Author Topic: if u have gyne, u have klinefelters too?  (Read 5241 times)

Offline rwarner1975

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What percentage of Gynecomastia sufferers
(who didn't get it from steroid use) have Klinefelters disease? Is there any one here who has it too?

Offline Paa_Paw

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From the best info I can find (which is actually not too good) Gynecomastia is common in newborn. It is present in about 50% of boys in early puberty which self resolves in a large number of those boys. In the male adult population overall, about 1/3 have it. Of men in their later years (70's & 80's) the number increases to about 60%.  

Klinefelters is a genetic issue, and I have heard that it affects only about one person per thousand.

Again, I am suspicious of these numbers but they may give you a starting point for your own research.

The numbers for Gynecomastia are based on the definition that says: Visable or Palpable Growth. Presumably this includes what is also called Pseudo-Gynecomastia and growth of glandular tissue which can be felt but not necessarily seen.  
Grandpa Dan

Offline hypo

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Klinefelter Syndrome occurs at birth being a genetic condition but from all the latest research its incidence is 1 in every 500 male births.

In terms of what % of gynecomastia sufferers have Klinefelters, I don't think any statistical data exists.  Even if it did it would be an under estimation given that Klinefelters Syndrome is often not diagnosed until a man is in his 50s or 60s and has other health problems that bring the condition to light.

Given that Klinefelters Syndrome results in a man being testosterone deficient, I can tell you that 10% of all gynecomastia sufferers have hypogonadism of one variety or other.


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1 in 500 is not  rare.

Many of the Klinefelters have large breasts, but every male with large breasts do not have Klinefelters.

It is a chromosome probelm where many cells in the body have an extra "X" the female part in the dna.

It is usually 47XXY but there are many variations.

Standard male is 46XY.

I have what is called K-Mosaic, 47XY/XXY where I produce some sperm & all my cells are not affected.  

Mine are mostly in my upper body.  Large breasts, very little body hair, shave about once a week, low testosterone , high estrogen E2, language learning problem, language expression problems, & a layer of body fat.

Most Klinefelters are sterile.

It cost betrween $400 & $1000 for a Karoytype test.

I use HRT.


« Last Edit: January 29, 2005, 08:22:47 AM by Gine2D »

Offline hypo

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Quite right Gine2D.

1 in 500 is not rare and remember we are not talking about 1 in 500 people with gynecomastia, we are talking 1 in 500 male births.  Which means that the % of people who have gynecomastia who have Klinfelters will be much higher.  You can bet your life that many people on this site have underlying problems that they are not aware of that has caused their gynecomastia.  

Given that 10% of all gynecomastia sufferers have hypogonadism of which Klinefelters is one variety, it is safe to approximate that in every 100 posters on this site 10 of them will have hypogonadism.

When you take into account the other genetic conditions that are associated with gynecomastia, such as Haemochromatosis which is 1 in 250 to 300 births (the most common genetic abnomality in the world).  Then you realise the importance of visiting an endocrinologist if you have gynecomastia and having a consultation and hormone investigations.

One of the facts that I think beautifully highlights the need for at the very least pathology testing (with perhaps genetic testing then being based upon the endocrinologists feelings gathered from the consultation and pathology findings) is this.

16% of all testicular cancer sufferers are found to have gynecomastia.  So if you perform hormone pathology on all men who report gynecomastia, then you have a chance to get earlier diagnosis and treatment of these men and save their lives.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2005, 08:57:19 AM by hypo »


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Correct Hypo,

"Cuttem off" is only a temporary solution in many cases, it only addresses the symptom, not the cause.  They can grow back as has been demostrated in this forum if the underlying cause of the growth is not corrected.  

Even the PS that post here now says Surgery is not always a permanent solution.

Everyone needs to find out why their breasts grew & if the cause has been corrected or under control.  

My cause will never be corrected, but it can be kept under control & stop futher growth.  I am already bigger than many women, but I can handle it.  They do not control my life.

Most males with my type breasts stop at the average size of the females in the family.  My family females are all DD+, so mine is now stopped at D.


Offline hypo

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Again I concur.

Some men with Klinefelter decide to have surgery and keep gynecomastia from reocurring via medication other people like yourself have chosen to live with the gynecomastia.

It is an individuals right to choice in all instances.  

But pathology investigations allows the individual to make informed choices, that not having pathology investigations does not allow for-  that is the difference.  

For the many individuals who have no underlying problem, it lets them choose surgery should they so wish in the knowledge that the gynecomastia will not return.   Alternatively it allows those people with gynecomastia to say phew, I know I am ok and I'll choose to live with the problem, or medicate the problem with my endo.

Whatever realy

Its all about being able to make informed choices with the choice always being the perogative of the individual.

Offline rwarner1975

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thankxguys for the helpful insights.
I am 29 and have had small fatty hard cyst like lumps under my nipples since age 13. My doc said don't worry bout it at the time and that they would probably go away.. No such luck Im afraid. I also seem to show a few symptoms of having klinefelters so I am now heaps worried but don't know what to do and am scared...


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