Author Topic: 18 year old - too early to do surgery?  (Read 3849 times)

Offline WolfParade

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Well, my surgery doctor seems to think so. I have puffy nipples, which as most of you know means I look weird with a t-shirt on, without it (except when cold), ect ect, pretty much the same as the rest of the puffy-nipples-cases I've read about here.

But my surgery doctor told me: "you're 18. There are complications (he and I are norwegian, and he called it "innsøk", which I guess means that I could end up with a nipple pointing INNWARDS in stead if outwards, which would'nt be pretty either..) that can happen during a procedure such as this, and your chest MIGHT become normal by itself in the next couple of years".

But then how come I can read on this forum (in the puffy-nipples section) about 16 year olds doing the surgery? Are you telling me all of them, or most of them, get ****ed up in their chests then? No? Then what's stopping me from just going to get the surgery then? I guess nothing. So I guess my doctor should STFU and just show some consideration and fix my goddamn chest already, am I right?! :)

By the way, I've already done what we in norway call "fettsuging", which directly translated word for word to english would be "fatsucking", but I'm guessing that's not the correct translation :) and that it instead is what you guys call "liposuction". Well, that didn't really fix the issue at hand, the gland that makes my nipples puffy. And I'm going to tell my doctor just that, even though I guess he did mention that before the liposuction..
« Last Edit: December 19, 2009, 10:42:34 PM by WolfParade »

Offline hendrix72

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I don't think anyone can truly tell you personally whether it is right for you to have the surgery, but I would just say that it is very unlikely that the puffy nipples will go away on their own. How long have you had them? You may be one of the lucky ones, but it could take years and there's simply no way of knowing. I would advise you to find an extremely qualified and respected surgeon before thinking about it, and possibly making a trek to the US to do so. Just don't rush into anything. I have just turned 19 and I have wanted surgery, no questions asked, for a couple of years.

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

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At age 18 (or much younger), the presence of puffy nipples would more than likely require surgery.  And you are not too young for the surgery.

This is elective surgery, however, so take your time and find an experienced gyne surgeon.

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline WolfParade

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My doctor has a lot of experience on doing breast surgery, at least according to what I've read about him online :P Anyway, in about 3 weeks I'm gonna call and make another appointment, or something, this time to have a "real" surgery. 'Cause right now, my chest is smaller than it used to be I guess, but the puffy nipples is still there, and it's driving me nuts. Hopefully, the process will be quick from the moment I make the call to the moment my puffy nipples is gone :) Then again, it may all go to hell and my nipples will look like hell, but either way - I will let you know.


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