Author Topic: General Question about the type of surgery I need  (Read 3113 times)

Offline SJV9009

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Hello everyone.The problem is a hard fatty almost ball-like mass underneath my nipple I also was hoping to get the nipple area reduced. What has been the experience with this procedure? Is glad surgery the way to go? Thanks everyone

Offline fluffy_tits

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You mean is "gland" surgery the way to go?? from what you described yep that's the way to go.  But post some pics so we can see exactly what we're workin wit here.  How old are you? Height? Weight?
My before and after surgery pics: Leave a comment if you look!! (HAD THE WRONG LINK UP! THIS IS THE ONE WITH ALL THE PICS)

Offline headheldhigh01

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"gland" is kind of an odd term, all gyne is technically that, it's just come to describe the denser version where the structural tissue hasn't really filled out yet or is noticeably smaller.  the surgeon's going to take it out no matter how dense or soft it is.  the areolas can reduce after surgery, reduction of that's not that common except in the more extreme cases, but a ps can give you the best take on that on an in-person consulation.  your experience will be best if the ps has lots of experience himself and is familiar with the best technique, instead of somebody who does it just occasionally.  welcome to the site.  
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?


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Hello everyone.The problem is a hard fatty almost ball-like mass underneath my nipple I also was hoping to get the nipple area reduced. What has been the experience with this procedure? Is glad surgery the way to go? Thanks everyone

Here is an answer I already posted to your question in another thread.

Hello everyone.  I had gynecomastia surgery in late may to correct a problem i've had since I was 13. I'm a slim 22 y/o guy with not a lot of definition, but not fat by any means. The problem was a hard fatty almost ball-like mass underneath my nipple. I had smart lipo done with very temporary results. The area was flat for only a couple weeks after surgery. Here I am 6 months later and the area looks the same as it did pre-op, only now the area is more sore to the touch. I also was hoping to get the nipple area reduced. What has been the experience with this procedure? Should I simply wait a few more months or go ahead with glandular removal. Again, the surgery was in May and at this point I don't see clear signs of improvement. Thanks so much

6 months should show the results with most techniques, but tissues can still evolve.  This is especially true with operations that cause more damage to the tissue.

Posting Standard After Gynecomastia Pictures can help other better understand your concerns. Adding the before surgery pictures will help show what was done.

It depends on what you mean by "getting the nipple area reduced."  If you mean Long Nipple Reduction, that can be done as a second stage procedure under local anesthesia.

If you are referring to large diameter areola, you will need to learn about the compromises necessary to deal with that situation. You do not want to end up with a Large Nipple Areola Complication After Gynecomastia Surgery.

If you are referring to a projection deformity, I see many patients who complain of residual Puffy Nipple Gynecomastia after another doctor's surgery.  There are many possible problems causing such a deformity.  The most common is remaining gland behind the areola as seen in these Anatomy of Puffy Nipple Drawings.  Check out the images with the link for remaining gland after surgery to see what I mean.  

Liposuction is great for fat, but does not do well for gland at all.  As shown in the anatomy link, there are usually fingers of gland between fingers of fat.  Liposuction no matter what technique (sharp cutting cannula, specially designed cannula, ultrasonic, laser, or "smart") targets the fat first.  Remove the fat and the gland remains behind condensing the fingers making a firm mass.  
Even if the doctor achieves a flatter chest, that firm mass does not look like fat, move like fat, or compress like fat.  It just does not move well or look good (especially on animation).  That is why few doctors will show results with chest muscles tightened or arms up over the head or movies showing the tissues in motion.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Revision Gynecomastia Surgery
« Last Edit: December 02, 2009, 09:11:29 AM by DrBermant »

Offline omega

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I would go for it
I only wish i knew i had gynecomastia earlier. I was 16 when i got my surgery
Before that i always thought it was just excess fat. I worked my ass off at the gym, just to see that my breasts never became smaller. Thats when I surfed the net, talked to my dad, consulted a doc, and got it done.
My little brother is 9, and he's most likely to have gynecomastia aswell, and i'll make sure he gets his surgery done when hes around 14 / 15 aswell..

Offline Dr Kapoor

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Hello everyone.The problem is a hard fatty almost ball-like mass underneath my nipple I also was hoping to get the nipple area reduced. What has been the experience with this procedure? Is glad surgery the way to go? Thanks everyone

Yes, most likely you have some element of glandular tissue under the nipple area complex, and would benefit from removal of tissue through your areola. This will help the puffiness under the nipple area and also reduce the size of your areola (the pigmented portion of the nipple complex). Hope this helps


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