Author Topic: Job done! One day post op with Dr. Karidis  (Read 2896 times)

Offline dtc78

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Hey all

I have posted on here a couple of times and read countless posts about your experiences, fears etc. I have to say, as many have, that i would
not have come this far if it were not for this site, a true godsend. Anyway yesterday i had my op down in London at the St John and St Elizabeth Hospital with Dr. Karidis. I wanted to share my experience of yesterday as i know any of you who are considering having surgery will find this useful
(i know i did when i was thinking about having surgery).

My friend drove me down the eve before and we stayed at the Danubuis which is a 5 min stroll away from the hosp. The hotel wasn't cheap, the bill came to £150 for one twin room, but that included parking (£20) and a breakfast for my pal. It would have been slightly more expensive but i was advised to mention i was a patient of Dr K and i got a slight discount. There are cheaper hotels in the area but i wanted to be comfortable the night before my op. As it turned out i didn't get much sleep anyway, not sure whether this was due to the noisey traffic outside or my nerves, i certainly had a few dreams about the op that night! Also what i haven't mentioned is that i had a cold too, a groggy throat and felt rough, i didn't want to say anything to the hosps tho incase they cancelled my op. Not sure how wise this was but i survived!! I must say this didn't help my situation at all as i felt pretty horrible aswell as nervous by the time i got there but cant be helped. I was advised to arrive at 9am, i got there about 840am so i bought a paper from outside the st johns wood met line and sat and read it, trying to keep calm and take my mind of things i guess. I walked in around 855am, went upstairs where i went for my consultation only to be told i was meant to be downstairs at the main reception - oops! Once id checked in there i was waiting a mere 5Min's when some guy, i think it was Ian, collected me and took me to my room where i signed a few forms and filled out my lunch requests.

The room was nice, i had my own TV and bathroom so i just tried to relax a little, i was pretty tired anyway due to a lack of sleep. A nurse popped in shortly after with my lovely outfit (horrendous but at least i got to wear my own underwear!!), she took my bloods, which were a little high, then Dr k walked in. He took some pics and drew all over my chest explaining where he was going to be cutting etc, his parting words were 'I'm gonna make you flat' which i think must be his motto having read older posts on here!! ha! I was due to be going down around 1130am, apparently i was 4th in a list of 6, bit disappointed at this because when i booked it ages ago (Jan) they said i would be first but no harm done.

Anyway i got the nod at 1145am and wondered down with the nurse who was very friendly and chatty, we got into the anesthetic's room where i lay down and got talking to the assistant aneathetist. I must be honest i was nervous now, it was always the anesthetic part that i was dreading the most, eventually a guy came in and instantly put me under, i stated feeling drowsy, like i was a little drunk, then that was it i was waking up, it really is like the other guys say, its weird. I woke up in recovery about about hour later, apparently i lunged forward a bit but thats a normal reaction i think!?

I felt fine, obviously a little groggy but OK apart from a really dry mouth, this was due to the fact that they use a tube when Ur out that goes down Ur throat, also i had a bad throat anyway and hadn't been allowed to drink any water all morn. After about 20Min's sitting with a nurse in recovery i was wheeled back up to my room and told to relax. I must have have drank loads of water but really struggled to eat that sandwich as my throat was so dry, it didn't help that i had salty crisps too like an idiot?! For the first hour or so i could feel sum moderate pain in my chest but that soon subsided, i didn't need to take any painkillers so it wasn't that bad. This was now around 130pm, and for the rest of the afternoon ( i left at 4pm) i had my bloods taken at least 6 times, plus Dr Ks assistant Chantelle popped in a couple of times to give me my post op tips and drugs etc. She was very friendly and helpful as were all the staff, it was just a little embarrassing as id virtually lost my voice by this stage so couldn't really say a lot!!

Like most people, the vest is by far the most uncomfortable part to all this, its tight for a reason but its something I'm going to have to get used to. The journey home was tough cos i was feeling groggy by this point and just wanted to be home. When i got home i pretty much went straight to bed, tho sleeping upright is a pain and will take some getting used to. Does anyone know how long i have to do this for?

Today i feel OK, think my colds clearing up which is a blessing, no real pain in the chest, just the occasional twinge if i twist in a certain direction, the pain comes from where the incisions were made. I'm about to risk having a shower which means taking the vest off so Ive got no idea how ill react to what i see, i just hope hes got rid of them glands, chantelle told me that he removed two big buggers!!

Ill keep you all regularly updated as to how i get on, sorry bout the waffling i just know the more info i got the better!

Speak soon guys

Offline dtc78

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48 hours post op -

Hey all, just a quick update. Yesterday was quite surreal, didn't have any discomfort really just a few twinges when i bent down for the remote or a book! I delayed taking my vest off til about 4ish, but when i did..WOW! Couldn't believe how flat my chest looked, i had a pretty bad case and am used to seeing 2 pretty large breasts but they were gone! Trying not to get too excited as i know it may well get worse before it gets better but so far so good. It was grim removing the dressing, especially when the plasters stick to your hair...the incisions under the pits are remarkably tiny, the ones under the nip are a bit bigger and i was surprised how open they were still, looked like i cud see right inside myself!! Anyway i quickly redressed with waterproof plasters and had a shower which was awkward,then popped the vest back on. Last night i started to get some mild pain but i guess thats to be expected as the anesthetic will have worn off and id disturbed the wounds a little when changing the plasters. Not sleeping great due to lieing on my back but ill cope.

As i am typing this i am nearly exactly 48hrs since going under the knife, may well check everything again later in case there are any problems but my attitude really is to just leave it well alone now to heal, i suspect checking it every day will lead to false dawns or even depression so I'm gonna trust my body to sort it all out!! I'm drinking lots of water and pineapple juice, as well as eating pineapple regularly and taking the arnica 1 tab 5 times a day. As yet i haven't had to use any painkillers, the chest doesn't hurt really tho i am quite surprised how numb it all is still, is this normal?

Anyway will keep you all posted, any questions don't hesitate to ask..

Offline dtc78

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72 hours post op -

Todays the first day that ive had my normal energy levels back, not sure whether its been the anaethetic or the cold i had but ive been a bit dosile since the op! Had to drop my motor off at the garage this morn, 1st time id been out since the op, driving was ok, tho on the walk home (literally half a mile) i did feel a bit light headed, nothing major tho.

I also nipped to the shops which i was a bit apprehensive about especially having to carry some bags up the stairs to my flat but overall i was fine. To be honest pain has been minimal, just a tight chest and again slight twinges where the lipo was done. I managed another shower too and washed my vest, replacing it with the spare i was given, i didnt look at the wounds under the nips as the dressing was fine so didnt want to disturb anything. It amazes me how i am not feeling any pain from that area but theres time yet i guess?!

Bruising and swelling so far is minimal too, im pretty sure this will worsen b4 it gets better but so far so good, i assume the combination of arnica and pineapple is doing the trick although im already getting pretty sick of the pineapple. Will keep this up tho.

I now know what a lot of people mean on here when they say their belly looks a lot bigger post op! mine certainly does, have tried to eat healthy but im guessing its because i was so used to looking at my breasts and not my belly!!

Overall the recovery so far has been easier than i expected altho i am fully aware its still very early days!

Offline sometimesuk

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I think your account gives a realistic idea of what I imagine surgery might be like.

Do you have any pre / post op pics? What about bruising?

Just take it easy. One thing that would conern me, is going back to work wearing a compression vest. How long do you have to wear that for?

Offline Deymorin

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Just read your post about golf. I played a round after 3 weeks and I was ok but it was a little sore. At 4 weeks I tried again and no pain at all. I'm about a 5 weeks ahead of you... enjoy being flat while you can mate - the scar tissue phase is really annoying!

Offline dtc78

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Hi Guys

Im now  1 week post op, still impressed with the results tho i have noticed a bit more swelling now, is this normal?

Bruising i have to say is very minimal, remarkable really considering the hoovering ive had, i guess i may have been lucky
there. This swelling has got me down a bit, its mainly to my left side, although if it stays as it is now i would still be happy
based on what i looked like before?! Is it likely to improve? im guessing so as i am still in the very early stages of recovery.

I started work today, i dont have a physical job although there is a lot of driving but so far so good, wearing the vest is a bit more
uncomfortable today im guessing this is because i have swollen a little?

Sometimesuk- Ive got to wear this vest 24/7 for 2 weeks, then for 2 more weeks either day or night. I met my gfriend the other night, she
has no idea of the op so i had to say id put my back out and i was wearing it for support!!

Deymorin- Thanks mate, the thought of swinging a club right now makes me wince but im sure thatll improve! Should my chest be numb at the mo?
Thats feels kinda weird, also when do i start the massaging?

No b4 pics im afraid, i hated looking at myself, dr k took some so i might see if i can get them, will take some after shots soon. Goin back to see Dr K in 6 this necessary as its a long way for me?

Offline thetodd

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your chest will change loads in the next few months, expect more swelling/scar tissue. It will go with time and massaging i think my swelling peaked at the three week mark. Yeah your chest will feel weird for ages i had no sensation in my nipples for about 4 months and it was sore when pressed for about 3 months. Start massaging at three weeks in!

I think thats a sensible time frame for the vest, they told me a week and i developed loads of keloid scarring, id reccomend wearing it as long as you can!
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline Deymorin

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I started massaging about 2 weeks in. But as everyone else says - you'll just know when you're ready, it hurts like hell when you're not! Bio oil is cheaper off amazon get yourself a 200ml bottle that seems to be lasting for me.

Question for you again TheTodd :) my chest seems to have almost gone back to the same shape it was before. Some of it seems like scar tissue but some of it is soft. At what point do you remember scar tissue "peak" i.e at it's worst? Also do you remember there being a big change week 5-8 or maybe 8-12. Just want to know in terms of planning my holiday   ::)

Offline dtc78

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Thanx the todd and deymorin

I def couldnt massage at mo its quite sore to touch and im sure itll merely aggravate the swelling so the 2 - 3 week
mark sounds about right. Will get my bio oil soon.

Do u guys think its important to attend the 6 week check up? i will obviously go if it is its just gonna be a costly affair as im
travelling from manc.

thanx guys

Offline thetodd

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It wont have gone back to the shape it was originally, its in your head i had the same thoughts. Just check your pre op photo's and youl be like "shit it was really bad before". Best way i found to notice scar tissue was to stand in front of a mirror put your arm up and put a light direcly on it (i have my bedroom light right above the mirror) you will see the scar tissue protruding out ive still got a mass of it 1 year post and its slowly dissipating. Bare in mind i had quite alot of fat/gland removed and i always seem to be prone to scarring

Peak was probally 3 months post, i had loads of it on my right hand side and nothing on my left making me look out of proportion but it slowly evened out. I only wore my vest for a week and no under armour afterwards. I would reccomend to anyone reading this wear the vest as long as you can even if its only when your asleep.

If you dont go to your six week checkup app you basically opt out of free revision surgery, and youd have to pay £4100 extra in fees apposed to £2000 if you did want any rectification. It is a waste of time youl walk in there and he'l go "good result, little bit of swelling but all good!". But i would go back just to cover yourself its always interesting to visit London anyway i always see a celebrity out and about. Paul Weller walked past me walking his dog while i was waiting outside StJohns :)

Offline dtc78

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Yeh good point thetodd, i booked my train tickets this morn. Like you say im best covering myself plus its a day out and a day off work
so not all bad?! ;)

I had another look this morn, i just cant wait to get some muscle in there now, bit concerning that the wounds under the nips have not
healed as yet (8 days post op), the ones under the arms are nearly gone but the nip ones are still seemingly fresh. Theres no signs
of infection so i put fresh dressing on and ill check again in a week maybe.

Offline blueblueblue

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Hi dtc78
Good to see you seem to be having some results. I'm not far from Manchester and having my op with Karidis on 1st June. just wondering where you got your blood tests done?

You got any post op pics?

Offline dtc78

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Hi Mate

I went to my local GP for my bloods. I actually rang them and spoke to my doc who said he'd arrange for me to have them done at my local hosp,
i didnt need to tell him what i was having done just said 'private surgery'. From reading posts on here i suspect its a postcode lottery as to
whether the nhs will do them if not you may have to go to a blood clinic. Just be careful tho as i had to go back 3 times cos each time they
apparantly didnt take enough blood?!

Dont have pics at mo but will try post some soon.


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