Author Topic: surgery with Dr. Jeffords in atlanta  (Read 5858 times)

Offline majinmajestyk

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       hey guys. long time lurker, first time poster here. i always said that once i had the life changing surgery that id post it here for you all. well, after over 20 years of dealing with gynecomastia i am excited to finally say that it is now finally over!!! i finally got up the money to have the surgery and i had my surgery with Dr. Jeffords here in atlanta last friday 3/19 and am pleased to say that so far it appears to be a success. i am very happy thus far with the results and cannot wait for everything to tighten up more.
    anyway, i had been planning on seeking Dr. Jeffords for this procedure for nearly ten years now because he was the closest to me and i had been impressed with the results from other members that he had performed on. when i had insurance, i actually got them to approve surgery and they would pay for it. however, the doctor that they wanted me to see for the operation scared the shit out of me by telling me how she would do excision but would have to remove alot of muscle and my nipples would be removed and may not get put back on and if they did there would be no feeling to it. she also told me that i waould have plenty of scars that would be permanent. needless to say i decided not to go with her and try to get the money on my own. 5 years later i finally got the money!!! i finally went to the consultation in february i believe and finally got a chance to meet the miracle worker in person. hell, it was almost like meeting a celebrity. i had read 1 or 2 negative posts in reference to Dr. Jeffords, but with me he was one of the nicest guys i had ever met and made me feel totally comfortable. he was very informative and described his procedure of gland excision and lipo. showed alot of photos of his previous operations. what really impressed me is that he really understood how hard and depressing this abnormality is for us because he also had gynecomastia and also had the surgery himself. he took alot of photos of me to compare post surgery.
   my main concern was the cost. i know that cost is a major factor for alot of us. however Dr. Jeffords was one of the cheapest that i found at around $4500. i dont know if doctors like people telling the prices or whatever, but i always hate when someone posts their surgery stories and don't post how much the surgery cost so the rest of us can get an idea of the price. anyway i would have had surgery that day if i could but i was still in the middle of the semester in school and had to wait until the end.
    so i called and arranged the soonest date i could and was given a date of two weeks later. i recieved a package of information along with some prescription for meds that came in the mail a few days later. the day before surgery i was not to eat or drink anything after 12 midnight until after surgery or else surgery would be cancelled. i had a feeling that something would go wrong or that i would end up drinking something before i left and screw up the whats supposed to be the greatest day of my life so i stopped eating and drinking at 9pm that night.
    i got up bright and early and had my mother drive me to the hospital. the staff was extremely nice and tried to make sure i was calm and all of that stuff. but at this time i was like "just come on and put me under because im ready for this to be over!!!"
i wasnt afraid at all because i was so anxious. however, once i got undressed and was pushed around the hospital in a bed (that was very fun) and it was almost time for the surgery, i did get a little nervous but not scared. i started thinking about how things could go wrong. but i said to myself it was worth the risk if something does go wrong and got rid of any doubts extremely quick. the anethesiologist came in and started talking to me and hooked me all up. thenn Dr. Jeffords came in and drew on my body how he was gonna operate on me and took some photos. they sent my mother in the waiting room and that was last thing i remember.
   so i wake up and im expecting Dr. Jeffords to still be operating on me, but it was all over. there was no pain at all, though it did feel as if i had just done 1000 pushups, i didnt feel any soreness or discomfort in the area that was operated on. the needles that were stuck in me were uncomfortable because my arm had fallen asleep and for the rest of that day my arm was the only thing that bothered me. my compression vest was already on when i woke up and i kept it on for the next 3 days. at times the vest would get very uncomfortable and made it a bit hard to sleep because i had to sleep on my back. still to this day i have yet to feel even the slightest bit of pain in my chest area.
     now the hardest part came from headaches that i was having and i mean extreme headaches but that was coming from me taking the pain medication when i really didnt need it. that was finally remedied by some tylenol. also for some reason i was very constipated. i mean that is some pain for you. i can only assume that thats what being anally raped feels like. i am still having problems with constipation i guess a stool softener would take care of that.
    i went to my 1 week post op yesterday to get some sutures or stitches or something removed and some more pictures were taken. i was really looking forward to this day because i wanted to see what those damn glands looked like and how big they were. Dr. Jeffords was impressed with the outcome and said he was gonna put my photos in his hall of fame. i dont know if he was just saying that to get me to like my chest more or what but he didnt need to because so far i genuinely couldnt be happier with the outcome. the before and after shots were fuckin amazing. i could believe that the photos were of me. in fact, when i first saw the before pictures i was like wow whoever that is has gyne real bad - lol.  my chest is still a bit swollen and only have a small bruise or two but i actually walked around the house shirtless after a shower the other day. the first time my girlfriend had ever seen me with my shirt off.
    anyway, i was hoping Dr. Jeffords would give me a copy of the photos yesterday so that i could post them here. however he told me that i'd get a copy after 6 weeks. i'll post some after shots that i can take later and ill see if i can find some before shots that i took a few years ago.
   i know its along post but i was trying to be as informative as possible for you all who are awaiting the life changing day. if there are any questions id be more than happy to answer them.

                          THANK YOU Dr. Jeffords, YOU HAVE REALLY CHANGED MY LIFE!!!

Offline majinmajestyk

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no i am still wearing my vest. i meant that i was afraid to take it off until 3 days later. but i had to shower. i anticipate being in the vests for quite a few more weeks probably at least 6 more weeks. also Dr. Jeffords said to wear the under armor shirt under the vest because it was actually cutting into my skin. since i statrted wearing the under armor under the vest it is actually much more comfortable.

Offline majinmajestyk

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so i just came back from seeing dr. jeffors for another follow up. i got my pre and post photos on a disk from him so that i could show to you all. ill post quite a few pics because i like when others post lots of their pics for reference.


updated after

still a bit swollen and i have some more healing to do but i went in knowing that it could take a while before final results are reached. happy thus far.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2010, 04:17:42 PM by majinmajestyk »

Offline zado611

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did he use drains?


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