Author Topic: Loose chest skin contouring shirt with low vis?  (Read 3783 times)

Offline rykers

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I suffer from sagging tissue in my chest after losing a lot of weight many years ago.
Until I go for surgery (can't afford it yet - planned for later this year) I wear under armor vests under my shirts to help hide this.. but I'm sick of having them show under t-shirts.

They are usualy invisible when wearing decent crew-neck t-shirts and polo shirts but sometimes when I sit down or am doing something active they will show out of the top...  I sometimes have friends asking what the hell im wearing under my shirts... it's just generaly embarrsing and doesn't look very stylish..

Can anyone reccommend a good compression vest that is very wide at the neck so I can easily hide them under t-shirts? Preferebly available in Australia, but overseas is fine if it is a highly reccommended shirt.

I've looked around here a bit, but couldn't find anything specifically made to be of low visability? Someone please help!



  • Guest
I suffer from sagging tissue in my chest after losing a lot of weight many years ago.
Until I go for surgery (can't afford it yet - planned for later this year) I wear under armor vests under my shirts to help hide this.. but I'm sick of having them show under t-shirts.

They are usualy invisible when wearing decent crew-neck t-shirts and polo shirts but sometimes when I sit down or am doing something active they will show out of the top...  I sometimes have friends asking what the hell im wearing under my shirts... it's just generaly embarrsing and doesn't look very stylish..

Can anyone reccommend a good compression vest that is very wide at the neck so I can easily hide them under t-shirts? Preferebly available in Australia, but overseas is fine if it is a highly reccommended shirt.

I've looked around here a bit, but couldn't find anything specifically made to be of low visability? Someone please help!


I like these Body Shaping Garments for patients in the process of losing weight, stabilizing a problem, or saving for surgery. We have them in the office for patients to try on. They can provide an amazing temporary emotional band-aide. We have the patient try them on with clothing. This brand so far has been the best for the contouring and comfort. Many who owned other companies' garments tell us that they liked this one better.

This Underworks Gynecomastia Compression Garment is much less expensive but not as effective from what I have seen.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia of Male Chest Ptosis - Sagging and Male Mastopexy Chest Lift Sculpture


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