Author Topic: weird tingling and iodine coloured pads  (Read 3008 times)

Offline thedomino

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Im 3 days post op now. everythings going well. My right sides more swollen than the left, but been told it will subside. just had glandular removal, no lipo.

Was just wondering if others post op get a weird feeling like movement of liquid inside? i guess theres a big cavity left in my chest so its only natural to feel blood etc moving around in there? proper weird feeling and i keep thinking blood is dripping out of me!

another q...underneath the dressings, there's antiseptic strips that are yellow/orange in colour. just resting on top of both nipples. did others have these? and should i be changing them before i see a doctor in a week? ive been given spare dressings, but none of these antiseptic strips and there's dry blood on them. worried that they might go nasty on my incisions.


Offline theprodikalson

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Hey man I am 1 day post op and have those same pads with neosporin.  I was given some extras and extra neosporin.  They said not to shower, but i was drowsy and don't know when I can start showering... I'm guessing as soon as we are able to shower and remove everything we can put on the new ones. 

I am suppose to see my doctor 4 days post op. I will ask about changing them if i don't get an answer before then.

Good Luck on your recovery man
Peace and Love

Offline thedomino

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ah rightt. Maybe they just forgot! i guess i'll be fine until thursday. yeah i was told not to shower until ive seen them again and had dressings removed. which is very different to lots of other ppl. most americans seem to be in and out on the same day or the day after and showering straight away!

Today i managed to wash everything but my chest, with help. Felt so good to wash! are you in the UK? Did you have just glandular tissue removed?

good luck on your recovery too mate. good to have someone at the same stage to compare with!


Offline theprodikalson

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Soo i just got off the tellle with the doctor (im not from the UK but wish i had the accent I would get all the girls here in NYC)

They told me to take a shower with this special soap wash the garment and put new abndages on with neoporin on them..
The whole process took me like two hours and i feel like a nurse now...

I'm not sure what kind of bandages you have but i just have 2 pieces of gause over my nipples.. I can post pics of you want..

From what the Doctor told me all this is to prevent any chance of infection, so changing the bandages and washing the garment is a must he said.

I had Lipo and excision and was awake for the entire thing under Local... It was an experience man...

Nice to have someone going through the same thing also!

The summer is going to be great for the both of us lol!

Offline thedomino

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good that you can get in contact easily with your doctor! i cant imagine it'd be easy to get mine on the phone.
lol, fancy swapping home's for a bit? id love to go to NYC.

ah right, cool man. i bet you do! i think my uni flatmates will be feelin like nurses soon..

Ive got those orangey pieces of gauze on both nipples and then some dressing pad things called 'mepore'

bigger versions of those pads.

I just havnt got replacement orange pads, not sure what to do about that.

whoa man, I dont think id've been too happy being awake! Bet it felt weird as hell!
I was well under. Wakin up from it was weirdd. Had an oxygen mask on and felt like i was in some experiment lol. Seeing a few other ppl around me still asleep with drips on them and masks on etc. im pretty sure yours sounds a bit scarier though lol.

cannot wait for summer yeah! swimming and goin on the beach!

Offline theprodikalson

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lol house swapping sound kool!

i have been changing my bandages twice a day I just went to a drug store and got the same kind of bandages, similar to the one you posted a link 2.

I have to wear a this black tight vest and then bind my chest with this strechey thing that is really uncomfortable...
I feel like i am healed already though it is weird..

here are pics of the vest and bind and the results

Offline theprodikalson

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Offline thedomino

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Mate your chest looks sweet. Your proper packin too! I need to hit the gym again as soon as im fit enough to.
like you say, you already look healed! Id still definitely keep with the vest and stuff though till your doc says otherwise, in case swelling comes etc.
Im going into hospital tomorrow to get things checked so i'll have pics soon

Offline ThisSucks15

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hey guys, i am one day post op, and i have that same feeling of liquids in my chest or just random stricking pains.

My doctor didnt give me a compression vest though, he didnt think i needed one. right now i have a circular foam pad squishing each pec and then some stickiy gauze holding it in place. I havent looked under them yet because my doctor said that i have to wait five days before i can take them off, so no showering for five days :S.

 i did my surgery awake to but i dont remember any iodine pads, should i lift up the pads to check and see whats going on or just wait. anyways just want to hear what you guys think, thanks!

O and i just had the excision to remove the gland, no lipo.

Offline thedomino

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im now 4 weeks post op and I think I can definitely say that the weird feeling of liquid in my chest was fluid moving about, all part of the healing process.
I couldn't shower for 5 days either, was a pain in the ass! but ah well, WORTH IT.

If your doctor reckons you dont need one then i guess you could go without, but id wear one anyway, it cant make it any worse, just better!



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