Author Topic: How Long Before Swelling Goes Down?  (Read 8919 times)

Offline slade

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Ok so i am now 15 days post op. Generally very happy with my procedure. I was flatter when i first saw my chest day three. I am still swollen yada yada so im not freaking out. Just wondering if its normal too be swollen this long or if it should have gone down by now or if the swellinging is resilient. Should I be worried if it hasn't gone down yet or has it still not run its course? Please help.

I should also point out i am wearing the compression garment continuously without slacking off. Its just at 15 days i thought for sure I would be looking as good as day 4.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2010, 05:14:19 AM by slade »


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Ok so i am now 15 days post op. Generally very happy with my procedure. I was flatter when i first saw my chest day three. I am still swollen yada yada so im not freaking out. Just wondering if its normal too be swollen this long or if it should have gone down by now or if the swellinging is resilient. Should I be worried if it hasn't gone down yet or has it still not run its course? Please help.

I should also point out i am wearing the compression garment continuously without slacking off. Its just at 15 days i thought for sure I would be looking as good as day 4.

Posting Standard After Gynecomastia Surgery Pictures can help others better understand you concerns and show what your doctor's methods are like.

Swelling is the body's repose to injury. The more injury, the more swelling. New injury on healing tissues can cause new swelling. The degree of Swelling after Gynecomastia Surgery depends on the problem treated, surgical techniques, skill of the surgeon, After Surgery Compression Garments, after surgery care, patient education, Scar Treatments and many other factors. The road to quickest recovery means having the peak swelling in the operating room and continued progression from there. The bruising swelling evolution seen on my website is typical for my patients with my technique. Many surgeons do not show the degree of swelling / bruising after surgery, but sometimes you can find examples in a forum like this.

Some doctors advocate quick return to activity but then new swelling typically means new injury. While pushing injured tissues in hand surgery can help tendons and joints from sticking, with cosmetic male chest surgery that further injury seems to offer little advantage. Why push a sprain injury early?  Getting a World Series pitcher back on the mound may win a game, but will there be permanent damage? Take a cut finger and open a jar too soon, the jar may get opened but you may just tear open the healing wound.

Not all after surgery compression techniques are the same. Choose the wrong one, stop too soon, if swelling and discomfort occurs, then the tissue has been set back in its healing.  Second Stage Compression Garments also can help with scars. Scars that evolve under pressure do better than scars without pressure.

Starting Scar Care too soon can also cause new trauma to healing tissues and result in new swelling.

Good patient education can be an important factor in keeping peak swelling at the time of surgery.

If you swelling is typical or an issue is best explored with your own doctor who is most familiar with the details of your operation and after care.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction

Offline thedomino

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I was also flat as a pancake early on, but have swollen too and im 4 weeks post op. ive been assured by my surgeon that its fluid that will be reabsorbed on its own. so im stuck with my compression vest for now!


Offline pike09

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I was also flat as a pancake early on, but have swollen too and im 4 weeks post op. ive been assured by my surgeon that its fluid that will be reabsorbed on its own. so im stuck with my compression vest for now!


I'm in the same exact boat!  Minimal if any swelling hours after surgery.  Within a day or two my left side started to swell up a bit while my right side is fine.  Now nine days post-op and it's still the same even though I have worn the compression vest and ace bandages for extra pressure.  Pressure does seem to help so my advice is to keep the pressure on till it dissapates.
Excision Feb. 2 2010
26 155lbs <5%
On recovery... massage

Offline slade

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i am now 1 month post op and the swelling hasn't really gone down. As stated before i just had lipo done. I have practically no pain at all. Can you be swollen and have no pain???

I have convinced myself that having lipo only means I should heal substantially faster in regards to swelling and the rate it takes the skin to shrink back tighter than those with the glandular excision. By all means set me straight as my own assumptions are becoming my own worst enemy.


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i am now 1 month post op and the swelling hasn't really gone down. As stated before i just had lipo done. I have practically no pain at all. Can you be swollen and have no pain???

I have convinced myself that having lipo only means I should heal substantially faster in regards to swelling and the rate it takes the skin to shrink back tighter than those with the glandular excision. By all means set me straight as my own assumptions are becoming my own worst enemy.

Swelling does not need to be associated with pain or tenderness. Some liposuction techniques such as ultrasonic can damage local tissues including lymphatics which manage tissue fluid and prolonged swelling can be a result. That is one common reason some doctors do not show early after surgery results. A more common problem of "swelling" after surgery is just residual tissue left behind. Posting pictures as mentioned above is one way to show others what you are describing.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Revision Gynecomastia and Chest Surgery


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