Author Topic: The 3 causes of GYNO  (Read 8907 times)

Offline matthew11

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There are 3 causes which i am 100% sure are related to the formation or worsening of my gyno, I'd like to share them with you all so that you can A) stay away from them and B) Let me know if you think your gyno may be related to the same things.

1) Working out- Call me crazy but i am 100% sure that this is one of the main causes of my gyno. Like most people my gyno started just after puberty which happened to be the exact same time i started working out. I was young and fairly inconsistent (I'd work out hard for a few weeks and then stop for a few weeks) this leads to the problem. When you work out you obviously create muscle and when that muscle isnt used it turns into fat. HOWEVER, my muscle not only turned into fat but breast tissue as well. You may disagree but, to this day my gyno is fairly stable until I start working out. Ill work out my chest and then a few days later I WILL FEEL MY GYNO IT WILL BECOME PAINFUL AND MORE SWOLLEN... and its not the actual stress of working out my chest it usually takes almost a week after i workout my chest to feel the pain in and around the breast tissue. ive tried many times but i am sure that this mixed with the other 2 reasons i am going to mention play a huge role in my gyno.
2) Skim milk- around puberty I drank ridiculous amounts of skim milk. My mom is a dietian (ironic i know) and had always told me to drink as much milk as possible. I loved the stuff, so I rarely drank water or juice almost always skim milk. Little did i know test have been done showing skim milk carries a good amount of testosterone in it. By drinking so much skim milk i increased my levels of testosterone... good right? WRONG. Your body counteracts excess testosterone by creating more estrogen which is obviously ends up being a bad thing. Just like body builders who use steroids but to a lesser degree.
3) Marijuana- dont have to talk much about this but i smoked a lot of pot during my early years which i know for a worsened my case. I could literally feel it after i was done smoking and it would be more swollen the next few days.

If any of you could maybe relate your gyno to any of these things please do, i want to know if any one else has fell victim to this disorder due to any of the above reasons. If not PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM THESE THINGS... I am extremely confident that a mix of the 3 solely lead to my gyno or at least the severity of my gyno.


Offline xoxoxoxo

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damn working out? you mean before you starting working out, you didn't have gyne?? then gyne just appears because you're not consistent and turned that muscle into fat?? am i right?

Offline D24

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DOn't take this the wrong way matthew but a there's a few things I don't agree with here. Fat and muscle are two completely different materials, one can not become the other. If you build muscle then stop training then the muscle shrinks and your not burning fat as fuel so you may put fat on but muscle can not physically turn to fat. When you train hard especially with excercises like squats and deadlifts your body produces testosterone and growth hormone so the change in hormones during the period you were training could stimulate your gyno. The amount of test that would be in milk is very minimal however you may be very sensative to changes in the levels of your hormones. You did mention that you noticed the gyno at puberty so that to me signals the reason you have it. Also you mention the use of marijuana which is well known that it can cause gyno. If you were training around the time of puberty your hormones would be all over. I'm not dissin what you're sayin but this is how I would look at it logically.

Offline fluffy_tits

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sorry man but muscle DOES NOT turn into fat lol!  Fat def. doesn't turn in to muscle! You can have muscle underneath fat and lose fat and you'll see all muscle you builded up. If you stop workin out your muscles shrink. for instants look at arnold schwartznegger!   all the muscles he had, if you were right, he'd have boobs dragging the floor right?
« Last Edit: November 01, 2009, 05:34:03 PM by fluffy_tits »
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Offline postiey

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yes i agree it is impossible for muscle to turn into fat. what is happening u are buildin muscle underneath wich then pushes the gyno gland out wich may cause the pain. i have drank alot of milk never been a pot head tho lol

Offline thetodd

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Im not sure of the links with marjuana and gyne, a lot of people smoke weed and a small percentage have gyne some of my mates are in perfect shape and smoke weed. Its a myth in my opinion

Here are my 3 causes of gyne

1/ puberty, like most of the sufferer's on here we have gained it at puberty. Maybe its because of diet or via all the estrogen in the water system these days. But for me certainly it was bang on with puberty

2/ Steroids, proven and well known cause. A lot of gear heads will tell you there are safe ways of taking steroids. Personally i wouldnt touch them

3/ Chronic liver disease. There are proven connections between this and gyne. There are a few people whove posted on here who have suffered from it because of this

there the only three reasons i personally believe cause gyne!
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline fluffy_tits

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mine started from puberty also though.  and right as it start my growth spert was comin on and i was also lifting weights cause i just gettin into highschool football and all! so lifting weights made it look worst in the chest area cause i had pushed it up so much!


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There are 3 causes which i am 100% sure are related to the formation or worsening of my gyno, I'd like to share them with you all so that you can A) stay away from them and B) Let me know if you think your gyno may be related to the same things.

1) Working out- Call me crazy but i am 100% sure that this is one of the main causes of my gyno. Like most people my gyno started just after puberty which happened to be the exact same time i started working out. I was young and fairly inconsistent (I'd work out hard for a few weeks and then stop for a few weeks) this leads to the problem. When you work out you obviously create muscle and when that muscle isnt used it turns into fat. HOWEVER, my muscle not only turned into fat but breast tissue as well. You may disagree but, to this day my gyno is fairly stable until I start working out. Ill work out my chest and then a few days later I WILL FEEL MY GYNO IT WILL BECOME PAINFUL AND MORE SWOLLEN... and its not the actual stress of working out my chest it usually takes almost a week after i workout my chest to feel the pain in and around the breast tissue. ive tried many times but i am sure that this mixed with the other 2 reasons i am going to mention play a huge role in my gyno.
2) Skim milk- around puberty I drank ridiculous amounts of skim milk. My mom is a dietian (ironic i know) and had always told me to drink as much milk as possible. I loved the stuff, so I rarely drank water or juice almost always skim milk. Little did i know test have been done showing skim milk carries a good amount of testosterone in it. By drinking so much skim milk i increased my levels of testosterone... good right? WRONG. Your body counteracts excess testosterone by creating more estrogen which is obviously ends up being a bad thing. Just like body builders who use steroids but to a lesser degree.
3) Marijuana- dont have to talk much about this but i smoked a lot of pot during my early years which i know for a worsened my case. I could literally feel it after i was done smoking and it would be more swollen the next few days.

If any of you could maybe relate your gyno to any of these things please do, i want to know if any one else has fell victim to this disorder due to any of the above reasons. If not PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM THESE THINGS... I am extremely confident that a mix of the 3 solely lead to my gyno or at least the severity of my gyno.

There are many possible proven Causes of Gynecomastia as well as Medications that Cause Male Breast Enlargement.

I work with many Bodybuilders with gynecomastia. A common complaint is that as they built muscle, what was on top of the muscle pushed out as the muscles grew.  However, bodybuilding itself does not cause gynecomastia!

I know of no proven connection with skin milk and gynecomastia. Connections with marijuana are not as clear, the literature studies are poor. Yet I have had patients who complained of breast tenderness and growth when smoking pot heavily that abated when stopping, that then resumed when smoking again, and stopped when stopping the pot.  For those patients, the connection seems more clear.

Im not sure of the links with marjuana and gyne, a lot of people smoke weed and a small percentage have gyne some of my mates are in perfect shape and smoke weed. Its a myth in my opinion

Here are my 3 causes of gyne

1/ puberty, like most of the sufferer's on here we have gained it at puberty. Maybe its because of diet or via all the estrogen in the water system these days. But for me certainly it was bang on with puberty

2/ Steroids, proven and well known cause. A lot of gear heads will tell you there are safe ways of taking steroids. Personally i wouldnt touch them

3/ Chronic liver disease. There are proven connections between this and gyne. There are a few people whove posted on here who have suffered from it because of this

there the only three reasons i personally believe cause gyne!

While those 3 reasons do cause gynecomastia, I have personally seen patients with gynecomastia from most of the Gynecomastia Causes described on that link over the many years of my career.  The most common single cause of gynecomastia is transient, the exposure of a male baby in a mother's womb leaves many with transient breast growth that resolves quite quickly.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction

Offline Trycer6

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I smoked weed every day for about 4 months and my moobs went from a minor annoyance to abnormally and embarrassingly, poking-through-t-shirt bad. The amount of gland in my chest probably sextupled, at least. I'm not sure if this is a coincidence (This period of time occurred shortly after my 16th birthday) or if the weed really did that much damage, but I DEFINITELY believe weed makes things worse.

Offline matthew11

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I think a lot of you misunderstood this forum. I know things like puberty and liver disease are known to affect gyno but these 3 things are what I personally KNOW affect mine. Ive been dealing with severe gyno for a bout 7 years know and my mind is constantly on it i know exactly what irritates my personal case and i just wanted to see if anyone else felt these factors played a role in their gyno or not.
Some of your arguments i can definitely defend however.
Unused muscle certainly does turn into fat... both my doctor and my personal trainer took one look at my body and said "you used to work out pretty hard didnt you?" they knew because of excess fat deposits on my chest which at one point was muscle. I can personally guarantee you that if you stop working out and dont maintain a specific calorie burning diet your muscle will turn to fat. Ask any of the doctors on this website, they will agree with me.
Someone used an example of Arnold S. and body builders... which is ironic because body builders are well known for turning into mounds of saggy fat when they stop their routine as they age. As you can see Arnold isnt too bad off but ive personally witnessed and seen many pictures of ex bodybuilders who have become nothing but a ton of fat.

In this picture, yes he is getting older and naturally he will lose muscle and start to gain fat but... BUT LOOK WHERE THE FAT IS DEPOSITED... the first place men naturally build fat is in the stomach area. Arnold has fat deposited mainly around his pecs, arms, and other large muscle groups. Why? because he dropped his routine. its that simple trust me on this one!

Skim milk... i really dont have much to defend this one but legitimate studies have been done proving that skim milk carries the hormone testosterone in it. So, Drinking large amounts of skim milk when your body is already prone to hormone imbalance probably isn't the best idea.

Marijuana - "What about all the people who smoke everyday and dont have gyno?" is the common argument with this one. Thats like saying "What about all the people that go through puberty and don't have gyno?" Bottom line is everyones body is different and reacts in different ways. All my friends smoke weed everyday but none of them have gyno, many people however know for a fact that weed affects their gyno directly.

I don't want to preach thats not what this forum is for. But I would do anything if i could go back in time and change the way i handled these three things. I hate gynecomastia so much and I'm just trying to warn people and make sure you don't make the same mistakes i did.

Offline postiey

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intresting post mate! me too dont wish to keep on but i just cant agree muscle turns to fat or vica versa. the only other explanation i think is if u have big muscles they need a lot of food and a high metabolism rate to keep them there,

so therefore if u stop ur buildin muscles or keep them the body thinks hold on we dont need this and then tells ur body to store it as fat quicker than it normally would.

 i dont mean to keep on but as u said its alot about information and stopping people from getting gyne. i also did the same thing as u stopped working out mainly cause it seemed to make my gyne worse so i know what u are saying and thought exactly the same as u.

perhaps u are right  tho would be intresting to see what the drs think about it on here.


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