Author Topic: Tribulus Supplement  (Read 2358 times)

Offline kaiseroll7

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I have done research on the tribulus supplement which is known to increase testosterone levels.  I was wondering if taking this supplement would aid in decreasing gland size because of the increase in testosterone.  If anyone has any information on this subject it would be great thanks.

Offline Gynosaur

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This is taken from the Wikipedia article about tribulus:

"The extract is claimed to increase the body's natural testosterone levels and thereby improve male sexual performance and help build muscle. T. terrestris has consistently failed to increase testosterone levels in controlled studies.[8][9][10] It has also failed to demonstrate strength-enhancing properties.[11] However, many supplement brands have sold products that combine various herbs with T. terrestris, with debatable effects."

Unless it's a steroid, don't count on any ingested substance to increase your testosterone levels.  Herbal testosterone boosters have turned out to be expensive but useless wastes of money, time after time after time.

That being said, even if you were to increase your testosterone levels, it probably wouldn't do anything about the size of the gland.  Once it's there, it's typically there to stay (unless you are still at the tail end of that case you might still 'grow out of' your gyno).

If you decide to take steroids because you're bent on increasing your testosterone, be sure to use an estrogen blocker during the cycle and when tapering off the stuff.  Otherwise you could end up with even bigger glands.  I'm not a steroid user so my knowledge of estrogen blockers, etc. is pretty basic.  If you want more specifics, there are probably people on this forum (and certainly people on other web forums) who could give you some better info.

Offline jsboob

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Yes, excess testosterone in the body will in fact convert into Estrogen! This happens due to an enzyme called Aromatse. So you could end up with even bigger boobs!
 Steriod ( synthetic testosterone) abusers often take Aromatase inhibitors, not estrogen blockers, males need SOME Estrogen.
 You need to tested to find out if you have low T, its no good just taking some for the hell of it! Hormones arent candy!

Like Gynosaur says, even if you have low T, taking extra to get to normal levels would not make established gynecomastia vanish. Same as there is no herb or drug that would make your big toe vanish! Once its there, only way to get rid is by using a sharp knife!
( hence the reason Ive still got 38B boobs!)
« Last Edit: May 24, 2010, 10:39:19 AM by jsboob »


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