Author Topic: How bad is it still? Need advice  (Read 4145 times)

Offline tuck_01

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I have had puffy nipples since I was 14. I'm 19 now and still have it just not as bad. I just wanted honest opinions on how bad it is. I'm trying to get surgury but I have little money. I suppose my greatest fear would be having a girl i'm with say something about it. How noticeable is it?  I have been taking tamoxifen but I just started last month and I highly doubt it will make a difference. I just got tired of doing nothing about it. I really want to get surgery and get this over with but I'm in college and have no car and only 1,000. So i figure I'm screwed. I did get a blood test and saliva test done and they came back normal.

Sorry for the lower quality photos I used a webcam.

Offline helpmeplease

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hey man. let me start by saying that yours is a lot like mine was before my surgery but not quite as bad. i would say that mine looked a lot more like cones that had been flattened horizontally, my right side being worse than my left and with a total protrusion of almost an inch (pretty bad).  you just have some breast tissue under your nipples causing them to stick out. i developed mine when i was around 12 and i got tormented constantly about it being an athlete. i dreaded basketball practice fearing that coach would put me on the skins team. so i know how you feel. I am also in college and i never thought i would be able to afford the surgery. after years of wising i finally saved the cash. if yours is like mine (tissue only) it will just take direct excision. i didnt have to have lipo and my sugery TOTAL was $2,700. not bad at all compared to other worse cases. If you are really tormented as i was, having the surgery will change your life. i feel like a new person and dont regret blowing every penny i had. i dont know what your self perception is of yourself but i had to look in the mirror at least every 30 minutes to reassure myself that my nipples could not be seen through the shirt i was wearing. It was hell. I know pretty much all surgeons offer financing and would be happy to take 1000 down payment. so if it really bothers you at least take the first step and get a consultation with a cosmetic surgeon. it wont cost you anything and will shine a lot of light on your condition. Just keep in mind that you arent alone with this thing and tons of other guys suffer from it too. i wish you all the luck in the world getting this corrected. if you have any questions about surgery and stuff id be glad to talk about it since im just now 13 days out. good luck man

Offline kev22

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mine arnt as bad as Ur's m8  but mine are really sore and i get alot of pain with mine iv had ppl say to me that they notice mine sticking out  i feel you're pain man and i wish you all the best if you live in the UK you can ask you're GP to referrer you to a specialist on the nhs i hope everything is ok let us now how you get on

Offline Spleen

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Not horrible but very fixable IMO.

Offline ThisSucks15

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hey man, I was in a very similar situation as you, i noticed it when i was twelve, now im 17. i got the surgery and it only cost me 600$, but  i live in canada so i geuss its different. but even after surgery my nips arnt perfect, but definetly better. so dont drop all your money thinking its a cure, its more of a fix.


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