Author Topic: WEED+Gyne = NEVER AGAIN  (Read 7467 times)

Offline ForexFreak

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ugh... once i get this surgery everything will change  ;D

Offline Paa_Paw

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We have two sources of Estrogen. A small amount of it is produced by the Adrenal gland. Some Testoterone is converted to Estrogen by a process called Aromatase.  Marijuana favors the Aromatase and therefore increases Estrogen while at the same time using up some of the Testosterone.

There is not a predictable level in the increase of Estrogen with the use of Marijuana, These results are more individual. The simple fact is though, that people who use Marijuana are much more likely to have Gynecomastia.
Grandpa Dan

Offline Mr_Nip

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We have two sources of Estrogen. A small amount of it is produced by the Adrenal gland. Some Testoterone is converted to Estrogen by a process called Aromatase.  Marijuana favors the Aromatase and therefore increases Estrogen while at the same time using up some of the Testosterone.

There is not a predictable level in the increase of Estrogen with the use of Marijuana, These results are more individual. The simple fact is though, that people who use Marijuana are much more likely to have Gynecomastia.

Paa, do you ever get tired of providing that same info over and over every time this thread topic reappears?   ::)

It's usually the only post in the often-recurring thread that's rooted in some common sense and fact, which I appreciate. 

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Offline moobius

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Marijuana favors the Aromatase and therefore increases Estrogen while at the same time using up some of the Testosterone.

There is not a predictable level in the increase of Estrogen with the use of Marijuana, These results are more individual. The simple fact is though, that people who use Marijuana are much more likely to have Gynecomastia.

sorry Paa_Paw, gotta disagree with you here all around. I would love to see the science and statistics that back up your above statements.

something competing for the aromatase enzyme does NOT mean it increases estrogen. in fact, some of the more potent ANTIestrogens we have today compete for the aromatase enzyme (by design). 

I'm not trying to just butt heads here, people come to this site for a reason: for information.  i honestly think it would be in the best interest of this community to look at the science and have intelligent discussion on these topics rather than just parroting misinformation.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2007, 01:49:06 AM by moobius »

Offline Paa_Paw

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The sources are there, and you can do your own search.

If you are truly interested, and do the search yourself, You just might be convinced.

If I do the search for you, You'd probably suspect that I filtered out anything that did not support my position and nothing would be gained.

Don't believe the anecdotal stories, look through the medical literature and look for statistics. It is there.

Offline moobius

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Don't believe the anecdotal stories, look through the medical literature and look for statistics. It is there.

i've looked... there's not conclusive evidence to support either of your claims

Offline inquestion

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It is also going to be pretty hard to find conclusive evidence in either direction. Since it is a controlled an illegal substance.
Consipracy theories aside, people in the heath community look for any reason they can to try and squash these types of substances.
I myself have found a few studies totally disputing the notion.

I myself ha smoked regularily for Y E A R S. Then, about 6-8 months ago, stopped. For only the occasional puff. here and there.
During all of those years, the change was barely percievable.

During these last 6 months, the change has been enough to have me come here to seek info.
And it continues to change and develop, and I continue to abstain.

I can also say yet again that NOT ONE of my friends have gyne... many (basically all) of whom smoke and or smoked more that I ever have.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2007, 10:17:11 AM by inquestion »

Offline clockwrk

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I think you cannot conclude anything from the studies that have been done on marijuana use and gyno. All the studies have shown different conclusions. I would not be suprised if many of these studies are done by the govt. to discourage use. The govt. basically makes marijuana illegal to keep people stupid. I think that smoking pot actually increases your awareness of the shit that is going on in the govt. That is why they like alcohol. It makes people act and think like stupid assholes who don't give a shit about anything.I mean compare it to alchol. If I was a cop, I would much rather be chasing after a guy who just smoked a big bong full of weed going 35 mph in a 50 zone with his left turn signal accidently turned on, opposed to a guy who has just drank a 6 pack doing 95 mph in a 50 zone. There is really nothing wrong with smoking pot in my opinion other than it is made illegal by our govt. This is the same govt. that thinks it is o.k to go bomb the shit out of a country killing thousands of innocent people because they hold a great amount of oil. How many people have really been killed by marijuana use? A lot less than alchol I imagine. By the way if you are worried about marijuana do some studies on alchol and how it affects hormone levels in your body. The govt. hates marijuana because it solves so many health problems. Many pharmacutical companies would go out of business if the govt. made marijuana legal. The only thing I can say to people who choose to ridicule people who choose to smoke pot is, "Get a life, you are so brain washed by govt. crooks that you cannot make choices for yourself." The benifits of marijuana use in my opinion definately outway the costs. Marijuana is a healing herb from the earth. Don't be brainswashed by the govt. just because they cannot make money off it. I am not saying go out and spark up a joint. I do not even smoke regularly (once a month, if even). What I am saying is there is definately powerful healing powers in marijuana. What I am telling you to do is do some research on it before you set your opinions about it and judge people based on their personal choices.

Offline Time_to_fix_it

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I have been treated by a few Endocrinologists and an Andrologist over the last few years and I have mentioned this subject to some of them.  I have never smoked weed but it is a common question that comes up on these boards asking if there is a link to raised oestradiol levels and the use of weed.  After speaking to them it seemed to me that Endos themselves can’t agree on this themselves. One (a professor) doubted the research he had read, another Endo said in his view there was a strong link.

Like many things in life there may not be a simple answer and we may never know the truth.  We all have to make our own choice and decide on our own priorities.  If it were me I would err on the side of caution and keep off it, but as I say .. we all make our own choices.

Surgery performed by Mr Levick at The Priory Hospital Bimingham (UK) 20th October 2006


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