Sorry for the length of this post, but I wish some one was so thorough when I was researched
My Pre-Gyno storyI'm a 17 year old male from Southern California. I've had gyne since i was about 11 years old. I've always hung around the popular group of guys and girls.. the beach, palm springs, laying out by the pool... ect. Living 10 minutes from the beach it's really hard to avoid taking off your shirt, unless you make lots and lots of excuses. I'm about 5'10 160 pounds and had a very fit and athletic body my whole life playing football, basketball, lacrosse ect. I can't tell you how many countless excuses and things i've done to avoid taking off my shirt in public. I worked out harder than anyone in the hopes it would take my gyne away, it never did. I finally got the courage to take off my shirt in front of some of my closest friends when I was 16, but still never felt in my own skin and constantly self-conscious. When walking against the wind, i'd have to constantly flick my shirt, before trips i'd freak out over if i had to take my shirt off and it completely left me in a psychological mess. I had everything going for me, but i was held back by one thing my gyne. I've been dating a girl the past couple of months who's totally surfer, jacuzzi, beach type of girl and it got me seriously worried about my summer and how i could avoid all of these activites. After a trip to Mammoth i finally couldn't take living with the condition anymore. I talked to my parents and my grandparents and they were very supportive, they had no idea about it because i had concealed it all the time.
ConsultationsI met with two doctors before my surgery and went with the one with the better bedside manner and was a little more precautions about my recovery time. This was around January 6th 2010 and than i had scheduled my surgery for the 27th of January because i wanted to have near full results by summer.
Pre-SurgeryI didn't drink two weeks prior to my surgery, and i smoked weed a week before my surgery. I also stopped working out the week before so my body and muscles could be fully rested. I had to get my blood tests done, which i fainted as i'm afraid of needles. I kind of put the surgery into the back of my mind and didn't really think about it. It came sooner than expected and at times I had doubts because I had never gotten surgery before, but in my heart I knew that this was what I needed to be fully happy in life.
SurgerySurgery... damn. Those anaesthesiolgists got some good shit all i can say. You don't feel a thing and next thing you know you wake up.
Post SurgeryThis is where things got interesting. I left the hospital got home around 4 30. I arrived home and started laying in bed.. I obviously was drugged up still but i started feeling a burning sensation in my chest. All the sudden i looked down and my right side was swelled up to about a C cup breast. It was filled completely with blood, I had gotten a hematoma. I'm not sure if it was surgery error, or If i had moved around too much but it happened. We rushed back to the hospital and the doctor had to reopen my incision site and squeeze out most of the blood. He than suctioned alot of it out. This was the most painful part of the entire experience and i was worried it was really going to alter the healing.
The first two weeks of surgery I wore about compression band/wrap. Recovery was very hard for me because I'm such an active person. I found myself trying to move around a lot more than I should have. Most swelling went away in 2-3 weeks. My left side was healing far faster than the side which had the hematoma. I lost a considerable amount of weight and muscle. At 3 weeks was already back at the gym doing light cardio/legs/ and upper body workouts not targeting my chest/back/shoulders. My doctor was mad at me for this was against his recommendation of 1 month but i felt like it was appropriate.
I'm now 5 weeks post surgery. And let me tell you. My conscious is clear. I was already a confident person, but now I just feel like i'm on top of the world. I walk around in a wife beater, I am not afraid to take off my shirt in front of my friends, I've already jacuzzid with a bunch of girls.Been to a Mardi Gras Party without my shirt on. I'm planning a hawaii trip this summer, i just feel like nothing can hold me back anymore
I RECOMMEND THIS SURGERY TO ANYONE WHO EVEN HAS THE SLIGHTEST DOUBT. Really, it's life changing. Before i'd be the one to avoid going siwming, the jacuzzi, ect. Now i'm the one who wants to. I love summer and am anticipating more than anything going to the beach and laying out by the pool. And just living life, the way it's meant to be lived, carefree.
Here's me a little thick from football season at 180 lbs in September 2009 Pre Gyne surgery is 5 weeks into my Surgery March 3 2010 with scarguard scar remover is the white stuff you guys got questions. just let me know on this forum i'll check regularly. i've been through it and i feel it's kind of my duty to help people out who have gone through what i have
cheers and best of luck