Author Topic: Anyone have this problem?  (Read 5789 times)

Offline Puffnips

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Hello everyone,

My situation is like this...I dont have boobs but I do have puffy nipples.
I workout and my upper chest is great,but my nipples are so puffy that If i wear a Tshirt it looks like 2 point things sticking out.
Now I know Gyno surgery can be expensive but is there a non surgical method for helping with the puffiness?
Also if no there is isnt...what is the surgery costs?Would my medical plan cover it?
Once again i dont have boobs more puffy nipples...I have been wearing under armor most of my life.
I am now 33...and have lost a lot of weight and would like to start getting it better shape..every time in life i am getting in shape...I fall off the
tracks because I think to myself whats the point..I still have these puffy nipples.

Any help would be greatly appreciated...I have always thought if I could get something to press down just the a stitch or somthing ...I would very sucks weraring underarmor all the time...because the stitch would press the nipple down what they use in the hospitals...and I would go in maybe once a month to this clininc and get it retouched?

Offline fluffy_tits

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you don't have boobs but you have puffy nipples.  if that's the case why would think working out and losing weight would make them go away?  anyways you have gyno just like everyone on here.  cost vary though.  could be anywhere from $4,000-$10,000.   Most prices I ever hear is $4-$7,000 though.  Surgery is the only thing that goin to fix what you described so any other way won't work.  

Fluffy( o )v( o )...
« Last Edit: December 03, 2009, 04:58:34 PM by fluffy_tits »
My before and after surgery pics: Leave a comment if you look!! (HAD THE WRONG LINK UP! THIS IS THE ONE WITH ALL THE PICS)

Offline Puffnips

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Im just saying...I was under the impression and from the pictures I have reviewed...whats the difference of a person having boobs and one having just a puffy nipple?

Offline Puffnips

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fluffy breasts,

no offence i looked at your pictures and Im sorry to say bro we are not in the same shoes...I dont have boobs...I have a puffy nipple.


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Im just saying...I was under the impression and from the pictures I have reviewed...whats the difference of a person having boobs and one having just a puffy nipple?

Puffy Nipples is a subtle variation of gynecomastia.  As a female breast takes shape, gland, fat, and skin project from the chest wall as you can see in this Anatomy of a Puffy Nipple. Puffy Nipples is slang for an early pubescent female like breast. 

Hello everyone,

My situation is like this...I dont have boobs but I do have puffy nipples.
I workout and my upper chest is great,but my nipples are so puffy that If i wear a Tshirt it looks like 2 point things sticking out.
Now I know Gyno surgery can be expensive but is there a non surgical method for helping with the puffiness?
Also if no there is isnt...what is the surgery costs?Would my medical plan cover it?
Once again i dont have boobs more puffy nipples...I have been wearing under armor most of my life.
I am now 33...and have lost a lot of weight and would like to start getting it better shape..every time in life i am getting in shape...I fall off the
tracks because I think to myself whats the point..I still have these puffy nipples.

Any help would be greatly appreciated...I have always thought if I could get something to press down just the a stitch or somthing ...I would very sucks weraring underarmor all the time...because the stitch would press the nipple down what they use in the hospitals...and I would go in maybe once a month to this clininc and get it retouched?

Cost of Gynecomastia Surgery depends on the problem to be treated, and can vary from doctor to doctor and around the world.  Jane is my office manager and can better discuss our costs and fees.  She can normally be reached at our office by phone Monday - Friday 9-5 Eastern Time at (804) 748-7737.

A suture will not counter the forces of gland and fat to flatten a nipple. Body Shaping Garments can contour a chest. Different brands have different degrees of contouring. 

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction

Offline krucial

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most likely just gland removal only! theres excessive fat behind nipple , which are causin them to puff... Honestly if you workout alot, make sure your careful on what
products you are takin to increase muscle some can alter your testerone levels and reverse the effect . Some people of course are more sensitive than others. This was me, and could possibly be you.
Im makin this comment because you workout on often..

goood luck to you,


Offline fluffy_tits

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Im just saying...I was under the impression and from the pictures I have reviewed...whats the difference of a person having boobs and one having just a puffy nipple?

well all i was tryin to say to you is whether you have puffy nipples or BOOBS it's still gyno!

Fluffy( o )v( o )...

Offline headheldhigh01

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Im sure you could have your nips removed if you are so inclined ::)
back to trolling, i see  ::)  obviously he's just talking about a simple gyne op. 

what the other people said.  puffies are a milder form of gyne that can be fixed.   

* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline lighting506

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Usually puffy nipples are a result of gland behind the nipple area. No amount of exercise will remove it, as it's not regular fat. You need surgery to fix.

Offline postiey

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yes i agree puffy nipples are usually a gland type wich is behind the nipple. from experience i have tried all types of exercises and nothing works to get rid of this apart from surgery. wich i have not yet managed to do!

it is very annoyin problem as when u drop weight the gland seems to be more obvious, whilst weight training pushes the gland out further.

Offline Dr Kapoor

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    • Dr. Kapoor, Beverly Hills Cosmetic Surgeon
Hello everyone,

My situation is like this...I dont have boobs but I do have puffy nipples.
I workout and my upper chest is great,but my nipples are so puffy that If i wear a Tshirt it looks like 2 point things sticking out.
Now I know Gyno surgery can be expensive but is there a non surgical method for helping with the puffiness?
Also if no there is isnt...what is the surgery costs?Would my medical plan cover it?
Once again i dont have boobs more puffy nipples...I have been wearing under armor most of my life.
I am now 33...and have lost a lot of weight and would like to start getting it better shape..every time in life i am getting in shape...I fall off the
tracks because I think to myself whats the point..I still have these puffy nipples.

Any help would be greatly appreciated...I have always thought if I could get something to press down just the a stitch or somthing ...I would very sucks weraring underarmor all the time...because the stitch would press the nipple down what they use in the hospitals...and I would go in maybe once a month to this clininc and get it retouched?

Based on what you have described, most likely surgery to remove some of the glandular tissue underneath the nipple areolar complex would correct your puffiness. There is no stitch that i know off that would be helpful. Surgery would be the most definitive thing. Best of luck.


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