Hi guys,
I am three and a half weeks post op. I had my surgery done by an nhs breast surgeon. It was a bi-lateral mastectomy as far as i can remember, and didnt have any lipo.
I only met my surgeon once, a few months before surgery. I just assumed this was due to the nhs being so busy. I wasnt given a compression vest or anything else, just had a dressing on each nipple which i was told to remove in the shower after 5 days.
Anyway, to get to the point, all was looking good on day five when i took off the dressing/patches. But since then things seem to be getting increasingly worse.
Firstly my left side started to swell up and bruise quite a lot but i didnt think much of it, just that nature was taking its course. My right side looked a bit butchered but again i just thought id let it heal.
As the days went by all the swelling on the right side reduced and looked great but now it has started to invert at the top of the nipple and i fear it will only keep getting worse as it is still early days.
The left side however got worse in a very different way. It seemed to be getting harder and then i developed a red patch to the side of the nipple. I put it down to irritation from where the surgeon shaved me, however it got worse and redder so i went to the docs two days ago and he told me the blood under the skin had got infected and put me on a strong dose of anti biotics.
I now have one side that it flat with an inverted nipple and another that its swelled right up, red and infected.
So as you can imagine i am concerned that im gonna be left with a very lopsided , and odd looking chest.
Can anyone give me some hope that things will eventually turn out ok??