Author Topic: 1 Year Post Op - Dr. Karidis  (Read 3999 times)

Offline ryan08

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Alrite Guys,

Not posted on here for a long time but always have a quick look at the forum to see if my advice can help anyone!

Anyway, I am now 1 Year post-op with Dr. Karidis, my story is typical of many others on the board so I wont bore you all with the finer details.

The attached link is an album which includes pictures of me from pre and post op. Apologies about the poses on the 1 year post op pics, they were actually taken to chart my progress in terms of the gym but I thought they would also be of use on here.

If anyone has any questions about my progress or my surgery please feel free!

This forum has been an amazing help to me, so if I can help anyone else out then I would be happy to do so.


Offline postiey

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hey ryan o8 thanks for coming back, great results! ye this site is great, im hoping to get the surgery done very soon. seein ur results give me the balls to go through with it.

did u have a problem with puffy nipples did it look normal when out of the shower etc! thanks for any replies

Offline ryan08

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Alrite Postiey!

Yeah I definetly had problems with puffy nipples, u can probs see from my Pre-op pics how bad they were.

Although, when my chest was cold (i.e just came out the shower) then my chest looked fine, the gyne looked more like pecs than anything else!

Who are you thinking of having the surgery with?!

Its obv a big expense at the time but its going to change your body for the better for life!

Offline postiey

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thanks for the reply ryan im going to go with karidis!

 i think! i have got a similar situation to you but i quite like my chest when cold etc but in most t shirts it tends to look droopy and say in a pub or club where it is warm well it just doesnt look right.

i have booked my surgery for a couple of months time but i just cant help feeling depressed and anxious really, im dreading it but know i wont be happy unless i try atleast.

think ur results are great did u notice a massive difference as reguard the size of ur chest? or was it purely the case it is now shaped difference where as a gland was puffing it out. i find when i push my nipples in it looks fine but sometimes i feel like i only have a small case and others feel like it gets bigger,

is there anything u would recommend in reguards surgery thanks again......

Offline ryan08

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Yeah definetly, it was constantly on my mind, constantly doubting myself whether my chest looked ok or not!

So you are booked with Karidis then?!

I wouldnt get too worried mate, Karidis and all his staff are very professional! From reading the board I am sure you know he generally gets excellent feedbacks from his patients!

Although it is a big decision, so feel free to ask any questions u have mte!?!

To be honest immediately post op my chest was really flat, which looked so bizzare having had gyne for a number of years. Although you chest is'nt meant to be naturally that flat, it fills out a bit over time but there isnt any fat there n no gland left!

I have been hitting the gym pretty hard and managed to put a little muscle on my chest aswell!

Offline Luke83

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Hi, I have been on this sight for about a year now finally had my surgery with Karidis today! Reading all the posts on this sight really helped me make my mind up and go for Karidis because the before and after pictures all looked amazing. So far i definitely think i have made the right choice although i cant take the vest and dressing off until tomorrow! All the staff at the hospital were amazing and really look after you, the man himself really puts you at ease and he knows exactly what us guys with gyne want.

For me the recovery from the anesthetic was a breeze felt normal straight away, my chest feels tight like i have done a few press ups, and the vest is restricting but other than ok, bruising and stuff will probably kick in a few days time.

For anyone thinking about going for Karidis i would say go for it, one word of advice if they try to make you wear the dodgy paper pants remind them you are having surgery to your chest and that they are unnecessary!!! There was no way i was putting those things on, bloody see through y fronts ;D

Ryan08, how much gland and fat did you have removed?? Chantelle told me that i had 800ml of fat removed from each side and 12g of gland from each side. Which i thought was quite a lot considering i thought i only had moderate gyne.

I will proably put some pics on in the next couple of days, cant wait to unwrap myself now anythings better than the moobs i had before :)

Offline postiey

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yes ryan i am booked with karidis a couple of months away so im trying not to stress to much feeling a bit mixed emotions, guessing u obviously know as u have been throught it lol.

i was wandarin how many nights to book in a hotel and if u knew of any good ones etc. and yes that is definetely my biggest worry of coming out to flat i guess but that is my plan to bulk up with muscle and go to the gym. but im glad u are saying the chest fills out a bit. i was thinking that it would be so weird looking down and seein a flat chest. but would be brill at the same time if that makes sense!! thanks for replying

Luke - congrats on ur op mate and thanks for posting i feel like the more information i get the better so pleas post ur pics etc and let us know ur thoughts
         also if you could let us know what u did as reguards to staying in hotels travelling etc.

Offline dtc78

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Hey Postiey

Congrats on getting the op booked mate! I know its nerve racking but im sure u wont regret it. Im gonna book
mine with Karidis for April,was just wondering when u rang up to book what did u have to pay and what did they say about blood tests?

I live in manc so dont want to go all the way down to london again just to do the bloods if i dont have too!

Offline postiey

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hey dtc78

i just phoned up and told them my name and asked wether they had me on file as it was probably six months after the initial consultation.

spoke to someone called donna who was very helpful then explained that i would have to pay £1000 deposit wich i then paid over the phone. she also said that then they would send me a pack containing information on what bloods etc i needed testing. you can get the blood testing locally but she said there is sometimes a charge.

i have had blood tests at my doctors so im hoping these will be enough for karidis but im thinking they probably need more done for private surgery.
im having mine done before u mate so i will keep u posted.

do you have a big case of gyne then? it does feel good to book but i am well nervous so dreading it to. im shocked that i am goin through with it.

Offline dtc78

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Thanks for that postiey

Yeh i rekon mines pretty bad,kinda made my mind up a while ago i wanted the op,its a massive step but
its the only solution for me. Ive had my consultation,but i cant have the op until after april 11th as im running the
paris marathon! As soon as i have the money together im going to ring up and book my op! They did offer me a slight
reduction on my fee if i agreed to do some PR, i think its cos im doing the marathon, but on reflection theres no way
i wanted to do this as im trying to keep this a secret,putting my face in a magazine isnt my idea of keeping things
'under radar'!! haha.

Will keep you posted mate!

Offline postiey

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hey dtc78 u are brave running a marathon with gyne fairp play to you.

what kind of pr work do they want then? ye i wouldnt want to be in any magazine or anything either lol. but i have thought many times if famous people should come out and say look i have gyno and im doin something about it. wouldnt that be a more positive aproach to gynecomastia.

but on the other hand it is frustrating the media goin on about man boobs all the time to.

let us know how u get on to mate, good luck to you


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