Author Topic: Did surgery early today! A bit worried  (Read 10691 times)

Offline p90x

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Came from out of town to do surgery earlier today! It was only for gland excision, no lipo so it was a rather minor case. Later on in the day I notice that on the pads taped to my chest the right side has accumulated some blood while the left hasn't. Even 3.5 hours after the surgery it must have still been bleeding as I woke up a few hours later after a nap and the circle of blood which had previously been about an inch in diameter was now an inch and a half. I have a checkup with the doc tomorrow morning so hopefully it's fine, is unilateral bleeding normal??? Thanks

Offline Zenxer

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Right after surgery, unilateral bleeding isn't something to be worried about. I also had some blood the day after surgery that accumulated on one side. You'll be fine!
My surgery was done on Oct 20th, 2014 by Dr. J. Craig Fielding in Toronto, Ontario.

Offline p90x

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Spoke with the doc this morning and he said everything looks fine and that I'd know if there was a hematoma by now. I'll post some before and after pictures later on this week when I take off the bandages :)

Offline Zenxer

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Great news, can't wait to see the pics!  ;D

Offline p90x

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Here's some pics at 6 days post op - took the medical tape off this morning. Since this was only glandular surgery I didn't wear a vest, just the gauze.

Looks nice and flat, right side a bit more puffy than the left but it's only 6 days so I'm not worried. The right side was also the one bleeding more after surgery so it might be some blood built up in there.

Pre-op: (pics were taken when I was a bit cold, it looks worse when warm)
As you can see it wasn't a horrible case but there was excess glandular tissue. My issue wasn't while my shirt was off(I could pinch to make it look very normal) but rather when a t-shirt was on and I had the "dome effect". Even now a few days after surgery this is no longer the case :)

Note that the redness is not blood, just the disinfectant that the surgeon put on my chest during surgery. A bit of bruising but overall it looks great.

Left side:

Right side: A bit of swelling

I'm very pleased so far!  ;D

Offline Bobby - LAgyne

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Results look good and honestly your before pics looked good already, at least from the pictures.


Offline p90x

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It's been just under 8 weeks and every day I actually see it getting worse. The nipples are just as puffy as they were initially and just today I felt some sensation on the left side(not painful). Anybody know if this is normal? it seems like since the 2nd-3rd week they've slowly been getting worse :(

Very frustrating if I have to go for revision surgery.. Please let me know!

Offline jinr0h

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It's been just under 8 weeks and every day I actually see it getting worse. The nipples are just as puffy as they were initially and just today I felt some sensation on the left side(not painful). Anybody know if this is normal? it seems like since the 2nd-3rd week they've slowly been getting worse :(

Very frustrating if I have to go for revision surgery.. Please let me know!

For me its gotten worse too since i took off the compression garment, they say scar tissue will dissapear with the months to come but...
im convinced i need revision , thats just a gut feeling. only time can tell
Good luck , all the best

Offline p90x

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It's been just under 8 weeks and every day I actually see it getting worse. The nipples are just as puffy as they were initially and just today I felt some sensation on the left side(not painful). Anybody know if this is normal? it seems like since the 2nd-3rd week they've slowly been getting worse :(

Very frustrating if I have to go for revision surgery.. Please let me know!

For me its gotten worse too since i took off the compression garment, they say scar tissue will dissapear with the months to come but...
im convinced i need revision , thats just a gut feeling. only time can tell
Good luck , all the best

I got some reassurance from this thread here:!!!!/

I guess things are going to get worse before they get better..

Offline wrh90

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I had a very similar surgery to you today and just want to know how long you had to keep the gauze on?

Offline p90x

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I had a very similar surgery to you today and just want to know how long you had to keep the gauze on?

The doctor had told me to keep the gauze on as long as I could, which was about 2 weeks for me as the tape had started to peel. I'm at 5 months now and the results aren't entirely where I want them to be, but I'm going to give it a few more months before I call the doc for a revision.

Good luck, hope you see the results you're anticipating!

Offline terre

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How are things going for you? Could it be scar tissue that makes the results less good?

Offline wrh90

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I had a very similar surgery to you today and just want to know how long you had to keep the gauze on?

The doctor had told me to keep the gauze on as long as I could, which was about 2 weeks for me as the tape had started to peel. I'm at 5 months now and the results aren't entirely where I want them to be, but I'm going to give it a few more months before I call the doc for a revision.

Good luck, hope you see the results you're anticipating!

Thanks for the reply man. I am three months post-op from a revision and in the same boat as you. The results are definitely not what I anticipated but I am keeping my hopes up. Update us on your progress. 


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