Author Topic: I think some gland was left after my surgery...(Dr. Jacobs)  (Read 11066 times)

Offline Copespo

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I had surgery with Dr. Jacobs here in NYC, a year ago... (jan 8th, 08) ....

My left side is perfect, the nipple is never puffy and it looks great... my right side is a whole other story...I feel like there was some gland left. I will post pictures later to this thread so you guys can see, but my right side 65% of time is puffy...and only gets hard if its cold or if I pinch it. When the nipple is hard it looks better...but there seems to be a lump to the side, its not a perfectly shaped pec. I am going to contact Dr. Jacobs about a revision or have him look at it again, even tho he said nothing was there. When I pinch the skin where the lump is I can feel like a hard part in there. I highly doubt its scar tissue since I had scar tissue for like a month and it all disappeared pretty quickly....

any comments?
Lose 10 (kg) by August... Achieved
Lose 5 (kg) by Mid-September.....Achieved
Gain 20 (lb) in Muscle by December.......Achieved, Gained 24lb in Muscle
Gynecomastia Consultation October 17, 08......Complete

Surgery Completed January 8th, 2009 with Dr. Elliot Jacobs in NYC!

Offline thetodd

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Scar tissue wont go after a month, thats swelling

Sounds like scar tissue to me, have you been massaging it vigorously everyday?
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline Copespo

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Scar tissue wont go after a month, thats swelling

Sounds like scar tissue to me, have you been massaging it vigorously everyday?

I am no doctor but I am 100% certain its not scar tissue, I had scar tissue on both sides...It felt very solid, while this feels like a hard tissue...

Offline headheldhigh01

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It felt very solid, while this feels like a hard tissue...
i'm not understanding the difference ???

based on the location i'd still bet scar tissue, but none of us will be able to tell you with any confidence, though for what it's worth i kind of doubt residual tissue shreds would grow that large and that solid that fast unless you had a really severe hormonal situation, which i also kind of doubt.  in any case you're going to have to just report back what you learn from this one from your in person followup visit with the dr.  
« Last Edit: January 19, 2010, 12:53:54 AM by headheldhigh01 »
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline Copespo

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it is hard to explain, but I know how scar tissue was a solid feeling...very hard..and before I had my gyno surgery, I used to grab this part of my chest and feel the same hardness I feel something was left gonna call tomorrow for my follow up appt.

Offline steelhead

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Offline surfdude

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I'm also going through the same problem with my right side. I've received many steroid shots and nothing has changed! Basically I'm being told that this is the best and i have to accept it. Never in my wildest dreams(NIGHTMARE) i would ever be posting a problem like this, i just can't believe that revision has never been mentioned. I know other options have to be addressed first but we are past the 1+ year now and no change.

Offline Copespo

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I'm also going through the same problem with my right side. I've received many steroid shots and nothing has changed! Basically I'm being told that this is the best and i have to accept it. Never in my wildest dreams(NIGHTMARE) i would ever be posting a problem like this, i just can't believe that revision has never been mentioned. I know other options have to be addressed first but we are past the 1+ year now and no change.

What do you mean steroid shots? Wow thats kind of insulting that no revision was offered, did you ask for one at any point?

Did you ever post some pics ?

Yes I have in the photo section of the forum...

Offline surfdude

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Ya, multiple kenalog shots and nothing changed, which is fine I know this has to be tried first but I am getting the feeling there is no plan B. Im no doctor but if the shots didn't work then it has to be missed gland right?  And no I never asked about revision we just kept trying the shots. He basically in a round about way is giving me the impression that this is as good as it is going to get and I got to live with it.

Offline headheldhigh01

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i scanned ten screens looking for your handle as thread starter, didn't see.  try posting a link. 

Offline Copespo

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Ya, multiple kenalog shots and nothing changed, which is fine I know this has to be tried first but I am getting the feeling there is no plan B. Im no doctor but if the shots didn't work then it has to be missed gland right?  And no I never asked about revision we just kept trying the shots. He basically in a round about way is giving me the impression that this is as good as it is going to get and I got to live with it.

hm that sucks man...honestly you should speak up about it...or even go to your local doctor and take Xrays of ur chest...these will show gyno gland... and bring those in to him brother just went to take a xray on his chest for gyno...and the gland was perfectly visible ....

Offline Copespo

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i scanned ten screens looking for your handle as thread starter, didn't see.  try posting a link. 

sorry about that,

that is the nipples seem small there well the left (my left, your right when you look at the image) is always good and small...but the right side is puffy most of the time and has a lump

Offline sidd88

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I too exactly have the same case as yours, I had surgery 3 months ago for gynecomastia, and while my left side now looks perfect and flat, my right side is still puffy with more surrounding mass too as compared to left side.  I read through all your messages, and I couldn't have explained my case any better, it is exactly (to the point) like yours - like it was more swollen/puffy from the day 1 after surgery on the right side.

I am wondering what did you do finally?  Is the issue resolved now?  Did you have a revision done?  Or the issue resolved by itself?   Please update me about your progress and any suggestions.  Really appreciate it.  Thank you very much.

Offline teetit

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