Author Topic: Smoked weed. Could my gyne be back? Am i being paranoid?  (Read 6700 times)

Offline PBC

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Well, I am hardly qualified to to say a doctor is incorrect, so I will assume what he told you is true. If a woman has a complete mastectomy, then I would tend to think that no, the breast can not grow back. I also know that if a woman has breast reduction, that does not guarantee her cup size will never increase again either. Perhaps a doctor on these boards could shed some light on this subject. SOMETHING caused mine to grow back (went from way too thin, to about ten lbs over my ideal weight). What grew back isn't just fat, clearly some of the tissue is dense and fibrous, feels just like it did before my first surgery. Can a signifigant weight gain throw off hormonal balance to the point where breast tissue can form? I don't know..maybe someone around here does though!

Offline broman

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I dont think weed has any thing to do with "g", How many people smoke on the regular and have nice flat chests?

Either someone in your family has the gene and gave it to you or your horomones were out of wack.

Offline headheldhigh01

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pbc, the idea is that excision is never perfect and there might be some shreds of tissue that could still respond to hormone variation, which i assume could still be the case in a small degree for even a woman. 

i know the earliest studies on the connection were questioned, but if it's not questioned that pot can affect hormones, i think it creates a risk, even if a small one, just as not every single smoker gets emphysema. 

the rule on this site however is that 90% of pot threads run from three to six pages anytime someone asks ;)
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline fluffy_tits

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Well, I am hardly qualified to to say a doctor is incorrect, so I will assume what he told you is true. If a woman has a complete mastectomy, then I would tend to think that no, the breast can not grow back. I also know that if a woman has breast reduction, that does not guarantee her cup size will never increase again either. Perhaps a doctor on these boards could shed some light on this subject. SOMETHING caused mine to grow back (went from way too thin, to about ten lbs over my ideal weight). What grew back isn't just fat, clearly some of the tissue is dense and fibrous, feels just like it did before my first surgery. Can a signifigant weight gain throw off hormonal balance to the point where breast tissue can form? I don't know..maybe someone around here does though!

well if a woman gets a breast reduction offcourse it can grow back.  it's not like she's getting her glands removed or anything.  just some fat/breast tissue.  We are getting everything removed well hopefully, depending on how good your surgeon is.  And Just cause you get the surgery done doesn't mean that fat can't grow there.  I'm sayin the gland won't...can't stop fat from growing anywhere unless you eating right and exercising...

Fluffy( o )v( o )...
My before and after surgery pics: Leave a comment if you look!! (HAD THE WRONG LINK UP! THIS IS THE ONE WITH ALL THE PICS)

Offline PBC

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Very true about the length of pot threads here! Thanks for the input on my situation guys, we are all in this together to some degree and few people who have not been there themselves can relate to what some of us have been through. My surgery is December 31, and I can't wait to get this over with. One last question and I will let this thread die...I have been working out religously since summer to get ready for surgery, and to just feel better in general. I could probably stand to lose another 5-10 lbs, and could easily do that by eating a bit more of a restricted diet if I really had to. Is losing as much weight as possible before surgery as critical as some here seem to think it is? I really want to do this right and limit any chance of dissapointment in my result. I do a moderate amount of cardio (limited intensity is due to a chronic condition in my left leg) and I have an intensive weightlifting schedule, and have probably put on 5-7 lbs of muscle since I started. Would it be a good idea to lay off the weights and add a bit more cardio for a month? Ok..I am done here now..sorry for the rambling post and thanks for the help fellas!

Offline Dr Kapoor

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Alrite so I smoked a joint two days ago. It was my second time smoking weed in my life. The first time was before my surgery.
I got a panick attack as i smoked weed, and decided i was NEVER going to smoke weed again in my life.
So anyway, now im being paranoid as to if my gyne could have become worse because i smoked weed
Its driving me insane. I'm looking at it, i keep telling myself its the same, but at the same time i get a feeling its gotten worse, and i just am going insane. I feel like my nips got puffier for some reason thugh
Smoked one joint. Could it even be that my gyne got worse? Is it all in my head?

Thank you in adv everybody

It's unlikely that you caused any long term damage or recurrence of your gynecomastia from smoking one time.

Offline doomzor

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Alrite so I smoked a joint two days ago. It was my second time smoking weed in my life. The first time was before my surgery.
I got a panick attack as i smoked weed, and decided i was NEVER going to smoke weed again in my life.
So anyway, now im being paranoid as to if my gyne could have become worse because i smoked weed
Its driving me insane. I'm looking at it, i keep telling myself its the same, but at the same time i get a feeling its gotten worse, and i just am going insane. I feel like my nips got puffier for some reason thugh
Smoked one joint. Could it even be that my gyne got worse? Is it all in my head?

Thank you in adv everybody

ive heard from some new reliable source that weed decrease gyno..


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