Author Topic: Revision question for dr. bermant or for those who have had revision with him  (Read 4189 times)

Offline AZ54321

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Hi, it's starting to look as though I need a revision surgery because not all the gland was removed during my operation nearly 6 months ago. I've decided that when i go for surgery again (which I will, because this needs to be dealt with), I want to go with Dr. Bermant. I guess if i can take a positive from my surgery, it's that not enough gland was taken out as opposed to too much. As dr. bermant says, it's easier to remove than to replace -- so I don't have a crater deformity or anything like that. I was just wondering how much extra does it cost to do a revision surgery as opposed to a primary surgery? I know it varies, but can i get just a general idea?


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Hi, it's starting to look as though I need a revision surgery because not all the gland was removed during my operation nearly 6 months ago. I've decided that when i go for surgery again (which I will, because this needs to be dealt with), I want to go with Dr. Bermant. I guess if i can take a positive from my surgery, it's that not enough gland was taken out as opposed to too much. As dr. bermant says, it's easier to remove than to replace -- so I don't have a crater deformity or anything like that. I was just wondering how much extra does it cost to do a revision surgery as opposed to a primary surgery? I know it varies, but can i get just a general idea?

Cost of Revision Gynecomastia Surgery can vary depending on the problem to be treated. Jane is my office manager and can better discuss typical costs and fees.  She can normally be reached at our office by phone Monday - Friday 9-5 Eastern Time at (804) 748-7737.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Revision Gynecomastia and Chest Surgery


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