Author Topic: Do I have it?  (Read 3899 times)

Offline acheddadi

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« Last Edit: March 23, 2012, 08:50:17 PM by acheddadi »

Offline beetlejuice

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dude go see a doc right away.. it will rock ur world!

Offline krucial

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yes ! consult a surgeon

Offline fluffy_tits

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Yep you def. have it buddy!  Yours is "almost" worst than mine "WAS"!!

Parents prolly told you that cause they don't wanna pay for it! (your parents sound like my mom)  How old are you man?
My before and after surgery pics: Leave a comment if you look!! (HAD THE WRONG LINK UP! THIS IS THE ONE WITH ALL THE PICS)

Offline KWS86

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So what should I do? ???

I'd most definitely say that SURGERY is your best bet, BUT... don't jump the gun. Judging by your pictures, you do still have some weight to lose. Change up your diet and start up a cardio routine. Ridding yourself of gynecomastia should be a lifestyle change, not just an easy fix. You won't ever get rid of those completely from diet and exercise, but you can probably still reduce them.

Weight loss AFTER surgery is not the way to go. At my largest I was 265 lbs. and the day of my surgery I was 191 lbs. Work hard bro. Your surgery will just be icing on the cake (the cake that you're no longer eating  ::)... bad joke).

Offline krucial

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KWS86! 20 lbs lost after surgery will it affect the look or what?? ur opinion?

Offline KWS86

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My opinion is not expert, but logically speaking, why not lose the weight first? All of the doctors on this board tell you that weight loss after surgery is risky. Yet I think a number of people feel like they'll be the exceptions.

If you lose weight and your skin naturally tightens then when the excess tissue is removed it will only tighten further. This makes the most sense to me because you'd be at your optimal weight and when you healed after surgery you'd be much closer to your desired result.

So, if you have weight to lose, lose it first. Leave the doc with as little in there to lipo as possible.

Offline fluffy_tits

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Weight loss doesn't hurt before but i don't see how it doesn't help after!!  Well you'll see my results...

I still don't see how weight loss after is bad lol!  I had my surgery and im healing right now (it's been 11 days after surgery) to start running and doin pushups and stuff!!  in my situation quick fix was best for me and im happy i've done it!! already losin weight doin crunches!!

Offline headheldhigh01

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weight loss should be prep for an op, but those are not going to get any smaller no matter what. 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline KWS86

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Weight loss doesn't hurt before but i don't see how it doesn't help after!!  Well you'll see my results...

I still don't see how weight loss after is bad lol!  I had my surgery and im healing right now (it's been 11 days after surgery) to start running and doin pushups and stuff!!  in my situation quick fix was best for me and im happy i've done it!! already losin weight doin crunches!!

I never said that it doesn't HELP after, but it makes much more sense to lose weight first if you're overweight. Think about the train of events. You lose weight, your skin tightens (or doesn't so you understand better what you're up against), you get gynecomastia surgery, your skin tightens further as it heals and you acheive your end result.

You were obese going into the surgery. IMO you rushed things and in your AFTER pics you still have moobs. So, now, assuming that you continue to lose weight, what happens if your reduced moobs don't get any smaller? Will it be time for a revision? If so, won't you feel silly paying for the operation twice when you could have just cut your weight and completely lost the moobs all at once?

Whatever dude, like I said, I'm NOT and expert. I'm just a man of logic.

Offline fluffy_tits

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my chest was still swollen!!  you think swelling goin to go down completely after 7 days???NO!! It has went down some.

and yea what if you lost weight and it's already loose and doesn't tighten?? then whhat??

anyways my chest was gon look the same if i lost weight or not...i was already lbs less and they were still the same!!  So why keep loosin weight if you ain't seeing no results....just beats a toll on you! 

« Last Edit: November 09, 2009, 02:33:48 AM by fluffy_tits »

Offline KWS86

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my chest was still swollen!!  you think swelling goin to go down completely after 7 days???NO!! It has went down some.

and yea what if you lost weight and it's already loose and doesn't tighten?? then whhat??

anyways my chest was gon look the same if i lost weight or not...i was already lbs less and they were still the same!!  So why keep loosin weight if you ain't seeing no results....just beats a toll on you! 

If you lose all the weight that you can and your skin doesn't tighten then presumably surgery is your best avenue. Why do you think all these doctors on here tell you that weight loss AFTER surgery is riskier? They're trying to sculpt you to leave you with the best contour possible. How can they do that if you're obese? They can't tell how your chest will rest at a nice weight. If you're already at a nice weight, they can see exactly what they're working with.

I'm now 12 days post-op and I hardly have any swelling. Mind you, my case was very mild compared to yours. I just think you had lots of weight to lose before you lied down on an operating table. Not to lose the moobs, but to get the rest of the area ready for correction. Again, I'm not expert. I'm just going by what I've read.

no law says you HAVE to get surgery! >:(
 this site is notorious for people trying to railroad you into getting them chopped off at all costs. ::)
If thats what you want by all means go for it, Id just like to tell you tho that thousands of guys live quite happy lives with body shapes that many would consider "abnormal" But, what is "normal"?- models, film stars, pop stars, sportsmen? or everyday guys that you see everywhere.

I could care less about models, film stars, pop stars and sportsmen. I just wanted the gland excised from my chest so I could actually see my pecs. That's normal to me. You might be happy with those things, but breasts like yours would cause a lot of people a lot of emotional distress. Whether we get philosophical about normality or not, guys don't generally like to have breasts. If surgery can correct that with a low level of risk and complication then I see no reason why someone shouldn't opt for it if it bothers them.

That's great that you're comfortable in your own skin, but let's be realistic. If you developed some excess tissue growth on your face and you found it disfiguring, but you could get it removed without complication... I wonder how long you'd walk around feeling disfigured before you considered surgery? Same goes for the next guy and his chest.

Some babies are born with benign tumors on their faces, but what is "normal" and "abnormal"? You don't always need a magazine to tell you when something looks out of place. Hey, if it's an attractive tumor, then keep it! You can decorate it at Christmas time! Just like moobs, if you've got a nice set, then maybe you should keep them... but I've seen pics of a lot of man titties on here. There aren't very many that I'd consider as pretty as yours...

Offline fluffy_tits

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yea i read the samething and im tellin you i don't care about all that!  I'm not tryin to lose weight and become some skinny freak! I like being big im just tryin to get my stomache even with mah chest now!  don't even want abs or none of that bs.  Rather be big anyday than ah lil skinny pushover! (not sayin that you are)

You can be all muscle and still considered overweight also so I could really care what people/doctors call overweight.  My stomache and face and arms are where my most my fat is at.  My legs aren't at all (im sure it has some but not much) 

Offline Trycer6

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I don't know about you bro, but gyne has completely destroyed my self-esteem and self-confidence. Being a teenager is hard enough without having to worry about your man-titties poking through your shirt. Damn. If it bothers you, start losing weight immediately and get the surgery as soon as possible. I'm at about T minus six weeks so hopefully I will be rid of this curse soon.


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