Author Topic: beach or pool  (Read 30922 times)

Offline Jim38C

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id like to know if anyone has bared thier boobs at a beach or public pool & what the reaction was. ive only told few people about this & women dont seem to be bothered with it. but my brother kinda freaked out about it. im getting tired of hiding it & if they get any bigger i wont be able to hide them anymore. Help

Offline Jim38C

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geez - 23 views & no repiles. i guess no one has gone in public then.


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id like to know if anyone has bared thier boobs at a beach or public pool & what the reaction was. ive only told few people about this & women dont seem to be bothered with it. but my brother kinda freaked out about it. im getting tired of hiding it & if they get any bigger i wont be able to hide them anymore. Help

For my patients who have gynecomastia but want to hide their contour in the pool, the water equivalent to the Body Shapeware Compression Garment is the wetsuit. Microprene is a very thin version suitable to warm water and looks just like swim tops that those who have sensitive skin to prolonged chemical exposure in the water prefer. You can try such a garment on in most diving shops. Neither the wetsuit nor compression garment are suitable for the beach. You would fry. For beach, there is baggy Sun Protective Clothing which will not contour nor stabilize, but will hide with baggy fabric comfortable even in extreme heat.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction

Offline jsboob

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I bare my chest if im on a beach always, in fact I often go to Spain where they have nude bathing & have no probs stripping off. Id actually recommend you do this as you will then be amazed by the fact that you are NOT the only one with a slightly less than "ideal" body!
 Sooner everyone becomes aware of this fact sooner you will have less hang ups about your perceived "big breasts"! Humans come in all shapes & sizes, which is good!
 Sure you will get some a55holes who stare, but those kind of people would also stare at some poor sod with one arm or leg etc too & arent worth bothering about! >:(

Offline Jim38C

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problem is mine arent percieved big breasts, they Are Big Breasts


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problem is mine arent percieved big breasts, they Are Big Breasts

There can be a great deal of Emotion and Stress Living with Gynecomastia that drives men to hide their breasts, lose weight, address an underlying breast growing problem, and have them removed with surgical sculpture.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction

Offline Jim38C

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my problem is they are still growing so surgery would be a waste cuz they will just grow back. i am no longer ashamed of my boobs. embarrassed - yes but ive accepted them & i would luv to just be able to go out in a t- shirt or bare chested & not worry about what other people say or think. since this started i have tried to take care of them with exercise & massage to at least keep them firm & not just flab. this was my main question about the beach. not how to hide them. i already know how to hide them. ive been but im getting tired of that & was wondering if someone else has exposed thiers in public & what the reaction was. ive accepted them & would just like to live my life as i am & not worry.


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my problem is they are still growing so surgery would be a waste cuz they will just grow back. i am no longer ashamed of my boobs. embarrassed - yes but ive accepted them & i would luv to just be able to go out in a t- shirt or bare chested & not worry about what other people say or think. since this started i have tried to take care of them with exercise & massage to at least keep them firm & not just flab. this was my main question about the beach. not how to hide them. i already know how to hide them. ive been but im getting tired of that & was wondering if someone else has exposed thiers in public & what the reaction was. ive accepted them & would just like to live my life as i am & not worry.

I have never seen a Sumo Wrestler without Breasts / Gynecomastia. It is part of the male fat pattern. These athletes do not seem to mind having their breasts on display while participating in their sport. I have just updated that page to include 2 links to videos showing how male fat looks on motion and in public settings.

I find how the tissues bounce and move fascinating and these new videos are some of the best examples I know of demonstrating the excessive male breast in motion.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction

Offline Jim38C

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theres No Way you can compare me to a sumo wrestler. they are proportionate to thier weight& people Dont see Boobs, just fat.. i am NOT fat & in fairly decent shape so my body is looking more & more Female. i did put on 20 Lbs over the winter but thats cuz i bruised my ribs & couldnt exercise. ive lost 10 Lbs so far & i have an extra 10 Lbs on me to lose but ill lose that by summer then my boobs will look & be even larger, more pronounced &  more Feminine. when i lost this 10 Lbs, They got bigger so its not the weight gain. My Boobs are actually growing & my body turning more & more female Every day. my big fear & concern is if im seen topless they are seeing a man's head on a female body


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theres No Way you can compare me to a sumo wrestler. they are proportionate to thier weight& people Dont see Boobs, just fat.. i am NOT fat & in fairly decent shape so my body is looking more & more Female. i did put on 20 Lbs over the winter but thats cuz i bruised my ribs & couldnt exercise. ive lost 10 Lbs so far & i have an extra 10 Lbs on me to lose but ill lose that by summer then my boobs will look & be even larger, more pronounced &  more Feminine. when i lost this 10 Lbs, They got bigger so its not the weight gain. My Boobs are actually growing & my body turning more & more female Every day. my big fear & concern is if im seen topless they are seeing a man's head on a female body

I never compared you to a Sumo wrestler. You asked for men with breasts who were not embarrassed going in public. I look at the Sumo wrestlers, I see breasts and bouncing redundant fat on spectacular athletes who are willing to shorten their lives in unhealthy ways for a sport.

I have seen men with female bodies who struggle with the issues. That is why I posted the video about the emotion of living with breasts in the male body. If there are female creating hormones circulating in the body, they tend to affect the entire body. It is not only the breast that changes, but they adopt a female fat pattern to the thighs and buttocks, change body hair that can lose beard and facial hair, even the tone of the voice can be different. So for some it is not even a male head on a female body, but an entire female body.

This is not you, nor am I comparing it to you. But, those cursed with such issues like this like this Intersex the Grey Area between Male and Female struggle with having features of both sexes and also tend to hide and are embarrassed.  That individual did have surgery by another surgeon but nobody bothered to investigate what that person's problem was. Doctors from his birth labeling him a male, pediatricians failing in their genital exams, endocrinologists, his prior surgeon, and other doctors never bothered to carefully look and find a real XX female with congenital adrenal hyperplasia a condition that should have been recognized at birth, assigned a female sex on his birth certificate, and had his adrenal problem medicated could have lived a normal female life. Instead he was cursed with way too much male and female hormones dousing his body (yes he is a legal male XX), his entire life causing both sex characteristics.

I have seen many others with such stress with other medical problems. They choose to try to find why, solve the underlying problem, and continue with their lives. But for my patients who feel they were trapped in a body of the other sex, most were frightened of exposure: their contours revealed in public. They did not try to show themselves but hid until their problems were resolved and then they explained they regained freedom. That is why I posted examples of how to camouflage such contours, so many others have asked me for help with such issues.

When one of my patients is having problems with breast growth or hormones making parts of the body female, I refer them to an experienced Endocrinologist to help resolve the issue.

However, do not construe that I am making that recommendation or any other recommendation to you, that is only what I would advise one of my own patients. I do not offer specific advice on any public forum. Such specific advice establishes a doctor patient relationship that the doctor can then be held responsible for but without the appropriate information necessary for that appropriate advice.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction

Offline Jim38C

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but have you heard of this happening late in life. im 100% male all my life. no thoughts of being a woman. no problems at birth. im over 50 & Now my body starts changing. thats the mystery


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but have you heard of this happening late in life. im 100% male all my life. no thoughts of being a woman. no problems at birth. im over 50 & Now my body starts changing. thats the mystery

Yes, I have seen problems of men late in life losing male characteristics. Such problems are common issues for those men suffering from low testosterone. But there are many Medical Problems that can cause Gynecomastia and male breast growth.  That is why going to a specialist in hormone problems has helped so many of my patients with such issues.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction

Offline Dpw

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Your breast are the size of my wifes and they actually make mine small in comparison. I wouldn't take my shirt off if I were you. I am not poking jokes at you at all.

Offline Alchemist

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Hi Jim38C,

I became a nudist.  I'll be posting some pictures shortly.  Try 52DD on for size.  I got rid of body shame through spiritual tantric alchemy and becoming a nudist. What with life threatening health problems and other situations I have just plain stopped caring. I've had these breasts for 50 years.  I go to public pools occasionally.  A couple of years ago I went to a local Salt Lake pool and a woman Said "You shouldn't be allowed to exhibit yourself to children like this.  I would call the police if it would do any good."  I told her to come to a nudist club and take off your suit and let everybody get a good look at what you are hiding.  She walked off in a huff.  My breasts were bigger than hers. 


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I actually wear a tankini at the beach. It will hold, cover and support the girls at the beach. Doesn't look much different from a tank top.


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