus i had the drains in so hopefully that helped.

Offline postiey

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thanks for the info d24, i will need gland removal to so im just wandaring how they will heal.
did he say how long the incisions take to heal etc.

Offline D24

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He didn't unfortunately. My lipo holes from the first surgery on the nhs only took about 4 days to close up completely but the cuts I have around my areolas are not healed yet.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2009, 06:44:24 PM by D24 »

Offline wannabemassive

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Grab some dermatix scar cream from boots if there is alot of scar tissue.

Looks awesome.



Offline D24

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Thanks for the advice wannabemassive.

Had my followup with the surgeon today, i had to have some fluid on my chest (seroma) aspirated with a syringe. He said this may need to be repeated next week so i see him next friday, also having my stitches taken out on monday. I asked him when i could return to the gym and he said wait till the swelling's gone and i'll know when i'm ready to return. I also asked him how much tissue was removed, Turns out i had 36 grams from the right and 16 grams from the left. Wish i could see a picture with the weight of the gland to get an idea of what that looks like. He said it was all glandular tissue and no fatty tissue. Hmmm seem to remember the NHS surgeon saying i had no excess glandular tissue.....strange that isn't it!
« Last Edit: November 07, 2009, 09:41:31 AM by D24 »


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