Author Topic: Surgery tomorrow (with working pics)  (Read 6831 times)

Offline Prolactinoma

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Right the day has come.

I have waited around 3 years to get this operation. I have gynecomastia caused by a hormone imbalance. The hormone imbalance was caused by a pituitary tumour. I was on medication for the pituitary tumour but, after trying meds for a year and half, I decided to have an operation to remove it. For those who don't know the pituitary controls all the hormones in your body - it's located in the head. Anyway had surgery last year end Nov and all went well except I then needed to be put on testosterone treatment. I am now established on the testosterone (Nebido) and feel great on a day to day basis. In fact I have been working out and have lost a few kilos. The tumour caused me to have low energy and almost impossible to lose weight and my weight reached up to 97kg which for a 5'9" guy is quite heavy.

I now weigh 82kg and have been going down the gym solidly for the last 6 months. I have been weight training only. No cardio. I wasn't that bothered about losing lots of fat (i.e. getting ripped) until I lost my moobs - they would just get more obvious. I by no means have a severe case but they are pointy and it irritates me to know that no matter how much I workout I cannot get rid of the things and get a set of pecs.

My surgery is tomorrow (17th Dec) with Alex Karidis. I am the first in and am getting there for 7am. I have arnica, bio oil and a load of movies to watch. I just had my last gym session for a few weeks - gonna miss training but I have earned a break as I haven't had one since May.

Wish me luck! It's been a journey...
« Last Edit: December 20, 2009, 05:37:17 AM by Prolactinoma »

Offline postiey

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good luck mate! truly know what u mean about the weight training where as u dont seem to get anywhere if u have gyno truly frustrating. please post pics if u can!
im hoping to go with karidis so all the info would be a great help.

also how long ago did u book the surgery, is there a massive waiting list?


Offline Prolactinoma

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With the waiting list I could have had it a lot earlier. First I had to establish myself on testosterone replacement as I didn't want it coming back (this is possible if my body converts testosterone to estrogen). Also I have a full-time job so wanted to do it at a time where it wouldn't be noticed - xmas is that time. At xmas i can wear warm (read disguising clothes) and I can also take time off. I am not back until the 4th Jan so plenty of time to recover and if they notice it is quite possible I could have lost weight especially if I say I was ill over xmas. The only downside is it might not be possible for me to go out with the lads over this period. Bottom line is you can probably always get your op with Karidis within a month if you're flexible on times/dates.

I'll post all pics together as I cannot be assed to upload at the moment. I dont have a bad case. Very similar to this guy:

In fact when I showed my mum the pre-op pics she thought it was me.

Offline postiey

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ok mate thanks for the info! makes sense in what u are saying about easier to hide this time of year. thanks for the info on his waiting list to.

im hoping to book in january and i too was thinking get this done in the winter.

 good luck on ur results hopefully ill be posting mine to soon

Offline phantom51red

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Good luck mate,i had surgery 2 days ago with karidis too,the worst bit for me was taking of the padding bandages/plasters under the vest next day ,as im a bit hairy ,felt like a glue wax lol,still  ;D ;D all the way.Let us know how you do.

Offline Prolactinoma

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Done. Piece of piss in my opinion. Can imagine the recovery with the compression vest will be a bit irritating but glad it's done. Will post pre/post op pics soon enough.

Aparrently removed 250cc fat and 16gram gland from each side. At least it will be even :)

Anyone know if this is a lot. That's 500cc total fat and 32g total gland.


Offline phantom51red

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Glad to hear its over for ye,cant remember how much fat was removed but the gland for me was,18 g on right side 20g on left,knew i had more on left though so thats good.Yeah the vest can be irratating too,but a couple of weeks i can live with,gonna keep it on for a few more days till i change over again,not going nowhere lol. ;D

Offline Prolactinoma

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Got just under 7 hours sleep last night not too bad and probably around what I normally get. So far, so good. Haven't had a peek yet but will do today as I hear that the first peek is the best view of what it will look like before all the swelling starts. Might try to take a few pics if I can and if I can be bothered I will also post the pre-post op ones later.

It's funny because when you leave the hospital you are given a compression vest but under that you also get some padding i.e. not just plasters but some padding like a very thick bandage. I have a t-shirt on and every with the bandage, the compression vest and anything else my silhouette still looks the same :) That means when I take it off i defo look better. I want to know exactly how much difference 250cc fat and 16 gram each side makes! I hope my chest looks muscly as I have been down the down six months flat training weights.

Offline phantom51red

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Yeah the first night i hardly slept,but sleeping fine now.haha ive been training for years on and off so i know what ye mean about chest muscle,mines looks like it has dissapeared,and it has for a while under this vest,hopefully in a few months time itll be back and more sculpted than ever minus the gyno  ;D.When are you thinking about going back to work ? or you been sighned off for a while from doctor ?

Offline Prolactinoma

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I work an office job so I am not back until the 4th Jan. That's almost 3 weeks so think it's plenty of time. Might be because I was expecting the pain to be worse but I feel I could go back to work on Mon if I had to. I plan, like you, to wear the compression vest non-stop for around six days. I hope my nipples have shrunk now they are not being pushed by the gland. How happy are you so far on a scale of 1-10 on what you've seen so far? What you were expecting? Weird to see your chest with no gyne?

Offline Prolactinoma

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Pics below. Ones with plasters are post op. First one's pretty blurred.

As you can see mine wasn't the worst case but pointy enough to piss me off. So far I am 80% happy. The nipple that I could get the plaster off looks much less puffy which is awesome. These are only one day after the op so there is some swelling but I am looking forward to seeing improvements in the coming weeks/months. All in all very happy I did it!

Opinions welcome.

New pics below.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2009, 05:37:44 AM by Prolactinoma »

Offline phantom51red

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Hi mate,couldnt view yer pics ,problem joining,judging by the first one ,youre gyne was similiar to mine though,not big bust but mainly puffy nips.
Im well happy with results ,ive only had vest off day after op,keeping it on for as long as i can,im only sitting about house anyhows,maybe take it
off sat or sunday to change.Im supposed to go back on the 28th ,offshore on rig i work,quite physical sometimes,not sure if i should risk it though as that will only be 2 weeks after op in fact 13 days,if i get sighned off though doc will have to sighn me off for the 2 weeks plus my 3 weeks leave after it too,not sure if he can do that sighn me for the 5 weeks.Roll on the summer ! ;D

Offline Prolactinoma

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Pics below:

Pre-op front

Pre-op side

Pre-op side

Post op front

Post op side

Post op side

Not the best shots and had to post one with photobucket in order to blur my face.

I am pretty chuffed with the results. In fact roll on summer. My profile looks awesome in a T-shirt and it really changes my overall shape.

Opinions please??
« Last Edit: December 20, 2009, 05:36:06 AM by Prolactinoma »

Offline phantom51red

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Exellent results mate ! not much bruising either at the moment,yours didnt look too bad ,the pre op side on pics always look the worst,now you wouldnt even know,well worth it eh.Did karidis just do incisions under the nips only ? cant see the plasters under armpits.
Changed vest last night and showered,felt a lot better for it,maybe do every 2nd day depending on what im doing.
Went for a drive yesterday too,that was ok a bit uncomfy at times,slippy roads didnt help with back wheel drive lol ,think its more the vest digging in under arms than anything else,not had much pain in chest too speak off apart from a slight twinge when i carried some shopping  :).
How s youre diet ? eating loads of pineapple ? im scoffin 2 big tins a day plus bromlain tabs,seemingly it helps.


Offline Prolactinoma

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Yeah i am pretty chuffed - best money I ever spent.

Yes I had armpit incisions but i didn't bother replacing the plasters after day 1 when I removed them as the sites didn't look too bad.

I didn't have the worst case in the world. Mainly really puff nips but it was mainly gland as he removed 16g from each side.

The biggest difference is when wearing a t-shirt and not having the tale-tale nips and bumps sticking out.

Pain wise I am not really feeling any but then I am not doing anything that tests my range of movement like driving (which I imagine might be a little uncomfortable).

Diet is pretty good. I am eating about a tine of pineapple a day and taking arnica 5 x per day as instructed.

Not being able to go to the gym is killing me but it's amazing that a surgeon can do something in 30 mins that I haven't managed though diet and training for six months!

Cannot wait to go clothes shopping :)


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